Buy Twitter Followers — Targeted And Fast!
July 4, 2009 Posted by uSocialDisclaimer: The following is a “paid plug” and was not written by me, but by the advertiser themselves. If you’re interested in purchasing a paid plug, please visit my advertising page.
If you’ve been marketing online for a while, you’ll probably have heard the power of what Twitter can do for your enterprise or Internet venture. The simple fact is that having a large volume of followers is no different than having a targeted email list to market to, which is why just about every man and his dog have jumped on the bandwagon.
Despite this, many people are finding it hard to attain the amount of followers necessary to a successful campaign and shortly after getting started with the site, either put their Twitter efforts on the backburner, or give up altogether — this is not what you wnat to do.
The good news is that you can now buy Twitter followers with and we can not only offer you packages of followers between 1,000 and 100,000 followers which will be delivered to your own account, we can also target followers by interest group, niche or geo-location.

We’ve done tests with several of our clients and if marketed to correctly, each follower should be worth around $0.10 to you per month. Got 10,000 followers? That’s an extra $1,000 in marketing revenue for your online business every month. 100,000? That’s an extra $10,000 per month.
So are you ready to start tweeting for profits right now? You can get more Twitter followers within days by clicking here.
Also, we’ve just launched an affiliate program where you can earn by promoting our services. To find out more about that, head to our affiliate page which is located here.
To your Twitter success!
Tyler your really pissing me, and I bet everyone who reads your blog off. All you have been doing are paid reviews and paid plugs for a month now. Either write some original content on your entrepreneurial journey, or sell your blog. As simple as that. NO ONE wants to read another paid review….
As part of his entrepreneurial journey, he needs to generate revenue. This is one of his strategies and it seems to be working well.
I can understand why you’re upset as the rate of paid content has been fairly high, but he’s learning and this is own blog, it’s up to him to develop it as he sees fit.
If you disagree with him, the prominent method of showing your distaste is to not visit or leave comments on his blog.
Actually, I’m not pissed off at all and even considered purchasing some followers from this company, but their prices are a little high in my opinion.
You do realize you can choose which articles to read and not to read right? Just because it’s new on the blog doesn’t mean you have to go through and actually read the words.
BTW, “or sell your blog” shows how much of a dumbass you really are.
I strongly agree with you Luke! Zach, you can actually pick which article to read and which not to read, Tyler has the option to write himself or getting paid plug or sponsored review. Sometimes it can be sharing good services or program where we can go to make some money in a sponsored review. With that said, paid plug or sponsored review is not as bad as you think.
i guess its better not to buy twitter followers!
One more reason to hate twitter.
i too think the same here. is it worth buying twitter followers by paying for it ? i dont think so as its much easy to increase followers then y to pay for it, right ?
Tyler, I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and I think this is just about the worst paid review/product posted on your site. Many of the other reviews you’ve posted have been about helpful or interesting products but this one just seems like poor form on all levels.
I agree that this is a terribly written review and that it really reflects how crappy uSocial is, but I don’t think it reflects Tyler or this blog at all.
Disclaimer: The following is a “paid plug” and was not written by me, but by the advertiser themselves. If you’re interested in purchasing a paid plug, please visit my advertising page.
I think everyone needs to stop whinging so much. If you don’t like the content that’s being placed on Tyler’s blog, then leave. Even better, go create your own blog and see how much better you can do on your own. I find Tyler’s to be one of the best affiliate blogs around and if companies are willing to pay him $250 to post a plug on his site then he must be doing something right!
@Dane Morgan, respectfully I disagree when you say, “If you don’t like the content that’s being placed on Tyler’s blog, then leave.” If Tyler were a chef, and we were visitors at his restaurant, wouldn’t he want to know when he made something that left a bad taste in our mouths? If I had a readership like Tyler’s, I would much rather hear constructive criticisms than to have people cancel their subscriptions without telling me their reasons why.
I have a personal blog, haven’t done anything with it in ages, but in the past, I have written a nice word or two in the past about Tyler. I expect to write more kind words about him in the future, but this time I gotta say to him, “Tyler, you burnt the toast!”.
I actually agree that the people that keep complaining should leave. It’s the same people whining every time. These people are just sounding like broken records now and it’s getting real old.
I have to say I’m a little disappointed not in the fact that its a paid post but in the product you’ve chosen to promote for $250. I mean the advertisers own hype isn’t even real. If you look on usocial’s own twitter services page they claim to have 18,000 followers on twitter, yet when you check ,they only have 14,000 followers. Secondly they are selling products which claim to get you up to 100,000 followers yet they only have 14,000. When you search for a review of their service, I could only find one valid review of their digg service ( ) which wasn’t very promising. Basically the reviewer said that all their diggs had come from newly created accounts. This is interesting when you consider their wording for their twitter services “we’ll bring you 2,500 brand new Twitter followers to your existing account”, the key here is “brand new”, what good is that for marketing purposes? There all bogus accounts! Any other reviews I could find were all created by Alexa Darver an Affiliate whoose identical review is everywhere. Even in a legitimate media article (, they state “instead of selling a software and leaving the users alone with the hassle of creating needed accounts and spending time submitting their links every day, they offer a compact and simple solution”. I enjoy your blog Tyler and I will keep reading but in this case Tyler, I think it would have been worth spending 5 mins vetting the advertiser. Is it worth $250 for the potential damage it can do to your reputation for plugging an inferior service?
Maybe 4,000 people stopped following them. There is a button for that, you know.
Of course the 4000 could have unfollowed but to loose 22% of your twitter followers within a day of the post is questionable. Or they just didn’t bother checking at the time of publishing the post. Either way it doesn’t instill confidence in me for a company selling twitter accounts
[…] I’ve never met Tyler or corresponded with him but I have been an avid reader of his blog. Why? The No. 1 reason is his honesty. He’s not afraid to disclose the affiliate sites he runs, he shows you his earnings, even his weight loss battle! So you can imagine my disappointment when I came across a paid post for […]
excatly, plug post is one of the revenue oppertunities for a entrepreneurial blog like this , so im also not pissed off, but i definitely wish to see something new!
It’s so simple to get followers now, so why even bother paying? 😀
Sounds like a great move full of possibilities. Wishing you every success. And looking forward to updates!
i dono y so much talking about paid plugs.. Its totally the site-owner’s choice..
But as for the topic goes, i wont be wasting 87$ to get 1000 followers. I rather do it by myself totally for free, and people will definitely follow me if they like what i do, or find my updates interesting. 🙂
I’ll remember this when i break into twitter marketing
They are a little bit expensive. They charge you $372.75 for 10000 twitter followers, which are probably also made by them.
I agree that there have been a little too many paid posts lately. To keep a loyal readership you have to balance that with real posts. Obviously it’s tough to turn down an extra $250, but keep in mind the effect that poor content has on your subscribers. You could’ve at least got this guy to use a spellchecker. If this product is nothing but a scam of selling fake accounts, you should be a little ashamed too. Promoting bad products reflects directly upon you.
Would buying followers work though as they are not interested in what you have to say?
The only problem I foresee with buying targest followers right now, is that twitter just annouced that they are for sale… so there future is still very uncertain, that’s why I am personally afraid to invest my time into twitter.
Hey, I don’t mind the paid reviews or his food pictures or whatever. If he manages to post one helpful post a month, that’s good enough for me. I mean, he shows you the sites he’s making money from so if you’re good enough, you should be making just as much as he is.
Can’t believe this.. you can actually buy twitter followers?
Cool idea for me personally the “jury is till out on Twitter” that said I have some decent organic followers on both of my business accounts which I am taking my time to build up slowly.
I am just using Twitter to build up a “community” and I would never “direct sell” to my followers
If you’re on Twitter you understand what a amazing marketing tool it can be. But the essential thing to success is finding and keeping followers. Following a variety of interesting people on Twitter can also bring you astounding visibility.
good way for traffic, Thanks for sharing.
Would not recommend this product. This is coming straight from experience!
I actually made the decision to just say screw the issues of waiting months and years for a respectable following and put to use a twitter followers program to acquire me 1k followers. They in fact have all stuck around and I’ve obtained 40 retweets in the prior week, 40 more than I had ever obtained before. Bliss. Seriously nevertheless there are a bundle of these people available, but I considered them skilled. Also you can find some free scripts and such in other areas however I’m not much of a engineer so can’t rely on them.
I am continually browsing online for ideas that can assist me. Thanks!
In my opinion buying twitter followers it’s not a good choice because you don’t know how exactly you get those followers so I prefer my followers to grow organically