Blog Earnings: July 2008
August 2, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzThey say good things come to those who wait, so who I am to disagree?
I’ve been so busy the past few months, the past few weeks especially. I have my hands in so many different projects that it can be very overwhelming at times. However, this week all my hard work seems to have paid off since I’ve had a number of new records and milestones on various sites and projects. This is one of those new records.
In my previous blog earnings update, I had predicted that July’s earnings would be somewhere around the $1,500-$1,600 range, and that my goal was to set a new record.
Well, July didn’t end up in that range, but I did set a new record. In fact, I completely shattered the old one by exactly $1,000.40 – what a funny number!
My July 2008 blog income came to: $2,746.59

Yee Haw!
My graph now looks like it took a dose of Earnings Viagra – coming to a website near you. (Please consult a guru before using Earnings Viagra. Earnings Viagra may cause extreme happiness, jaw-dropping syndrome, or tears of joy.)

The huge increase was largely in thanks to MarketLeverage. As you should know by now, I’ve been running my second MarketLeverage contest and have so far referred a total of 82 affiliates. They generated $20,292.80 in July, and since I get 5% of whatever they generate, I made $1,014.64.
Now you guys can see the power and methodology behind PublisherSpot.

I also got paid by AdToll finally. AdToll’s payment system is weird in that you don’t get paid until the advertiser who purchased the slot has finished their campaign with you. While the maximum amount of time an advertiser can purchase at once is 3-months, it means you have to wait up to 3-months to receive payment. This also explains why May and June saw no revenue generated from AdToll.
The $140 under the Other category is from a paid review I did via ReviewMe.
The pie chart below has undergone a significant change from prior blog earning reports. The $1,014.64 I made from MarketLeverage referrals in July really stirred things up. If it continues to grow, it will soon resemble PacMan:

For the same reason as above, the following chart sees the Affiliates wedge grow from an average of 18% to 26%.

Affiliate Sources
- MarketLeverage has recently been a great additional revenue source for my blog. In the month of July alone, my referrals generated me over $1,000 in commissions. This is not counting the money I make with them through my PPC affiliate marketing efforts.
WordZe has continued to prove to be a consistent source of residual affiliate income. I only wish I catered more to affiliate marketers so I could promote it more. Their referral program is really lucrative, check it out if you have the chance, or read my extensive review of them.
My AdToll income has been growing as more advertisers discover the value of my Peel Away Ad. I’m now booked out until Oct 7th! I love Peel Away Ads because they are a new and unique form of advertisement. They are also very visible yet not over intrusive. If you want to buy a Peel Away Slot on my blog, the cost is $15 per week through AdToll.
BannersMall has an affiliate program and since their service is awesome their conversion rate is very high. I made $85 from them in March of 2008 which says a lot about their conversion rate considering I only get 10% and their banner prices are cheap…
Private Ad Shoutouts
I’d like to give some quick shoutouts to my repeat sponsors and advertisers:
MarketLeverage – ML is a very loyal sponsor, having secured and continued to renew 4 slots on my blog and would buy more if there were any more available. They also sponsor contests on my blog such as the Affiliate Marketing Challenge. In addition to that, I can’t leave out the fantastic gift package they sent me.
MotiveInteractive – They’ve been my 300×250 Embedded Ad Sponsor since March and have continued to renew every month. They’ve also purchased a paid review as well. Check out my detailed review of them here.
TTZMedia – John Chow has continued to renew his ad for his TheTechZone affiliate program on my blog and has made his way up to the top of my left sidebar. Check out and try John Chow’s very own affiliate program. – This is their 6th month renewing their 125×125 Sitewide Banner with us. Scott Phelps runs the site and also writes great guest posts here, so if you haven’t checked BooksWealth out yet, maybe you should! – Another advertiser who has renewed many times. Need a custom WordPress skin? Check out their colourful designs.
Get a Paid Review
For $150, you can order a custom review written by me on your website, service, or product. I cannot guarantee a positive review as it is after all a review and not one long ad. However, you will get the benefit of receiving an entire post written about your company or product in great detail.
Feel free to view some of the many past paid posts I wrote. Below are some recent ones:
- Click2Sell- Merchant Processor & Affiliate Network
- ClickConsultants- An Affiliate Marketing Blog
- Sell Private Ads on Your Blog with OIOPublisher
- BusinessMart – The Business Search Engine
- Maximizing Blog Income- Real Life Example
For the same price, you can purchase a Paid Plug, which is essentially a paid review written by yourself.
Grab a Paid Plug or Paid Review!
August Goals and Predictions
My blog has undergone some recent growth lately, and I’ve also recently been getting a number of paid review requests. In addition, my referral income from MarketLeverage is only growing.
Because of these things, both my prediction and goal for August is for my blog income to reach another new record and hit the $3,000 mark. It’s funny, because it was only a year ago that my blog was only bringing in $400 a month.
Stay tuned a month from now to see the results as usual, and wish me good luck!
woot, thats frigging awesome, everybody wants to be like you one day tyler 😉
Congrats man.
Thats awesome, single blog earning sooo much 😮
Best of luck for august,
I cant wait to be in that level good going man..more inspiration.
Wow impressive stats and great rise there Tyler.. Market leverage performed really well then for you too. Have to learn to do really good with them.
You’re an inspiration Tyler. Very impressive. Good things do indeed come to those who work hard! Congrats!
Looks like August will be big as well, as your contest will be bringing in some huge dollars for you again.
Congrats Tyler on the record income set! Once you start seriously profiting through affiliate marketing (with your PPC campaigns) I’m sure you’ll break another record.
Wow, you make the best achievement in July. Try not to make a pick. Congratulations!
Thats awesome Tyler! Good luck with your $3000 goal for this month.
congrats on your monthly earnings. It feels good knowing my ML earnings are helping you achieve your goals as well. Keep it up.
It’s looking pretty good. A bit it is nice knowing that you have this cash coming in and that your blog is very successful. I know many people that would die to make even half of what you did. Congratulations buddy.
Cool, its pretty good, I earned $3500+ in July it was a bonus
Well.. this is for my blog only.. total earnings was around $8,000 😉
Oh cool Tyler, Never knew, anyways you are an internet guru, I am nothing in front of you 😛
Congrats on the earnings! 🙂
Good job. That is a very respectable blog income!
Nice going Tyler! Maybe MarketLeverage could sponsor a contest over at my blog, sure wouldn’t mind that 🙂
man…i want to learn HOW to earn all that…step by step, turn by turn
its not that easy buddy, efforts result income
wait…you know, i was re-reading my comment, and I’m afraid I may come across as a little jealous. I’d like to add…Congrats on your earnings for July!
WHOA! That’s huge! Wish I could earn that much too… well of course I can I just gotta be as hardworking as you are:)
How long does it took you to grow your blog this big?
Quite a time, and he has worked very hard on it, he deserved it…
congratulation !
It is a pretty good result !
Ever think about a publisher spot challenge?
You definitely just made yourself some nice extra monthly income with this market leverage. and its for life also which is awesome.
That is if the publishers keep trying despite a contest. But unless CD8470 spent more than 9,000 on getting his 9,000 i cant see people dropping off.
Great earnings. I have been trying hard to make some great money from my blogging efforts. But so far have been able to make just 15 or 20 percent of what you make every month only.
Great job. Good luck next month.
Excellent Tyler, Its a steady increase! You will be at $3K very soon…maybe 8K per month by year end! Maybe $25K by Dec. 2009! Keep it up!
Congratulations on your earnings! Those late nights are paying off! I am sure your income will continue to grow as the months and years go on. I know you have some great things planned!
Tyler, I found while surfing the net and appreciate you showing the chart of how long it took you to make what, as it seems like most people are just in it for the quick buck and if it takes a year they don’t want to do it. Keep it up and I’ll keep reading!
Hi Tyler, congrats on the earnings. Mine went up this month as well, but I’m envious of your Affiliate earnings especially. It really looks like you’ve stuck it out and are figuring out the whole PPC Affiliate Marketing game.
Good stuff!
[…] Tyler Cruz – $2,746.59 […]
Tyler, congrats again from a fellow islander. Great job on putting the pieces together this month and blowing past your goals.
Now it’ll simply be a matter of setting bigger goals to make it worth your time and effort to achieve them each month.
Isn’t it funny how our mind doesn’t know the difference in effort between getting from $1 to $2 versus getting from $1,000 to $ 2,000? The effort seems the same because it’s a factor of 100% growth.
So, I’m looking forward to what goals you will be setting and breaking down the road.
See you at the top Tyler…
MarketLeverage rocks for you man! Unfortunately, it never worked for me 🙂
great job man… keep earning big and get even bigger… im using market leverage too now 🙂
[…] month my blog brought in $2,746.59, and I expect August to hit the $3,000 […]
That is very impressive.
[…] Tyler konnte seine Einnahmen ebenfalls steigern. Auch er verdoppelt fast seinen Vormonatsverdienst. […]
Amazing dude!! Can u give us some nice tips to promote out blog?
hope i earn like you in future!
Fantastic Stuff. I’m more surprised to find that ur comfortable giving away what u make with ur online business.
I’m afraid I may come across as a little jealous. I’d like to add…Congrats on your earnings for July!
Hi, i must say fantastic website you have, i stumbled across it in AOL. Does you get much traffic?
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