A Review of 6 Day Weekend
September 12, 2009 Posted by Tyler CruzThe following is a paid review and is completely of my own opinion and is not influenced by being paid. If you’re interested in having me review your site or product, please view my advertising page.
With affiliate marketing being a multi-billion dollar business, there is no shortage of affiliate marketing training products and services out there. Some provide training via videos, some are in eBook format, while others are presented as podcasts. But what all of them have in common is one thing: they cost money, whether it be a monthly membership cost or a one-time fee.
6 Day Weekend is a video training site geared towards teaching affiliate marketing, and it is 100% free.
Whenever you hear the word free these days, it’s hard to change your immediate thoughts from scepticism. However, I can tell you that after signing up to the site and reviewing it carefully myself, that 6 Day Weekend is legitimately free without any BS.
What’s pleasantly surprising, is that there are no upsells or a myriad of ads blockading you from the content. I was able to sign-up and watch any of the 90+ videos without any hassle.
Upon purchasing this paid review, Sean Morrissy, the creator of 6 Day Weekend wrote to me:
“I am looking to create some paid products in the future, but I want to give away a ton of stuff first, hence the free videos.”
So the free videos are a way of building both credibility and awareness at the same time for those of you who are wondering why or how the videos are being given away for free.
Now, there is one small link on the site where Sean is promoting his one-on-one mentorship program, but he is in no way pushing it on you and it is only mentioned on one page.
His Story
While Sean Morrissy never directly states exactly how much he is making from affiliate marketing, from what I have gathered after listening to a number of videos, I’d estimate he’s making anywhere from around $30,000 to $100,000 a month.
He has a 15-minute video on the site which summarizes and condenses his life story well which I recommend listening to. It it told very humorously yet earnestly and some of the stories include: spies, porn, and an eBook product he created which was targeted for people who were going to jail teaching them how to prepare for going to jail, lol.
Signing Up
In order to watch the videos on the site, you’ll need to create an account.
Fortunately, signing up is painless and only requires a username and password. I managed to sign up, log in, and start watching my first video literally within about 10-12 seconds. I didn’t even need to confirm my e-mail.
It’s weird though… while I was able to log in immediately after creating my account, I received an e-mail that said:
“Before we can let you login, we want to be certain we have your permission.“
It contained an AWeber subscription link, but I never did end up clicking on it. My assumption is that it was intended for members to have to click on that link (thus subscribing to the AWeber list) in order to have their account authenticated and approved before being able to watch the videos, but if that is the case, then it does not appear to be working properly since I was able to log in without doing so.
This is something Sean and his programmer Paul might want to look into as he’ll be losing out on double opt-in AWeber leads until the glitch is fixed.
Indeed, 6 Day Weekend was just launched last week so it is likely the case that it’s just a temporary glitch.
In any case, signing up is painless and fast.
The Videos
There are currently over 90 videos available on the site, covering topics such as: Pay Per Click, Research, Social Marketing, and SEO to name a few. Each topic has a lot of videos for pertaining to that particular topic.
For example, some of the Pay Per Click topic videos include: Making Full use of your Google Conversion Code, Unleashing AdBrite Advertising, and Creating Landing Pages that Google falls in Love with.
At first, I thought that there was a total of 36 videos (3 per topic), which is already a lot of videos for free, but I was wrong. If you look at the Lessons page as shown in the screenshot below, you can see how that is an easy mistake to make:
After e-mailing Sean asking him why he told me that there were 90 videos available when I could only count 36, he replied informing that each category, or topic, was linked to more videos!
So in fact, some categories actually have over a dozen videos each (as opposed to just 3) as seen in the below screenshot!:
The average video is around 8-minutes-long which may seem short but actually isn’t too bad. There is a lot of valuable information packed into each one so you do feel that you have learned something after even only 8-minutes.
Surprisingly, even averaging only 8-minutes per video, with over 90 videos that works out to 12 hours of video content. Let me rephrase that: that’s 12 hours of free video content.
That’s pretty freaking amazing when you think about it. What 6 Day Weekend is giving away for free with virtually no upsells or sales pitches, others are charging literally hundreds (or even thousands) for. I hate to sound like a pitchman myself, but that really is amazing.
The actual content on the videos is actually quite good. They are not full of a lot of hyperbolic statements or claims that so many other products consist of, and are not done in an over-the-top greasy salesman way either. They are simple, straight-to-the-point videos without a lot of fluff.
I actually really recommend watching them. There is a lot of good information there and it’s always good to learn new things, or even relearn things you may already know but may have forgotten about.
Some of the videos are especially good such as: How to pick the best Products to Promote in which Sean explains in detail how he decides which offers to promote by comparing landing pages, traffic ranking, and market saturation.
Now, the videos don’t reveal anything ‘secret’ or never-heard-of-before marketing techniques, but that’s simply because there are no secrets. Most of the videos are common-sense business and marketing techniques, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn a thing or two from them.
I would say that for skill level, that the videos are most useful for newer or beginning affiliate marketers, but like anything there is always something that experienced marketers could learn and benefit from.
In fact, I’d be surprised if there is anyone out there who could walk away after watching all the videos without learning anything.
My Suggestions
Since this is a review, I thought I’d provide a few quick suggestions to Sean.
First, I’d recommend adding a free forum to the site. While it’s nice as it is, being very simplistic and all, one of the best ways to learn affiliate marketing is simply by discussing it with others.
Whether or not Sean decides to provide personal help on the forum or not, it would still be handy for users to discuss what they have learned from the videos with one another.
My only other suggestion would be to make it more apparent that there are more videos available for each topic! If I managed to think that there were only 3 videos per topic then I’m sure others would too.
A simple “More Videos” link would suffice, or even better, a number in parentheses stating the total number of videos in each category (Ex. Social Marketing (13)).
Mentorship Program
As mentioned earlier, the one thing that Sean links to on the site that isn’t free is his mentorship program.
What Sean is offering is a complete one-on-one mentorship program in which he acts as your personal affiliate marketing mentor to help you make money online. He has several testimonials from others he has helped, and insinuates that the least you should be making afterwards is $5,000 a month.
It is a great idea and is presented well. In fact, I have personally played with the idea myself of getting a true super affiliate to teach me in return for me being able to promote them. But Sean Morrissy’s mentorship program, which runs for 6-months, doesn’t seem very 1-on-1 to me.
First, you only get a 30-minute Skype call with him each week. That is not very much time, and if you’re anything like me, you could talk for hours without even realizing it.
Secondly, you are given “3 emergency emails’ a week in which you can contact Sean for important questions or concerns.
Finally, students must sign a contract. What the contract consists of is unknown to the public, but it would be nice to be able to view it before considering purchasing the mentorship program (such as it being linked to in a PDF file).
I hate limits, and a true mentorship program shouldn’t have them. I understand that Sean’s time is valuable, and indeed certain limits may need to be put into place especially if there are a lot of students, but a 30-minute call a week is nothing in my opinion. I personally would want somebody who is online everyday and who could help me at least several times per week.
I’d want them to be able to connect to my computer and help me tweak my campaigns, tell me what I’m doing wrong, how I can improve, etc. A 30-minute-a-week phone call is far too detached for me.
The price for the 6-month mentorship program is $3,000. While that may seem expensive, it’s really not depending on what you get out of it as a result. If you end up making $7,500 a month, you’ve given good credit to the “teach a man to fish” adage.
My issue with Sean’s mentorship program is therefore not with the price tag, but with the amount of actual one-on-one time being offered. Doing the math, a 6-month program is 24 weeks priced at $3,000. With a 30-minute Skype call once a week, that works out to a total of 12-hours, or $250/hour. So essentially you’re paying $250/hour. However, I discovered that there are on-site tuition services like the best igcse maths tutors that are also available online tutors for Sean’s Math mentorship program.
I don’t want to rag on his mentorship program too much though. After all, I DO love the idea of it. I would just like to see it improved with more actual one-on-one time to where I’d feel like I’m really being taught well and being taken care of. After all, while $3,000 may not be a lot to a super affiliate like Sean, it’s a month’s salary for most people.
6 Day Weekend is an affiliate marketing video training site which is 100% free.
There is literally 12-hours (approximately) of useful video content available right at your fingertips.
I’m sure some of you have wanted to buy a lot of other products and training services out there but couldn’t afford the $59-$499 price tag they require.
Here’s your solution.
This is a well-written review of what appears to be a great product, Tyler. I am definitely going to send many of my “how do I do it” readers here, as well as work through the videos myself.
A word about the video lengths .. I think the 8 minute orr so length is great. I fits most people’s attention span better. It fits ‘real life’ better … starting a one hour video is a guarantee for someone at the door, a phone call, a kitchen disaster, etc. for me, (if you are lobely, start watching a video LoL) and most importantly, even people on fast connections sometimes have trouble with long videos … much better to keep them bite sized.
I really liked this product example. People always talk about finding customers who desperately need something and filling that need. Since prison is the US’s number one growth industry, I think this one could be a winner.
I think that a forum would be nice. It would help those newbies by asking some seasoned experts.
These videos will even help those that have been doing internet marketing for some time now. Thank for the heads up on this wonderful free service Tyler.
I have done coaching many times before, and I have found that 60 minute sessions are usually perfect. Not too long, and not too short.
If the coach you’re working with is good, they can usually cut through the crap and find the root of the problem you’re running into pretty quickly.
The trick is to focus your coaching sessions on getting answers to very specific questions you’re stuck on, not chit-chatting about the weather.
The biggest problem I’ve always had with coaches is access to them in between calls. For example, you may have like a 30 second question to ask them, but if it takes like a week to get the answer it slows everything down to a crawl.
That’s why I think it’s imperative to have access to ask questions at any time, even if it’s via email only.
I signed up. Thanks.
I would love to hear what you think of it since you signed up.
For those who want to watch the video content at a later date or outside of a Flash player (such as in VLC), the following is useful:
wget -np –mirror http://www.sixdayweekend.com/videos/
This will let you mirror all of the video content to a local disk
Do they allow to download their movies that way?
what a nice review… thanks for sharing this
I like how they have a “the catch” section on their page to briefly explain that its free lol. But for some reason, I feel as though there is a catch further than that.
But it does look worth while, I’ll check it out and if its worth while, I may let me readers know about it as well.
This site sounds like it could help a lot of strugling internet marketers. Especially newbies. I will give it a look and see if there is anything that will help me.
I agree that this sounds like a great site for anyone involved in affiliate marketing. It is nice that they give away all the free videos. I would be worried that they would push their paid program too much. Many free tips sites require you to join a newsletter where they hammer you with info about their paid programs.
I don’t see this as a problem. They my push a product but you have no obligation to purchase it. You can always opt out of their list if get annoyed with their sales pitches.
It’s good to know that there is review like this. The video is great and very useful for the affiliate marketers.
well all the things I want to say have been said already so I just want to say this:
CLASS!!!! thank you.
I already signed up tyler! looking forward for this one. thank you
I have signed up. Thanks for the detailed review. Like you, I’m always skeptical about products labelled as ‘free’ but this seems to be legitimate and contains some very useful information.
Very interesting, your site has very good information. lol
I can’t login after i registered ..
username shafi100
Please help.
You will need to contact Sean at the site… I don’t own the site
Tyler, I am glad you had a positive experience & I am curious to know, what is exactly your involvement in it as affiliate?
I’m not an affiliate of it, he purchased a paid review.
I am sure Tyler, that as a blogger, you gave a opinion that is authentic enough for you, but what reviewed wasn’t the affiliate marketing program people would land up into, but it’s ad. Are you sure that would bring value to your readers?
What? Unless he changed the site since I reviewed it, what my review states is exactly what I experienced.
Just signed up as well… looking forward to checking this out in more detail.
Hi Tyler,
Thank you for the review.
You did it well and your advice was taken because the hole with AWeber has been plugged up and a person has to opt in to a list now.
I have not confirmed yet. But most likely will since I trust your review is fair in spite of it being a paid one. Thanks for saying that upfront.
I’d have to decide which videos to watch since 12 hours is a long time.
Dude, I just wanted to ask you if you are sure about its value as it. But I sounded to good to be true. However, I checked it out recently & I definitely agree with you. It is a great stuff, indeed!
Tyler, in this cynical & fraud world, only few things like 6dayweekend are worth it, what do you think?
Took quite a long time to get through all the information, Its a really long post
Great review by the way
uhmm…this is confusing.
What is it that confuses You soo much?
Thanks for the review of 6 Day Weekend, seems worth checking out.
what a nice review… thanks for sharing this.Very interesting your site has very good info it helps me alot..^_^
Network Marketing
[…] couple of months. So it was by chance that I happened to check his blog on a day that he had done a paid review for Sean Morrissey’s newly-launched Six Day Weekend website. For those of you who […]
I really liked this product example. People always talk about finding customers who desperately need something and filling that need. Since prison is the US’s number one growth industry, I think this one could be a winner.