The 5-Day Domain Refund & Domain Kiting
June 11, 2007 Posted by Tyler CruzEarly yesterday morning I couldn’t sleep and decided to partake in a small $5 poker tournament. Since poker tournaments can take many hours to complete, I decided to look for some domains inbetween hands. I ended up registering: I was pleased, especially with and A rough guesstimate was […]
Putting Things in Perspective
June 3, 2007 Posted by Tyler CruzThis post doesn’t really carry any “lesson to be learned” or anything. Instead, it’s simply a mere observation. I could have made the example topic in this post on Hollywood stars and TV celebrities. Now, I could have chosen from a wide selection of subjects such as the world’s top-10 richest people as stated by […]
Regrets: Part 2 of 2
May 29, 2007 Posted by Tyler CruzContinuing my post from yesterday, here are two more of my regrets: 2. was the first or second domain I ever purchased. At that time, domains were a lot more expensive than they were today, where $35-$70 for a domain was considered “cheap”. Also at that time, there were obviously a lot more […]
Regrets: Part 1 of 2
May 27, 2007 Posted by Tyler CruzAs a web publisher and entrepreneur, I am faced with more possibilities of regretting something due to the nature of the business. This is most likely true with any self-employed person as such people’s decisions directly affect their work, compared to an employee, whose regrets are usually mistakes but not missed opportunities. When I was […]