Blogging Weight Loss Challenge: Day 10
April 19, 2009 Posted by Tyler CruzI am extremely excited. Let me start from the beginning.
It all started a few days ago when I saw that my nemesis in this challenge, Jonathan Volk, finally published his post displaying his starting weight photos and video. Since it took him a few days to get the post up, I was beginning to wonder how serious he was about the challenge.
Fortunately, he posted everything correctly and I found the video pretty hilarious, especially when he started to blatantly mention his sponsor while on the treadmill, lol. I was happy to see that he followed up on his promise and is playing by the rules.
You can check out some of the photos and his video below:
Why Competition is Powerful
Immediately after watching Jonathan’s video, I was incredibly motivated to work out. I just found the whole losing weight challenge thing both funny and motivating at the same time. The videos only reinforce those things.
So what did I do? While I was actually somewhat tired, I was also so motivated to wanting to somehow respond to Jonathan’s video that I decided to go out to Westwood Lake right then and there. This is exactly why I did this Blogging Weight Loss Challenge. I never would have done that in any other situation, but seeing the video of my nemesis literally sweating buckets to try to beat me made me have to do something about it.
Now you can see why competition is such a great way to push yourself. It’s also fun as hell.
Anyway, I went to Westwood Lake with Lisa around 7:45PM or so and it was just starting to get dark. I took your suggestions and decided to wise up and try stretching before going. It wasn’t much of a stretch though… I’m assuming 2 minutes isn’t enough. But at least I did a little stretching. I basically focused on rolling my ankles and stretching my calves. So 2 minutes later, we were off.
Unfortunately for me, the rubber plug for my right earphone disappeared right at the very beginning of the run so I was forced to do the whole thing with only the left earphone, leaving the other one dangling around since it wouldn’t fit in my ear.
Since the trail is in the woods with dense surrounding trees, it is naturally dark and so the run was actually pretty spooky in some areas since it was also starting to get dark outside. When you add the fact that my eyes get blurry when I’m tired and am wearing contacts, you get one blind person. The last kilometre I was pretty much jogging blind with about 15% vision.
By the time I finished, it was nearly pitch black out.
A New Record
I am not a fitness junkie (obviously), but to say I was euphoric when I discovered I beat my record would be an understatement. It was an absolutely incredible feeling and even as I write this now, a couple days later, I still feel the thrill of beating my record. Who knew exercising could be fun?
I finished in 59:45 (I stopped my Blackberry 3 seconds too late) which is close to a minute off my best record (set in 2007) and nearly 6 minutes off my previous record and run this year! To me that is unbelievable since every time I do Westwood I try my absolute hardest so it’s not like I wasn’t trying as hard before.
What I think might have done it was that I jogged 2-3 more stretches than I normally do. The stretches are very short – roughly 130 steps – but maybe that makes a big difference? I also didn’t take a breather stop/rest once and only needed one drink of water near the very end.
My feet hurt at the end but recovered drastically quicker than in the past, and when I got home I had no problems getting up the stairs and actually felt great.
During the run, my calves, shins, and ankles hurt as usual, especially my lower shins. However, my feet were much better. I wonder if this is from them starting to get used to the walking/jogging and strengthen up, as I don’t think you can really stretch your feet.
Lisa finished in 52:30 which is a new record for her as well, but I’m catching up!
Man, beating my record was really the best feeling though, I can’t state that enough. Maybe it’s partly because it’s so painful and horrible but I fight through it and suck it up and now I’m starting to improve.
Westwood Lake Time
Date | Time | Comments |
My 2007 Best Time | 1:00:34 | My previous record… |
April 8th, 2009 | 1:06:00 | Feet and calves absolutely painful |
April 12th, 2009 | 1:05:33 | Feet, shins, and calves still absolutely painful |
April 15th, 2009 | 59:45 | New Record! Jogged a couple extra stretches |
Current Weight Status
Starting Weight: 205
Current Weight: 205
Goal Weight: 195
Pounds Lost: 0
Pounds to Go: 10
Days Left: 60
Don’t Forget to Participate to Win up to $500
Remember, all you need to do is blog about my Weight Loss Challenge with Jonathan Volk and predict who you think might not make the challenge to be eligible to win a possible $100. Full details can be found on the original post.
So far nobody has voted against Jonathan Volk. That means that as it stands right now, if you predict that he doesn’t make the challenge and your prediction ends up being correct, he’ll have to pay you $500!
Wow, you are doing awesome!
Well done.
Sounds like I will have to blog and vote for you as the winner
$500 does sound very nice
Thanks, although I still haven’t lost any weight yet
But it’s still early and I think I’ll start seeing results within the next week or two.
BTW, you need to vote ‘against’ Volk, not ‘for’ me. Basically you need to say that you think Volk will not make the challenge. Still nobody has voted against him so your odds are good!
Hey Tyler,
If you want to stretch your feet you can take a golf ball, and roll your foot over it. This will massage/stretch the arch of your foot. I am having issues with my feet and calves right now, and the physio suggested this along with numerous calf stretches. Give it a try!
Now I need a golf ball
Use a tennis ball, they are better for the exercise (unless you have very small feet)
Tyler, you’ll never lose any weight until you alter your eating habits.
Tyler, he is right. You have to eat right to lose weight, you can’t do one or the other. All you need to do is cut 500 calories off your daily intake, and burn 250-500 calories a day to lose a pound a week. Losing anymore than a pound a week shouldn’t be your goal. Just try it, and try running a mile everyday.
Wow Tyler! That’s some great progress
I’ve lost weight before (~20 lbs) and I got to tell you that it was really tough… but you can definitely do it with exercise and proper diet. I think actually the most important thing is to eat healthier, and this includes eating LESS. Yes, the common misconception is that you do in fact have to eat less to lose weight. It’s going to be tough at first, but eventually your body will adjust to your new regiment… just stick it out!
After a run or a walk, make sure to replenish with a granola bar or powerbar (recommended). The important thing with your excercise is that you need to build what is called “lean muscle.” While lean muscle is better accumulated by doing sprints (which I recommend you do, try doing some suicides before and after you walk), you can get a little from a walk. However, it won’t stick unless you get some carbs immediately after a run.
Pack on that lean muscle, and you’ll boost your metabolism and be able to keep off the weight much easier. Additionally, I recommend that you don’t eat ANYTHING past 9pm, or your walk, which ever comes later. I think your recent success was tied to walking at night, not the other factors mentioned. I remember I used to run at night because it was a lot easier.
Keep up the good work! Follow my tips and I’m sure you’ll beat ol’ Volky
You need to step it up… simply walking won’t do it… gotta eat healthy, drink lots of water and do some jogging. 10 days and 0 pounds lost? lol
I’m sorta leaning toward Valk at this point. Don’t let me down man… I want to believe in you! haha
go to gym and working out;-)
Hey Tyler,
Maybe running at night speed you up because you didnt really want to be out there in the dark? I will be curious to see what your next time is in the day time!
Good luck and keep up the good work!
amazing results! Now you have to keep beating this new record and keep at it buddy! Its great to see people setting goals and pushing through the pain for the rewards that lie on the other side. Inspiration for others out there.
“So far nobody has voted against Jonathan Volk. That means that as it stands right now, if you predict that he doesn’t make the challenge and your prediction ends up being correct, he’ll have to pay you $500!”
But Tyler, if they vote against you and you lose the contest, they at least stand a chance of winning £100 in the lottery of people voting against you.
And that looks like the better vote at the moment, no offense. I love your blog, but this is looking like a no contest at the moment.
EVERYONE here is saying “eat less”, and I know you’re stubborn, but why not take this tiny piece of advice? Losing a pound a week is NOT hard if you eat right.
Here’s an idea for a post to go with the challenge: Write what you have eaten/drunk in a week. Just keep a notepad with you and write down everything you eat (not just what, but how much of it). That might be a start in working out what you can cut down on without missing.
Good luck, and once people see a result, they might start voting against Volk instead.
Stretching before you work out has actually never been proven to be of any benefit whatsoever – it’s more of an urban myth. Stretching after you run, though, may improve flexibility as your muscles are more susceptible to a good stretch when they are warm. Good job with the record time.
Hey tyler,you are doing FANTASTIC!!!Keep up the good work.I hope you win.GOOD LUCK!!!SEE-YA
You are so competitive. Glad that you found the inspiration to get up and move! You will succeed, keep at it
lol, yeah I am.
Competition is good though, as long as you don’t take it too far and are down-to-earth about it.
On my way to Westwood Lake again!
It’s great to see the progress and competition. Keep up the great work!
Its awesome.i think you should go gym and work out..
Going to the gym is great and all, but I find that swimming is what really relaxes my muscles and makes me feel alive.
Although you haven’t lost any poundage, it appears you are in much better shape.
You may have lost a little fat but gained a little muscle.
It’s weird you haven’t lost any weight. When I started my weight loss, I mixed in weight every other day and cardio everyday for 5 days. My first week I lost 7 pounds and I started at the same weight as you. Either you metabolism is slow or you’re eating incorrectly.
Oh, I’m definitely eating incorrectly.
Good results and seemes to be a great competative.You want to maintain or keep up this record and its a great inspiration for others.Happy to see in setting goals and trying hard to acheive a good progress.Thanks.
Over the past seven years, my wife and I have gained a bunch of weight. Now we are challenging each other. But instead of pounds lost, we are going by percentage. She is going on the south beach and I’m going on the atkins. Which diet is better? We even made a blog about it to document our weight loss.