Computer/Desk Pics
January 22, 2006 Posted by Tyler CruzThey have arrived!
January 7, 2006 Posted by Tyler CruzRiinnnnnng. Ugh. 9:10 a.m. Let me sleep… RINGGGG. My apartment buzzer is so very loud. I grab some pants and manage to put them on and let the delivery people in. My desk and chair and mat had arrived. It took me the whole day to put together (on my breaks from playing Civ4, going […]
Busy busy little bee
January 5, 2006 Posted by Tyler CruzAhh… 4:40pm. Tired. Hungry. I woke up, cleaned a bit of the mess from last night (pizza/coolers with the G), talked to Cyndi, who will be taking over Melissa’s job and will essentially be taking care of most of the news on MoVa, and thus I’m upping her pay. So I talked to her for […]
Desks desks desks
January 5, 2006 Posted by Tyler CruzA bit of good news. My dad phoned me and told me about two desks they had at Staples in a flyer that came today, so I went down to my apartment lobby to check it out. One is $70 off, the other is $50 off. They both come to more than the one at […]