Giving Away 3 $100 AdWords Vouchers

February 16, 2012 Posted by Tyler Cruz

I have not been posting on my blog at all lately, and for that I apologize. I actually thought that my last post was published more recently than it was, which only made things worse.

No, I haven’t quit my blog, and yes, I do plan on posting more frequently again. I’ve just been having difficulty finding enough time to do everything I want to do in a day.

I really need to get rid of more of my websites so that I can focus more.

Anyway, please accept this ‘giveaway’ post as a gesture of apology from me.

Google just sent me 3 $100 AdWords vouchers via e-mail, and I’m posting them here for anyone who wants them.

You don’t need to do anything to ‘win’ them – they are simply listed below and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.155

$100 AdWords Voucher Codes:

  • 7WRP-P9RT-VR57-V7C4-EMLS

Here’s a link with instructions on how you can redeem your voucher.

Please note that these vouchers will only work for new accounts… otherwise I’d just use them myself.

If you use one of the vouchers, please contact me letting me know which one so that I can update this post.

AdWords is Still Awesome

If you’ve yet to sign up to AdWords – may I ask why?

Despite AdWords becoming increasingly competitive and expensive year after year, it’s still one of the best (if not the best) traffic sources out there.

A lot of internet marketers have switched to places like Facebook and PPV networks over the past couple of years, but AdWords is still a beast.

I personally still use AdWords actively, and while it can be a pain at times (having to worry about Quality Score and ad approval), the fact that you can target people who are actively searching for your keywords is just so powerful.

Be sure to use so that you can track what keywords  (and ads) are converting for you.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment below, subscribing to my RSS feed, or following me on Twitter.
Posted: February 16th, 2012 under Contests  

27 Responses to “Giving Away 3 $100 AdWords Vouchers”

  1. Glen says:

    Shame its only for new accounts! Although I still have £100 in my account that google gave me a while back after I stopped using adwords. (nothing was converting)

    Now I’ve tried to use it again, my forums inparticular keep getting suspended from adwords, to the point i’m afriad to attempt to use it 🙁

    Perhaps i’m being silly and just not using correctly(obviously) but I agree, once mastered, its a great traffic source!

  2. TV Receiver says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. In order for us to use the voucher, do we have to deposit money first in google adwords? Or this works without any first deposit?

  3. Rajnish says:

    These coupons can be redeemed multiple times or I lost the chance ??

  4. Who has the new accounts that they want to advertise on. Better if it had been on any account.

  5. Wow! Thanks! Your very generous. Can I use one or are they all used up?

  6. Tom says:

    Wow, you’re really knocking it out of the park so far in 2012! 3 posts in nearly 3 months! You go, big guy!

    All those Twitter followers you’re buying are really paying off!

  7. If only it had been for any account and not a new one. Thanks for the opportunity though.

  8. I love adwords – people talk about free traffic but that takes time and time is money – I find that people who are in a buying state of mind when they do their searches will often click on adwords ads. You just have to know what you are doing

  9. Wow that’s a nice gesture!

  10. its really so nice and generous of you to give away those adword coupons. Just want to know whether one needs to have credit card to avail these vouchers.

  11. I will advertise my products on Google adwords. Hope to get one

  12. used tires says:

    Ah too bad it’s for new accounts only but nice gesture all the same, Tyler!


  13. AdWords is the only thing that gives me great results and I will not change.

  14. Ben says:

    No apology needed. I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog, and just so you know, there is plenty of stuff to read on your blog. If my count is correct (counting all the posts in your categories), you have well over 500 posts! (Maybe even a thousand)?

  15. AdWords is still a great tool for attracting visitors, I highly recommend it!

  16. Already used a $75 one which google give away when u ask them for it. Shame, would like it to be $100

  17. How generous of you!!! I am really glad that you will start posting back again!! I am looking forward for new posts!

  18. Adwords is still a great tool but i agree that it is not for all types of websites. If you are trying to earn some revenue from your site with adsense only…Adwords might not be the perfect way to bring traffic to your website.

  19. Chris M says:

    Time for another blog post, Tyler 😉

  20. Jasmine says:

    Tyler, thank you so much for the Adwords vouchers. Too bad that they only work for new accounts… but, I will find a way. Haha… Adwords still works great!

  21. Materac says:

    Yeah Adwords is still good traffic source, but not the best in my opinion. Seo become more powerfull than ever, people recognise ads.

    For example first three ads places gets 2% of all searchings, when 10 site in serps on the same keyword give you 3%.

    Everything have pros and cons, but i still use it.

    Thanks for sharing vouchers 🙂

    • Trouble with SEO is that it takes time – especially for highly competitive words – when you master PPC you can test an offer with out having to spend months working back linking, article marketing and presses releases just to find that the traffic does not convert on your ‘landing page”

      best bet is PPC for the short term and SEO for the long haul

  22. If you owe Classipress please post your honest experience here. I’m interested in hearing more about it. Thank you.

  23. its very kind of you to give away these valuable vouchers.

  24. letter says:

    Wow! How nice of you! Do your still have some to give away?


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