An Update on my Submit Campaigns: Day 10
February 4, 2010 Posted by Tyler CruzI’ve been continuing to focus on my e-mail submit campaigns during the past few days. It’s rather addicting actually.
I’m really loving the change from promoting $30-$50 offers to promoting e-mail submits. I can find out if a campaign is working or not within hours, my risk is far less due to the low payout, there are countless submit offers out there to choose from, and I can direct link.
Being able to direct link actually saves me countless hours. When I built landing sites for my $30-$50 offers, they’d take me between 7-12 hours to build. Now I can launch 10 e-mail submits within 15-45 minutes.
$1,000+ Extra Profit per Month
Based off of 2 of my best performing e-mail submit campaigns from yesterday’s data, I profited $34. That works out to $1,000 a month.
Even being new to submit offers, after just 10 days from starting on them, I now have 2 offers that can bring in an additional $1,000 profit a month. That’s $1,000 extra cash each month I found out of nowhere, and it only took a week-and-a-half!
Now, this is of course assuming that those 2 campaigns can stay like that, but e-mail submit offers are usually “evergreen” campaigns in that they aren’t seasonal or won’t dry up overnight.
While I’m starting to see some profit come in, I’m by no means going to stop here. I’m only getting started. While there are limits to how much volume I can push with my traffic source, I have seen good progress since I started so I’m certain there is still more room to profit more.
One of my goals for 2010 was to hit an average of $100/day profit from affiliate marketing and I think that these e-mail submit offers may just be the key.
Here’s another screencast video of me showing and explaining my offers. You can skip ahead to around the 10-minute mark if you want to get straight to all the number talk:
If you’re reading this in an RSS viewer or via E-mail that you will probably not see the above video. In that case you will need to visit my blog via your browser in order to watch it:
Below is a screenshot for those who don’t want to watch the video:
Proof PeerFly Rocks
As mentioned in the beginning of the video above, PeerFly continues to prove why they’re one of the best affiliate networks out there by implementing the requests I made to their reporting stats.
I can now see the EPC, SubID’s of each offer, and the grand total at the bottom. This makes optimizing and evaluating my campaigns 10x easier (especially with the SubID addition).
If you haven’t signed up to PeerFly yet, you don’t know what you’re missing.
Glad to see you are making your way towards your $100/day goal! Keep it up Tyler.
My biggest problem working long hours is wrist problems. I got a new chair and that fixed my back but my wrist/arm get sore after a while. I’ve tried new keyboard, mouse, touchpad, etc nothing so far has fixed
How about trying one of those wrist things that bowlers use? It might help:
Yes wrist support like that may be your best bet. With excessive wrist problems you need to re-evaluate your computer setup. Sometimes the problem is just a desk that is too tall or a chair that is not at the best height. Another thing you can try is wrist workouts to build wrist strength.
I can now see the EPC, SubID’s of each offer, and the grand total at the bottom. This makes optimizing and evaluating my campaigns 10x easier (especially with the SubID addition). god for info
Hello Tyler, I must admit, I am very very curious about this new traffic source of yours. BTW I am sure you will hit $100/day just keep working at it!
These posts are shit. What’s the point? All you do is brag about how well you are doing (by earning 34 bucks, lol) and blast your peerfly affiliate link all over the place. No tips, no ideas, nothing of value.
Pure shit.
FU: Why do you read/watch it then?
I think it’s cool to see your progress Tyler, and please keep us updated.
Wow, won’t even bother to reply to some clown that has a cartoon as an avatar.
grow up, dork
Use your imagination to figure out that acronym.
Personally I think he’s got a point. These posts are little more than bragging about his progress. It’s not actually teaching us anything, especially with how Tyler is not sharing the traffic source. No offense, but watching our own daily stats is much more interesting.
If you don’t like his blogs, then why visit and get yourself agitated? There’s plenty of other places on the web for you to go and see what you like.
Till then,
hahaha, I love the “Till Then, Jean”
Hey, it’s my signature and I love it.
Till then,
Me too.
Till then,
I got a new chair and that fixed my back but my wrist/arm get sore after a while. I’ve tried new keyboard, mouse, touchpad, etc nothing so far has fixed
Awesome Tyler!
It’s like you just got a $12,000 annual raise
Not bad considering the economy is a bit blue.
$34/day is a decent start after only 10 days. I’m sure by expanding this to more offers you should be able to clear $100/day by the end of the month. Just remember not to over-rely on this traffic/income source and also build up other sources concurrently.
Congrats on getting closer to your goal. Keep us posted,
Food post
I’m assuming “Food Post” that was a typo for “Good Post” lol
Happy to hear you like the updates! We’ll have you hitting $100 profit a day in no time
You’ll be at $100/day in no time man, keep it up!
Peerfly is good, but I’m having problems getting approved. I only want to do ppc on it. Anychance you can refer me?
E-mail me your first and last name you signed up with.
Dang, that must feel nice saving all the time by not having to build out all those landing pages. Nicely done. Are you going to do it for a month to see if it reaches the $1,000 mark?
Yeah I can’t tell you how much faster and easier it is not having to deal with landing pages. However, that could possibly be partly why my CR is so low….
I’m still testing things, so no, I’m not just going to leave the working ones going, as I’m trying to see how far I can push it first.
I’ve seen you have so much proven earning in your blog, also I’ve tried Peerfly before but I got no idea how can I make a profit from there. Tyler, did you create a landing page for each campaign you ran? If you have 20 campaigns, then you’ll need to create 20 landing pages?
Or you buy a domain and redirect to the campaign website? And then use ppc to promote it?
I’m really interested to know more about that.
Thanks Tyler.
I’m just direct linking at the moment.
That means you’re playing by choosing the right campaign and keyword for PPC, that should need to have a lot of trial and error. But it’s good to try, you did it very well Tyler, will learn more from you.
Peerfly don’t like me as a part of their system. what is initial conditions to get approved ?
tyler, are you using PPC to drive traffic to those offers? since you said “direct linking” im curious. to me, email submits used to work a lot better with email campaigns usually. what about you
Congrats on getting closer to your goal. Keep us posted,
Good to see you’re doing well mate. Any start is a good one and once you’re seeing success it’s just scaling it up…
Applied to Peerfly through you as they look interesting but was rejected. Ah well, will work with another network.
Hello Jason, Did they offer a reason for rejection?
Direct linking usually makes your conversion rates go way down, so you might want to make simple landing pages and you’ll notice a big increase.
@Email Backup The conversion rate usually stays about the same. My friend tried out using an LP with a email submit on facebook and after everything was said and done, the conversion rate was the same.
To be honest… what are you trying to sell the people on… it’s just an email submit. I guess you can hype up the offer to make them really want it. IDK, maybe it depends on the traffic source.
Keep it up Tyler! I’m looking to hit 50-100$ days ASAP. This month has been mostly LOSS though
I love these posts myself, it’s great to see how an aff campaign is meant to go and what to expect from submits. I’m not sure what’s up vikings trumpet but as a PPC/PPV affiliate beginner i love the updates.
I’m looking to hit 50-100$ days ASAP. This month has been mostly LOSS though
I’m having problems getting approved. I only want to do ppc on it. Anychance you can refer me?
Good luck man, i am testing peerfly zip submits with a couple of traffic sources and ill be posting about them soon, keep us updated.
You are doing really mind boggling work man keep it up you will be succeed as soon as possible.
Tyler, first of all you’re the most down to earth blogger for affiliates, thank you. Let me tell you why I want to read your PPC to CPA-Email-submit posts.. but don’t. I know you will not release any info that will allow me to do the same. Yes I know you can help towards it but under the screencasts and shots, there’s no step by step or anything that I haven’t heard on every affiliate forum.
I don’t want to have my hand held but it feels as though many of those successful with ppc-cpa rub it in whilst pretending to “show us the way”.
I don’t blame you as it (may) could ruin your earning chances.
Anyhoo, this is not a rant and I think you’re great. Just bummed I lost a lot of money with ppc to CPA following half-advice and hype from others and that’s usually the reason I skip your CPA posts.
Keep it up bruvva,
I am looking into some email submits too. I have never tried them before but they seem like they could be profitable.
Email subs are usually pretty easy to get conversions with. And they can certainly bring in 100% ROI, if not more. Give people a good reason to give up their email, and they will.
It’s awesome that you are making progress. You will be making tons in no time
I’m glad o see some one is making money. I will click on some ads to support my fellow blogger. Keep it up.
holycow that is really amazing…my problem is I don’t have the talent that you have.
It’s like impossible for me to make $1000 a month!
This is a new low for this blog. All this was free for that last 2-5 years. I think tyler is really out of post ideas!!!!
Profit that exceeds one thousand $ a month (from a blog) is something worth mentioning. It seems that you know what you are doing
This makes optimizing and evaluating my campaigns 10x easier (especially with the SubID addition). god for info
I love you tyler, But this post frustrated me so much i had to stop reading…
Hello Tyler, I must admit, I am very very curious about this new traffic source of yours. BTW I am sure you will hit $100/day just keep working at it!
I’m more curious about the traffic source
Could you give me a hint at least so I can start earning some money
[…] 6, 2010 Posted by Tyler Cruz Paid Advertisement It has actually been 3 months since I last gave an update on my affiliate marketing […]
Wow.Great to hear that you managed to earn more than $1000 this month !!
I got a new chair and that fixed my back but my wrist/arm get sore after a while.
It is good to get huge bucks daily i hope one day I also can make money just like you. Now I”m not making much need to learn some more =)