Huge Blogging Contest: $10,000 in Prizes
March 16, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzIf you haven’t heard about this contest already, then you’ve been living under a rock for the past week. My friend nemesis friend Gyutae Park of WinningTheWeb is holding another blog contest, and this is one of the best blog contests I’ve seen to date.
He is giving out $9,091 in prizes and cash. There are TONS of prizes available to be won, and entering is pretty easy so I’d recommend entering. Actually, no, scrap that. Don’t enter it. It will increase my chances of winning something 🙂
The contest runs through until March 31, so you still have plenty of time to participate. The last blog contest I posted about that somebody else was holding was won by one of my readers who won free web hosting for an entire year, which proves that readers are lucky, so parlay your luck into one of the prizes up for grabs!

You’ll note that I mentioned $10,000 in the title of this post instead of $9,091. Well, there’s good reason for that: I’m sure that it will be at $10,000 soon enough. When Gyutae first announced the contest, the total prize pool was at $5,348. Then he got more sponsors and it increased to $7,695, then $8,692, and is now currently at $9,091.
Gyutae has certainly upped the bar with this contest, and I salute him for pulling this off. The thing is, he really didn’t do anything special. He rallied a bunch of sponsors and organized the contest, something which any one of you could have simply done as well. There’s no secret to it.
The difference is, Gyutae actually did it. He didn’t just think about it, dream it, or hope it. I’ll admit that I feel silly now for not doing it myself. I did raise over $3,600 for a past contest on my webmaster forum, but in pales in comparison to the $9,000 Gyutae has pulled off. He deserves all the growth and success he reaps from it.
Anyhow, back to the contest. There are so many prizes that I’m only able to provide a basic list. Visit the main contest link to read the full contest details and rules.
Notable sponsors include AzoogleAds, PepperJam Network, NeverblueAds, Bidvertiser, Shoemoney, Affiliate Summit East, Joel Comm, and Kris Jones to name but a few!
Prizes Recap – $9,091 Total
- $650 Cash from AzoogleAds
- $500 Cash from PepperJam Network
- $250 Cash from NeverblueAds
- $200 Cash from BidVertiser
- $200 Cash from AffSpy
- Ipod Touch 8GB from Shoemoney ($299 value)
- 1 Full Conference Pass to Affiliate Summit East ($949 value)
- 3 Month Membership to Aaron Wall’s SEO Training Program ($300 value)
- 6 Month Membership to SEOmoz Pro ($249 value)
- 12 Month Subscription to RankSense Professional ($630 value)
- 26 Week Internet Marketing Plan from Purple Internet Marketing ($800 value)
- The Secret Classroom from Joel Comm & Next Internet Millionaire ($497 value)
- Autographed Copy of Kris’ Jones Upcoming Book on SEO ($20 value)
- Copy of the SEO Handbook 2008 from HuoMah ($10 value)
- 8 PSD Custom Banner Designs from Banners Mall ($275 value)
- 1 Year Membership to Hlola ($354 value)
- 2 Year Subscription to GoStats Pro ($180 value)
- 1 License to Website Optimal Performance ($97 value)
- 5 Licenses to OIO Publisher (5 winners – $37 value each)
- 2 Exclusive Blog Themes from Unique Blog Designs (2 winners – $100 value each)
- 2 Revolution WordPress Blog Themes from Brian Gardner (2 winners -$80 value each)
- WordPress Coding from CSS Rockstars ($209 value)
- 1 Year Swamp Plan Web Hosting from Host Gator ($150 value)
- 1 Hour Blog Optimization Consulting from Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips ($175 value)
- Blog Consultation Report from Jay Francis Hunter of Scribbles and Words ($90 value)
- 1 Year Sponsored Category Listing & 1 Year Premium Upgraded Membership from Blog Catalog
- 2 winners – $300 & $72 value)
- 3 Fast Passes, 3 Featured Statuses, and 5000 Credits from Entrecard
- 3 Month 125×125 Banner Ad on ($100 value)
- 1 Month Text Link Ad on Ades Blog ($90 value)
- 1 Month 125×125 Banner Ad on John Cow ($125 value)
- 1 Month 468×60 Banner Ad on ($60 value)
- 6 Month 125×125 Banner Ad on ($300 value)
- 1 Month 125×125 Banner Ad on Affiliate Confession ($35 value)
- 4 $25 Pre-paid Calling Cards from Pingo (4 winners – $25 value each)
- 1 Paid Review on Winning the Web – sponsored by 1 Cool File ($100 value)
- 20 Winning the Web T-shirts (20 winners – $9 value each)
How to Gain Entries
There are a number of ways to gain entries into the draw for a prize (or prizes). Below are the main methods, but there are more listed on Be sure to visit the main contest post for more information:
- Sign up for the mailing list (required) – 1 entry
- Blog about this contest and link to this post – 10 entries
- Every 5 comments on WTW (now until March 31 with 5 comments per day limit) – 1 entry
- Subscribe to the feed and stay tuned for more opportunities to gain entries
I just gained 10 entries for writing this blog post, so here’s hoping I win one of those Ipod Touches! The $650 cash from AzoogleAds wouldn’t be too bad either…
I simply loved it, i am the one here and hope to be the one there too 🙂
Already know about it, but yeah there’s a ton of stuff up for grabs.
friend,nemesis, friendGood luck everyone!
Yah lol, I thought that part was pretty humourous.
Nice job on getting all the prizes.
Lot of great prizes. I can’t wait to receive them.
You can’t wait to receive them? For goodness sake, You haven’t even win yet! If and when you win, pray hard that you receive them.
I won a WTW T-shirt by voting for WTW over Tyler (back in Jan 08) but haven’t receive the T-shirt till now.
A good contest, good luck.
This contest has to break some sort of record in the blogosphere.
This contest is now over $12,000+. Insane.
Wow This guy got $9,091 in prizes watch his stats just shoot up
This contest is insane. Over 10k$ in prizes. It’s bound to attract a lot of viewers, and a lot of opportunities.
Congrats to Guytae Park for pulling it off.
Hopefully, he will find some great ways to capitalize on this newfound fame, and he’ll be able to keep it up.