Food, Karaoke, and Typhoons

July 10, 2009 Posted by Tyler Cruz

I’ve already been in the Philippines for over a week now, but my posts have been delayed since I have not had much time to use the Internet due to a lot of traveling.

I weighed myself again last night and according to the scale (the same one I used before), I’ve lost another 2 pounds, making it a total of 7 pounds since I’ve come here. I think that I may lose up to 10 pounds by the time I return home.

At first I thought the reason was due to sweating, and while I’m sure that still remains a part of it, I think the biggest factor is that I’m eating 4-5 times a day here due to the snacks I get from machines installed by Back home, I’d often only eat 1-2 times a day, eating a real large meal shortly before going to bed. I now weigh 188 pounds which seems pretty crazy to me. Then again, this could all be wrong and that one scale is just incorrect. I won’t know for sure until I arrive back home.

This post focuses on food, karaoke, and typhoons and is summarized mostly in the following video, so if you’re reading this via E-mail or a client that can’t play video, you’ll want to visit my actual blog to watch the video:

This was a big feast that my aunt made. It was as good as it looks.

My plate. Don’t worry, it’s only my first serving 🙂


A photo of a flower that was growing alongside a wall that I thought looked pretty with the morning dew still attached.


My next update will show some of the inner city of Baliuag, Bulacan Philippines including a video of me riding in a tricycle (motorbike like atvs + sidecar) around town, so stay tuned!

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Posted: July 10th, 2009 under Personal  

27 Responses to “Food, Karaoke, and Typhoons”

  1. James Wilcox says:

    Cool vid Tyler. I’m a long time reader and always like seeing what you are up to. I also have a sister who is half Pinay :). I think I’m using that correctly.

    Anyway, thought your vid was cool and I like the pics from your trip. Your feast reminds me of my birthday seafood boil I did on the 5th (my Birthday). I hope you had a blast and have memories for a lifetime.

    sa mo kalusugan!


  2. Haha. Looks like you’re having fun! Btw, where are you now in the country? The dews on the orchid is pretty.

    Have you followed my advice? Visit Boracay! 😀

  3. PigsnieLite says:

    Thats not an orchid. If its tiny & smells super sweet, it might be a sampagita. HEY, are those devilled eggs? Yumm. Sadly, I cannot eat shrimps & shellfish & crabs becuz Im allergic. Is that brown sauce on rice from adobo? Will look at your videoo in a bit … [PLite shakes his computer, then drops an enchilada on the keyboard ..]

  4. Mixxy says:

    Enjoy your trip to the Philippines. One thing you might have noticed by now is that Filipinos love to eat often and a lot. Hope you find out soon the mystery behind your weight loss. Looking forward to more stories about your trip. By the way, don’t forget to stop by Sevilla’s Pastries right there at Baliuag for all the native goodies to bring back home.

  5. paul says:

    Keep up the hard work and keep losing some extra poundage.

  6. The food looks great and probably tastes even better. I look forward to your next update.

  7. Looks amazing, wish I could have joined in on the meal.

  8. Wow that feast does look really good. It reminds me of the feasts we have in Brazil, with the family, and about 8 different food selections on the table. Haha, That’s realyl amazing how you are loosing weight while on vacation. Typically, it’s the opposite. Yes eating often throughout the day reallly works wonders. I eat constantly throughout the day, eating snakes like cereal or some wheat thins, some toast with jam…etc. wow though that is huge downpour.. definitely a rain forest haha.


  9. The food looks too good!!! makes me hungry n drool! 🙂

  10. Wow, that spread reminds me of the buffet at the Borgotta! Ummmm yummy!

  11. Online TV says:

    Yummy, the food looks delicious. I would certainly like to give it a try. And congrats on your weight loss. 7 pounds in 1 week is really good.

  12. Nice video, pictures and post and congratulations on losing so much weight in a short amount of time.

  13. Michael Kwan says:

    No halo-halo for dessert? 🙂

  14. Dean Saliba says:

    Once again I am finding your documenting about losing weight very interesting.

    I normally eat 2 huge meals a day, maybe eating smaller meals more often would be better for me too.

  15. That egg finger food looks delicious… is that like Devil’s Egg with a twist? And what’s in it exactly?

    Damn you for making me hungry!


  16. Make Lots says:

    The food looks great, my wife would love that ( she is filipina ). She misses the BBQ the most, and all the people from the Philippines.

  17. So where is you next destination?

  18. omg, the food looks delicious!


  19. Tyler, do I need to congrats you on your current weight? I assume you’re happy to see that. Seems that you always had nice meal there. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your trip in Philippines. 😀


  20. Ben Pei says:

    Lol how could you have lost 2 pounds with all that food?

  21. Awesome video, the food looks great. Keep eating that many times a day and you will surely lose more weight.

  22. Wow, the food looks great!

  23. fx15 says:

    Thats not an orchid. If its tiny & smells super sweet, it might be a sampagita. 🙂

  24. Payal says:

    Waiting to be a part of that.


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