Affiliate Competition: Tyler vs Gyutae, Week 1

August 20, 2008 Posted by Tyler Cruz

It’s been just over a week since I announced my personal affiliate competition against Gyutae from WinningTheWeb, and I’m sure a lot of you are interested in hearing how it’s gone so far.

Unfortunately, I have bad news. The truth is that I haven’t spent a single second on any of my campaigns since I published that post. In fact, I haven’t really done much work on my campaigns period, no matter the timeframe.

I know a lot of you will immediately proclaim this as laziness – and honestly, that is probably a part of it. But I’ve just been so busy lately. Part of the reason Gyutae and I ran this competition between us in the first place was to help kick ourselves into high fear and force ourselves to prioritize our self-learning of affiliate marketing.

I’ve just been so busy lately. My blog takes up a lot of time, especially lately with all of my MarketLeverage contests. Yesterday, for instance, I spent 3 hours setting up all the prizes for the next competition – and I still have to get them approved and confirmed! I also had orders for two new paid reviews this week, which always takes time.


On top of that, I have my couple dozen of sites to manage, and have been working a lot of hours on PublisherSpot the past 6 weeks as well.

But even with all this, I still find myself with available time that I could, and should, be working on my affiliate campaigns. After all, I haven’t touched my campaigns, even though I’m currently in this competition vs Gyutae and have been letting my campaigns lose me $30-40 per day simply because I have been too lazy (that’s what it boils down to) to do anything about it.

Then again, I don’t want to just eat, sleep, and work either. I need my own personal and social time as well.

But, those are still excuses. I know of several times where I didn’t do any work on my affiliate stuff simply because I was bored and tired of working and wanted to watch the Olympics or read a book. Heh, even as I type this blog post, I know that I’m going to take a break once I finish it.

I need to try to overcome these moments, and just work. If I don’t, I’ll continue to lose money on affiliate marketing and get nowhere. Even worse, I’ll have to concede the competition go Gyutae and record a humiliation video.

I really need to get cracking. I’ve already wasted a quarter of my time, and time is all too precious when it comes to affiliate marketing competitions…

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Posted: August 20th, 2008 under Affiliate Marketing  

16 Responses to “Affiliate Competition: Tyler vs Gyutae, Week 1”

  1. Bella says:

    Hey Tyler or anyone,
    Do you think I would make money quicker if I create a landpage?or blog?
    Hope you can answer ty
    Haha tyler I know what you mean in this post

  2. Hey Tyler,

    Do you think you can get me a free text link with keyword “free iPod Touch” to my website on your blog?

  3. Hey Tyler,

    Can you take a look at my website and suggest any tips to increase my revenue or any other ad networks I can join?

  4. Richard says:

    I don’t believe in quick money online unless it’s the grab a few bucks and that’s it method.

    It takes time to generate a good stream of solid income no matter what you do.

    By the way Tyler, you can still do it – you sound exactly like me when it comes to work. Just gets on top some times.

    The more you work nowm, the less you will have to later on 🙂

  5. EntreBlast says:

    No problem Tyler, it’s understandable! You’ll just have to work twice as hard this week to catch up! 😉

  6. Go Tyler! I supported you for your last contest against Gyutae and I will definitely support you again!

    Work hard and I bet you will beat Gyutae.

  7. I would suggest you talk to your competition winner on how to make some money with affiliate marketing. He seems to be getting it done!

  8. I would kinda like to see the humiliation video to be honest lol. It would probably get you a crapload of traffic anyways.

  9. Selly says:

    I just think why would people click on your landing page lol it looks like a niche by looking at it?

  10. Affiliate17 says:

    I feel the sameway sometimes. I haven’t tested anything in a while. Only because i’m lazy.

  11. It sounds to me like you’re feeling a bit burned out.

    Sometimes instead of trying to get your butt to work, the best strategy is to actually take a few days off to really do absolutely NOTHING and get some rest.

    Then when you come back, you feel recharged and ready to kick some butt.

    I had a similar thing happen to me just a few weeks ago and that’s what I ended up doing. Wrote about it here:

  12. hmm work lil harder tyler, and u will beat ur opponent with ease 😀

  13. Georgia says:

    I think both you and Gyutae have not done anything yet because you guys realize that this is just a friendly competition. I am sure if you compete for a big prize, you’ll do better and harder.

  14. […] Tyler Cruz discusses week one of his affiliate competition with Gyutae. [Tyler Cruz] […]

  15. […] between Gyutae Park and I is now just over halfway finished. Nine days ago, I mentioned how I was being very lazy with this competition and hadn’t spent a single second on […]
