10 New Poll Questions
November 27, 2009 Posted by Tyler CruzFirst, I must apologize for the lack of creativity put into this title.
Two months ago I added polls to my blog and put up 8 polls for you guys to answer. 144 of you filled them out which was a lot better than I was expecting the turnout to be, so I was quite pleased with the result.
As I mentioned in my original post, polls are a fantastic way to gain a quick summary of what your visitors want in the form of numerical data.
In addition, while polling visitors can help me personally make decisions and find out information, when visitors can see what the current vote results are, I think they also in turn provide interesting content to the reader.
Therefore, here are 10 new poll questions for you guys. They vary in topic and theme, which is partly why I was unable to come up with a decent title for this post. Some of them are also not useful to me in the form of data, but are simply there to satisfy my curiosity.

Hey Tyler,
Some good questions in there – I can’t believe I’ve been following your blog for so long!
Were there any results from the last polls that surprised you?
Not really… they actually were pretty much exactly what I had predicted.
The only surprises were that 9 people 12 and under read my blog (I consider that to be very young) and that there are a lot of big earners who visit (in response to the “How much do you make online per month on average?” question).
Fun post, but I didn’t find my answer in the Q about Publisher Challenge. I don’t participate because I don’t like you. J/K haha.
I could not answer the Publishers Challenge question either. Although I do ‘some’ affiliate marketing, I don’t to PPC – and I don’t have the volume to compete otherwise.
If I get into PPC to drive traffic to offers – I do have Publishers Challenge in my mind.
Wow. Good questions! I like it.
Ok I like doing polls, filled them all out =D Bring on more Polls I say! =D
Till then,
Thanks for sharing the poll results,
nice pools man. i can’t wait for the result…
Tyler, you really don’t have to apologize us. Because you have really made the post interesting by your votes. This is the first time I am commenting in your blog and I have to say this. You have a great blog mate. Really informative.
Ok, I have voted as per my own perspective. May be after this all votings have been casted you can have a better idea how people want to engage in your website. This is one idea i am taking home from your blog. To write a post with voting and get the notion of people. Thanks.
I was surprised so few people have purchased a MMO e-book. Most of them are useless, but there are a few good ones.
I just don’t feel like they could add much value or that I could find something similar with a Google search for free.
A week after last crappy post what does he do? Post a lame poll
Wow, you are geting lazier by the day
I know you are, but what am I?
Sorry Tyler, but he has a point. This post is quite lame. Instead of posting quality content, you put up a survey? This post is simply a way for you to acquire more demographic information. Do you really expect people to answer completely truthfully either?
It’s just interesting to see, calm down.
This poll post is not that lame though, I enjoy it and have answered all the question too. Sometimes it’s interesting to know what does our reader like and what they really want.
According to this comment you should be ashamed of wanting to find out more about your audience. God forbid that you would actually want to know more about who’s reading your blog and try to tailor some of your content to your actual readers.
I for one enjoyed finding out more about who is following you, and was amazed to think back and realize I’ve been touching base with your blog since 2007.
97 people filled this out already, and over a holiday weekend- that’s pretty good! I filled it out too, though I’m not sure if I count because I’m not an affiliate, but oh well, I’m still a reader!
How come Dina? I always wondered this about network employees, surely the temptation to dabble must be huge? Is there something in your contract that says “no affiliate marketing”.
Tyler, you got way more responses than what I would have expected based on what I’ve noticed from some other very big bloggers doing similar in the past. Kudos fella.
There’s lots of reasons, but depends on who you ask. Some prefer the team environment to working at home, or the job security. There are a lot of benefits to working at a network!
How is this post lame. I actually like looking at the results
Very interesting questions Tyler. I like the fact that you coninue to try and grab the pulse of your readers.
Nice poll…well I think you are targeting affiliate marketers on that poll hahaha…
Thanks for that poll, I had fun answering.
Is there something wrong with targeting affiliate marketers with his poll?
Fun post, but I didn’t find my answer in the Q about Publisher Challenge. I don’t participate because I don’t like you. J/K haha.
I’ve filled out all of the questions above Tyler. An interesting poll as I could find an answer for all the questions, you know some polls out there might made me headache as there was no answer that I want to pick for the question.
I’ve been following your blog for quite some times, more than 6 months I believe. I just want to say you’re a great guy and there is a lot of things that I want to learn from you.
I was answering some of the questions and then I saw the publisher challenge question…I feel like a goof ball because I don’t really know what is it!
Try http://publisherchallenge.com
Hey Tyler,
Great poll. Can you tell me what is the poll plugin that u used for this (if it’s a plugin).
Write more about your affiliate marketing journey, those were good!
I link to it in my original poll post which is linked in the beginning.
Interesting to see the result…… I wonder how honest people have truly been
Whoa.. Too many poll..
I will vote next..
I’m too tired to read..
I think that the title is just fine.
Yay, polls are fun. I was surprised to see so many people with the same answers as me.
Yeah, I love doing polls!
I’ve vote ..
good questions
Yay, polls are fun. I was surprised to see so many people with the same answers as me.Great
great questions….
very good questions
very good articles.
I think the survey was a meaningful thank you.
wow, that’s a good number voting on the poll…How a about another set of polls again tyler? lol
Wow I can’t believe the high number of pointless replies. You really need to try to limit the spam comments like that Tyler. Comments like these are even worse than this poll blog post itself.
How is this post lame. I actually like looking at the results
very good article.
thank you very much
thanks quality test
You should make another poll post with more questions
Polls are a great way to get feedback on something, I love answering polls and seeing the results of them
I think that the title is just fine.
i wonder what Affiliat site you use and i’d been noticing your using Peerfly..
do you have Neverblue ads?
I think that the title is just fine.
Cool Poll! Thanks a lot.
I think that the title is just fine.
Very interesting questions Tyler. I like the fact that you coninue to try and grab the pulse of your readers.
Hello Tyler, I did all the poll questions, hopefully you gain some valuable information about your readers.
Regards, David
I am just surprised that the majority of the people who took the vote own 50+ domains. Interesting results.
Just to let you know, I have been reading your blog for about 2 years or so, I only click on banners if they interest me. Usually, it is things related to making money online. I don’t click on banners that are related to web hosting/designing etc.
Tyler, you really don’t have to apologize us. :/
I actually like looking at the results (: