2 More Reasons Why You Should Hire Interberry
July 18, 2010 Posted by Tyler CruzI last recommended Interberry 7 months ago in a post which you can read here (I highly recommend reading that post if you haven’t already). In fact, I’ve only ever made 2 posts recommending and promoting them, but you guys listened to my advice and 54 of you actually contacted them.
Of those 54 enquiries, 21 continued on to receive actual quotes, and of those 21 quotes, 11 of them actually went through with the projects.
Kudos to you guys for having an idea and actually following through on it. So many people have ideas and like to tell their friends and family about how good their ideas are, but never actually do anything about it. 54 of you at least attempted to do so, and so I salute you.
I have been working with Interberry for a year and a half now and have got them to do two very large projects for me. So far, I’ve commissioned roughly $11,000 worth of work from them, so you can be sure that I personally like and use these guys.
In fact, after I write this post I’m going to get them to add some more cool features to Movie-Vault.com (which they made for me) including full Facebook integration.
Work with Interberry and you will get your own private team assigned to your project. Here was my team for PublisherChallenge:
Remember how I said that 11 of you actually listened to me and went ahead and hired Interberry for your projects? Well below are testimonials from 2 of those 11 people:
Greg’s Testimonial
Greg is a lurker of my blog who trusted my recommendation of Interberry and hired them for not 1 but 2 projects. He was so happy with how the first project turned out that he hired them again a few months later for another project of his.
FantasyPickup.com is a very unique idea for a website. While I think that the idea itself may be difficult to grow and monetize, I do think that it is a very interesting idea.
Basically, it’s a type of online scoreboard that is meant to help push you out of your comfort zone and be less shy with the ladies. As I am very shy myself, I can really understand how this game can help some people.
In FantasyPickup, you and your friends agree to a set of rules (that you make yourselves) and assign points to different actions. For example, going up to a pretty girl in the mall and asking what the time is could be worth 1 point while actually asking a girl out could be worth 30 points.
The points are put into the website which keeps track of everybody’s score and the winner could receive some cash, bragging rights, or whatever the group of friends decide.
Below is a YouTube video describing how the game works in more detail:
I personally believe that using competition and games is one of the best and most fun ways to do things, so I do like this website idea. I just think that it may be a bit hard to market and monetize.
But Greg had an idea and went with it, and Interberry helped make it happen.
“To Everyone,
I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone for making Fantasy Pickup a reality. It was very refreshing working with such a competent group of individuals. Your professionalism and pride in your work did not go unnoticed.
I hope to do future business with Interberry and will be happy to refer others to do the same.
Thanks Again,
Brackulous.com is a sports pool website in which users can join a public pool, private pool, or even create their own sports pool.
The website appears to still be under a bit of construction – mainly content such as the about and FAQ pages, but it looks like the core of the system is complete. I wonder if Greg is planning to allow users to place actual bets on the website in the form of cash.
It’s not a bad idea for a website. I would actually recommend for Greg to expand the site a bit though, and not have it focus exclusively on sports. For example, a lot of computer gamers run private tournaments for games such as Starcraft. It would be cool if users could create their own single or double elimination brackets on Brackulous, and then be able to link to the brackets and/or insert the dynamic images into their websites.
“I would like to thank Interberry for another job well done. Everything was handled in a professional way and the quality of work was exceptional.
A special thanks goes to Bijoy for his hard work and dedication on a project that proved to be more difficult than expected. It’s never easy modifying existing code from another developer but we were still able to finish the job successfully.
Looking forward to working with you again in the future.
Thanks again,
Stefan Kalevski’s Testimonial
Stefan Kalevski is another lurker of my blog but also a long-time reader.
EmailMarketing.rs is an e-mail list management website that looks to be the Russian version of AWeber, only cheaper.
Developing such a site is no easy task, and requires a lot of backend programming. Due to the sheer volume of e-mails and lists being managed, proper server and programming resource management is also vital to developing such a website.
While it looks like the English version of the site is still being translated, I like the overall look of the front-end of the site. In fact, I remember hearing from Interberry now that the site is in it’s final stages of development now and isn’t 100% done which explains the translation not being done as well as a few other minor areas of the website
But overall, I really like how clean and user-friendly the website is. A site like this could really do well with proper marketing.
“I am a long time reader of Tyler’s blog and when I was looking for a proven development company for my project I was lucky to see Tyler’s review about Interberry. From the review I concluded that the guys from Interberry were capable of developing complex projects, so I decided to contact and hire them.
My project wasn’t easy and it required a lot of advanced knowledge in the area of advanced email marketing systems and the implementation of latest email authentication standards.
Now that my project is nearing completion, I can only say that I never regretted hiring Interberry as they are really professional in what they do and are always very helpful.
Stefan Kalevski”
It’s Not Just Me
See? It’s not just me. Above are 2 glowing testimonials from readers of my blog who hired Interberry and are very happy with the results.
Need Programming Done? Try Interberry
I’m sure many of you have hired numerous programmers in the past that left you unsatisfied, I know I have. If you like the programming of PublisherChallenge and Movie-Vault, then you’ll be happy with Interberry.
They prefer to work on larger projects ($3k+) and really enjoy working on big projects ($7k+). They have the staff to take on almost anything you can throw at them, so be sure to take advantage of that.
They excel in web programming and developing CMS (content management systems), and are therefore great for most website ideas you have. They don’t do Flash or iPhone apps, but can do Facebook apps.
You can find them of course at Interberry.com in which you can request a quote, phone them toll-free at +1-888-367-1110 (during 9:30am to 6:30pm Indian Standard Time), or if you’re like me then you’ll want to talk to them via Skype chat. Add cheb.iberry to your Skype contact list for that.
I really don’t like revealing my sources when it comes to designers and programmers so please let them know that Tyler sent you so that I can get some discounted work done from them in the future. That’s how you can repay me back for sharing such a great resource with you
Let me know how your project with them goes – hopefully you can be the next person giving a satisfied testimonial!
I will not confirm or deny that I’ve done a project with Interberry ;
So what was the point of the comment?
Go back to peddling those $7 ebooks kido
U maaaaaaaaaad!
From all of what I read from your posts Tyler, Interberry is definitely the way to go for anyone looking for a great company service to do some coding for them. I would also say one thing that is kind of not really mentioned here, but judging by the photo you posted, I really liked the fact that to me they seem very professional, and their work place looks very professional as well. In the past I have seen some Indian offices where they work from, and I have seen some really bad places, that just irked me for some reason. This is definitely a top notch company!
Till then,
Yeah, they’re located in Southern India in Cochin, Kerela, which is, from what I hear, a richer part of India.
I actually have had a few video Skype calls with the owner and he showed me around his office. It is indeed very clean and his office had large windows, air conditioning (I don’t even have air conditioning in my office), and a coffee maker.
When I start projects with him, he’ll get on video Skype with me and bring in “my” team into his office. I remember for Movie-Vault.com they all came in and some had a pad of paper and a pen and looked like reporters, taking notes on the conversation. They were, in fact, just asking me detailed questions about the project and clarifying what exactly I wanted done.
I really thought that was cool.
You talk about this team as if you expected them to work in shacks with minimal resources. Are we supposed to be impressed that they have air conditioning and a coffee maker? As for your video conferences, it sounds like you get impressed too easily. If you overpay for programming like this, you sure better get extras like professional video conferences. Personally I’d rather pay much less for programming.
I suspect this comment might be removed (or not approved?) but I just want to express my view on this. You’re probably the first to admit, Tyler, that you have come in for some ridicule over the years from the ‘blogosphere’ and other webmasters. I still read your blog every week for nostalgia’s sake (after all I started reading your blog about 5 years back now).
But dude, seriously, I think your tactics on this are poor – and I think you’re showing a lack of respect for your readers. You tell us in this post that you’ve commissioned $11,000 worth of work to them. Fair enough. I haven’t been counting but I think this about your third post dedicated solely to promoting Interberry. Again, fair enough. But I think you should be up front about your vested interest. It was quite obvious (to anyone other than the staggeringly naive) that the very first time you mentioned their name it was partially motivated by savings/money. You very briefly mentioned in an old unrelated post under your costs:
“Programming: $3,055.00 (My programming costs were actually a bit over $10,000, but I got crazy discounts from Interberry by referring close to $50,000 worth of projects to them)” – instead of making it clear you commissioned 11k worth of work – tell people that you actually only handed over 3 grand.
You give them a length, glowing review – perhaps justified, but before your readers lay out $5k on a project they should know part of the reason you’re recommending the company is because you will gain financially.
I already disclosed in the post that they give me discounts for people I send in:
“I really don’t like revealing my sources when it comes to designers and programmers so please let them know that Tyler sent you so that I can get some discounted work done from them in the future. That’s how you can repay me back for sharing such a great resource with you :-)”
If I wanted to blindly throw people their way I wouldn’t have mentioned the discounted work, or would have used an actual tracking URL.
My feelings of Interberry are more than genuine and true, but why _wouldn’t_ I like some type of compensation/reward for sending them work? And I’m just getting discounts here on future work, so I obviously really use and enjoy them.
I do this with everything, BTW. People ask who my mascot designer is, and/or I’ll do an occasional post saying who it is. He’s an awesome designer and really great, but since I’m doing him a favour and getting him clients (as well as my blog readers a favor for finding out about him), he gives me discounts or free modifications. It’s a win-win-win situation for everybody IMHO.
If I’m doing a paid review I make an even bigger disclosure that I was paid money for the review, but for something like this, where I have worked with the company for a year and half, love them, and have spent my own money on them, I think my small blurb near the end insinuating that I get discounts on referred clients is more than enough.
Meh, if you’re satisfied to make your living that way then fine. I would just echo the sentiment of most people in saying I think your blog is a lightweight (if not laughable) ‘resource’ for internet entrepreneurs. You know your blog doesn’t contain information which is genuinely helpful. You’re so protective of your largely unsuccessful affiliate marketing efforts that you won’t disclose your traffic sources or deals, for example. You write these long winded posts recommending some Indian programmers (I know your readers are stupid, but come on, I’m sure they’re smart enough to find themselves a coder?). No-one remotely serious and/or successful reads your blog.
I miss the good old days when you were a young, upstart kid blazing a trail. That dude who’d sit in front of a video camera talking from the heart about your projects and deals etc. So much more spontaneous and unscripted. There’s nothing unique or appealing about what you do now.
Tim, I believe you are genuinely sad person for generalizing like that. I’m successful and yet a loyal reader of the blog.
You don’t need to get a step by step guide every site you visit, experience will teach you those.
Best of luck,
Scorpiono (Sergiu)
Haha Tim.. you think there are people that come and read a blog about someone trying to make money online that don’t realize there is a monetary motive behind every post they read? You dumbass.
P.S. Finding a coder isn’t hard. Finding a GOOD and RELIABLE coder can be extremely difficult.
Dude, just more on. For someone who hates this much, why dont you just move on.
I’m not asking for a step by step guide – I run a successful business and taught myself almost everything I know. When I was a kid I gleaned some useful information from reading blogs like Tyler’s. But you’re fooling yourself if you think this blog brings anything (and I mean anything) to the table these days.
Reading through the comments you can see the calibre of reader. Good litmus test: if you’re coming to Tyler’s blog to comment on his posts for (what is presumably) a no-follow backlink – you’re probably not making bank.
It just saddens me that Tyler has lost his spark. And seriously, ‘Bob’ – when you have the paper, academic qualifications I do I might start listening. Oh, and we can compare cash flow anytime you like :).
looks like they are worth checking out. I have had endless issues with remote programmers in the past so it is always good to have a recommended company to look into. Cheers.
Don’t think you can wrong with this team. I’ve heard quite a few good words about them from a lot of people and seem to be an extremely hard-working and professional lot.
If it weren’t for you, I’d probably run away from their site the minute I see them. They should improve that – I believe they are stuck with so many projects they neglect their own image.
I’ll give them a shot in the close future.
Yes their website is definitely lacking. They would likely be a lot busier if they gave their website a facelift. When a company does any kind of website design or programming services, this is quite crucial. It’s like a marketing company that has poor search engine rankings and low PR.
I have to agree with this. The site does look a bit too barebones, like a startout blog page so if they would spruce it up to give it a more modern and corporate look, their business would probably double.
This was my first time using Interberry and I was very very pleased. The project started out as a simple ftp issue and needing to configure a php backup script to backup files on our remote server. Interberry had to access the router via logmein on our remote LAN network and open the proper ports. But there were issues with the ports, but they went over and above and got it done anyways. They kept true to their promise of professionalism and knowledge. I now have several more projects I will be giving to Interberry. The best company I have worked with yet…and very diverse in their programming knowledge.
Pity their minimum contract size is $3k I have a load of stuff I would like to get off the ground, but that budget is too rich for my blood
While they prefer to work on larger projects ($3K+), they do accept smaller ones. It’s just that the way they allocate their resources (project manager, programmer, designer, etc.) that they prefer larger projects.
Their hourly rate is only $15, but a small project that requires only 30 hours of work is already $450. They’ll take smaller projects, but just don’t want to take on too many $50 projects as that is not a good use of their time and resources you know?
Tyler Cruz audience of your blog is very good here in Brazil, I’m always following your articles. Congratulations!
Interberry seems to be a nice commission earning source for publishers. Will look forward to more from them in future.
When they code up project for someone, do they perform the front-end design work too? Or just back-end work?
They do front-end design as well, but in my two big projects with them I hired another designer to design the website in PSD as she specializes in design and Interberry’s strong point is their programming.
I then had Interberry convert the PSD to XHTML/CSS which they are very good at. If you have a big budget and are looking for top notch graphics, then you may want to consider doing what I did, otherwise Interberry is more than capable of making good designs.
Here’s another site they did: http://www.laptopkey.com/
Good review, I know you’ve used them a lot in the past. It is actually good that you posted this now since I was looking for a company to work on a couple of projects I have in the que. I will have to contact them.
P.S. You need to give us an update about how the game is coming along.
Thank you for advising Interberry. It seems like a legitimate company that could handle serious programming projects.
Anyway, I might use it for some future projects…
Looks good – I am looking to have one of my sites completely over hauled at the end of the year
Looks like Interberry may be the way to go
If it weren’t for you, I’d probably run away from their site the minute I see them. They should improve that – I believe they are stuck with so many projects they neglect their own image.
Tyler Cruz audience of your blog is very good here in Brazil, I’m always following your articles.
their website is down often, which is hurting my trust in them
Good review, I know you’ve used them a lot in the past. ;))
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