Advertising Opportunities on My Site
March 25, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzWarning: This post is completely selfish. But I’m allowed to make a selfish post once in a while, aren’t I?
The month of March is nearing an end, and if things continue the way they have been, I won’t make a new blog income record (“Oh, the horror!”), or even come close for that matter. Therefore, I’m writing this post in the hopes of selling my unsold ads before the end of the month.
Please note that none of my ads are in rotation; you receive 100% of the impressions.
Site Traffic & Reach
Monthly Unique Visitors: 17,000
Monthly Unique Pageviews: 30,000
RSS Readership: 1,400+
Alexa Ranking: 31,900
Technorati: 4,527

Target Audience
Visitors of are typically males ranging between 15 and 40 in age. The vast majority of readers are entrepreneurs, programmers, designers, developers, businessmen, and technology enthusiasts. Since this blog revolves around earning an income online, readers are often interested in trying out new products and services related to web development, or entrepreneurialism. However, from creating different products that may add contribution to the world we are living in, a good company like InventHelp is the right patent services you need!
Side Sitewide 125×125 Banner
I currently have TWO one sitewide 125×125 banner available. Priced at $40 a month, they are displayed across 100% of the site.
Top Sitewide 728×90 Leaderboard
This extremely prominent ad is priced at $300 a month and is shown completely sitewide.
I just sold my Embedded 300×250 Banner a couple days ago, and the advertiser has already received 49 clicks after 2 days. That works out to a $0.20 CPC, which is an extremely good rate for such targeted traffic especially in this competitive niche.
Now, I don’t have such stats for my leaderboard banners, and it is important to note that the Embedded 300×250 Banner probably performs better since it is the only ad that is displayed in my RSS feed, but I’d imagine for my 728×90 leaderboard to still give decent results considering it’s prominent position.
Peel Away Ad
Nobody has been purchasing my newly added Peel Away Ad! You can find it at the top right of my blog. It can be purchased on a weekly basis through AdToll. It is currently priced at $15 a week, so for $60/month you can grab it.
I think partly why it hasn’t been selling it because people don’t have the proper ad creative for it… but once you have it, you won’t need to get it again, so it’s not a bad investment.
Paid Review
Without trying to sound too much like a greasy used car salesman, my paid reviews are arguably the best value you’ll find. For $130, you can order a custom review written by me, on your website, service, or product. I cannot guarantee a positive review as it is after all a review and not one long ad. However, you will get the benefit of receiving an entire post written about your company or product in great detail.
Feel free to view some of the many past paid posts I wrote. Below are some recent ones:
- Retire at 21- Be Inspired
- Learn From a Stock Market Blog
- New Webmaster Forum on the Block
- Maximizing Blog Income- Real Life Example
I spend hours writing paid reviews. I research the site for at least an hour or two, take notes, write a rough draft, form a final draft, then polish it before publishing. My reviews are typically 1,300+ words.
Every single person that has ever purchased them have been extremely satisfied, with the exception of one advertiser who was angry not with the actual review, but because of the negative comments he received (he wanted me to delete them).
The only reason they are priced so cheap is because I’m trying to build demand for them. I have an RSS readership of 1,400 highly targeted readers, and so for the price, I think that my paid reviews are an absolute steal.
Let’s see if this post helps round up some new advertisers. I’ll need at least a few paid reviews to be purchased if I’m going to set a new income record…
“Warning: This post is completely selfish. But I’m allowed to make a selfish post once in a while, aren’t I?”
You should append that to the top of the last, what, 20 posts? It’s hilarious that you just now seem to get past your ego enough to notice how selfish you are.
kara why do you read his blog so often if you hate it. I think Tyler is doing a great job and his RSS numbers keep going up, so obviously he is bringing value to the community.
I would purchase a 125×125 if I wouldn’t be 8-9 ads down 😛
Good Point Jay, Tyler you should rotate the sidebar banners.
You don’t get more advertisers because there are too many ads, and many of them are poorly placed.
The 125×125 ads (on most blogs) are usually placed on a 2-column sidebar, which gives max exposure to the advertisers. On most blogs, I can see the six ads without the need to scroll down.
In your site I can only see half of the first ad (TTZ media) and my screen resolution is 1280px x 800px.
If you really want to start to make some dough I would recommend:
Pull down the Site Search & My sites (sidebar)
This is the most valuable space on your blog and you waste with a functionality that probably less than 0.1% of your visitors use.
Control Panel (left sidebar)
Absolutely useless. Again, you waste valuable ad space with something that no one uses.
If I’m paying for an ad, I want the sucker above the fold, not buried 10ft under!
You should get another blog design with a 300px sidebar. Look at your Recent Posts! Some of the titles waste 3 lines.
Just look at JC. At one time, he was having a hard time to monetize his blog. He did a new redesign and his blog earnings shot through the roof.
Very good suggestions Motorcycle Man, I completely agree.
I think that you couldn’t hit the nail on the head better. This comment is 100% spot on.
Some fantastic advice there – I always wonder whether Tyler reads his comments as he rarely responds to such valuable constructive criticism.
– Martin Reed
Agreed. 125×125 should be on the right, and most should show above the fold.
Also, do some case studies and success stories from people who advertised with you.
Yeah, I think all my ads are above the fold (125×125 and 468×60). If anyone is interested in purchasing a spot 🙂 lol…
But Tyler has his based on how long they have been advertising so it makes people want to remain with him. So, I guess there’s advantages and disadvantages…
[…] 3rd, almost a month since now, my RSS subscribers has risen by 50%. Granted they are not quite at Tyler’s level yet. It’s funny to think that more people have subscribed when I am not posting regularly. […]
Hi Tyler,
I’ve been reading your blog for some time now.. and started to see a trend.
Have you taken a look at your website in a while? All it is are a few guest posts, paid ads, paid ads, and paid ads… oh and a contest here and there.
Get back to the basics and stop worrying so much about the ads.
Ron I see your post. I am not a fan of websites with ads ALL over, but keep in mind this is his livelihood. No ads=no money=broke? I agree, it should go back to the way it used to be, but I believe that ads are essential as well.
Looks interesting.
[…] only reason they are priced so cheap is because I’m trying to build demand for them. I have an RSS readership of over 1,400 highly targeted readers, and so for the price, I think that my paid […]
[…] only reason they are priced so cheap is because I’m trying to build demand for them. I have an RSS readership of over 1,500 highly targeted readers, and so for the price, I think that my paid […]