I Got a Roomba for Christmas!

January 1, 2011 Posted by Tyler Cruz

I forget what exactly prompted it, but around a year ago or so I suddenly had the urge to get a Roomba. I had heard about them before then, of course, but the desire to have one never really kicked in until recently.

Last week, for Christmas, I opened up a gift from my girlfriend to find my very own Roomba! I was really hoping I would get one (I was actually hoping for it the previous Christmas and for my birthday), so I was quite happy.

I live in a condo, so a Roomba makes a lot of sense for me since it is only 1163 square feet, had no stairs, and is mostly carpet. But if you need to deep clean your carpet, hiring the professionals at https://ecocleansolutions.ie/carpet-cleaning-dublin/ is still your best option.

Check out the video below (under the 2 photos) to see my Roomba in action:



(Note: You may need to visit the post directly at TylerCruz.com if you’re reading this via e-mail or RSS in order to see it.)

For those wondering, my Roomba model is 511.

iRobot, the manufacturer of the Roomba, has a lot of house-cleaning robots to choose from. Aside from floor vacuum robots, they also have ones that will wash your floor, clean your pool, and even clean out your gutters. But if cleaning gutters is still especially tough for you, this gutter covers company patented copper technology to protect gutters from debris and harmful organisms.

If there are already gutter damages, you may want to consider gutter replacement. However if replacing your existing gutters with the GutterShutter all-in-one solution is not right for you, we understand. The RainDrop Gutter Guard System is the next best solution to protecting your gutters from debris and clogging, read the leafblaster reviews here for more details.

My condo is on the market and I’m going to be buying a house once it sells, so I am actually hoping that iRobot comes out with a lawn mowing robot. There are other commercial lawn maintenance companies that have them, so I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

I am very impressed with my Roomba. It is relatively quiet (compared to other vacuums), navigates quite well, and really does do a wonderful job of vacuuming.

While it will sometimes miss picking up some stuff here and there, the fact is that whenever I run it, I am amazed at how much dust and hair it picks up. I mean, when is the last time you vacuumed under your bed or sofa?

I would seriously recommend grabbing one of these guys (especially if you have a pet or kids). I’m even recommending them before I’m accepted into the iRobot affiliate program Winking smile

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Posted: January 1st, 2011 under Personal  

35 Responses to “I Got a Roomba for Christmas!”

  1. Bryce says:

    For much of the video it looked like it was fairly random, but from 5:30 onwards you can see it definitely knows the layout as he is tracking the walls.

  2. used tires says:

    lol that’s awesome Tyler, and pretty sweet job on the video editing! Seems like he’d be perfect for a home with a pet.


    • I don’t know about that Jean. I know this thing would freak my cats right out. They’d be hiding under the bed until this thing stopped. I’m sure some dogs would be more aggressive about it. It would be nice to have clean carpets for once though.

      • used tires says:

        Yah thats a good point, not all animals are going to be friendly with it. I know my dog used to freak out at the vacuum cleaner. The clean carpets would be the only benefit really.

        • Its ironic I came across this comment, my neighbor got one during the holidays and was showing it off today…I asked about how his cat and small dog reacted to this new “pet” and he said that neither animal cared too much about the device after the second day…He was also amazed at the sheer amount of hair this device picked up in between traditional vacuum cleanings.

  3. Becky Marie says:

    Soooo jealous! I’ve wanted one of these for years!

  4. Very cool. How’s the capacity on it? I’d worry that it would get full really quickly especially if you have pets.

    I guess if you use it every single day it might not.


    • Yes I agree Paul.If you have big dogs like me how much hair will it hold up in that little thing.

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      There are actual pet series Roomba’s that are designed specifically to deal with the extra pet hair, and you can optionally also order larger-sized dust bins for Roombas to give it more room.

    • Paul B says:

      No pets but 2 women in the house and their hair gets everywhere 🙂

      We’ve got 2 560 models, ground floor and upstairs and they handle hair + carpet fine. You are supposed to empty and clean the brushes each day so capacity is no problem at all. The only problem I’ve found so far is reliability, if you forget to clean them a couple of times they have issues with dust backing into the bearings and killing the motor. It’s about £60 (sterling) for a replacement.

      Either way Johnny 5 and Wall-E have donw away with 90% of our hoovering so well worth the money.

  5. Sunfrog says:

    You should make a little obstacle course for it and have it go up ramps and under bridges and stuff. Like rearrange your furniture to make it more fun.

  6. Wow, that thing looks pretty freakin cool! I might have to check them out and maybe order myself one.

  7. krillz says:

    “Won’t go under my coffetable”
    That’s because your to lazy to bend over and reach in.. man you are a spoiled brat having to buy a robot to get the spots you don’t want to clean as it requires you to stop, get down on your knees.

  8. Paul says:

    These robots will get better and better with time and soon they will be a must have home accessory!

  9. This is a nice piece of work from iRobot. Really cool… A pool cleaner would be nice too

  10. Suzie says:

    Well, I tested it out on the 2nd floor, and it worked just fine. All I did was pick it up and carry it up the stairs, dropped it off at the top of the stairs, and pressed start. It went to work, and when the battery ran low, it returned right back to where I dropped it off.

    Pretty damn smart little machine.

  11. Hehe, loved the Star Wars opening to the video and the UFO greeting. But the Roomba seems like a real nifty device. I might get it myself as I hate bringing out the vacuum cleaner every day, hooking up the hoses and lugging it around. This thing is from the future. And it looks like it’s worth getting.

  12. This is awesome! It’d be cool if it’s available in the Philippines.

    This is cleaning without wasting a time lol

  13. Jealous? Maybe…. lol but seriously looks awesome! I’ve been wanting to get one myself…. Hostgator has assisted me with getting Starcraft 2 though… I got my best presents from work.. I’m not really sure if that’s awesome or sad. =)

  14. Jasmine says:

    Wow, this is cool! Hope my boyfriend would buy one for me! Haha…

  15. Nice Christmas present!

    These robots really help giving you more time, especially if you live alone and has to clean the house yourself.

    You can work and make money while vacuuming.

    • Yes there’s a lot I’d rather be doing instead of cleaning. So I really should be looking into this more. Hopefully they come out with more robots like this to handle mundane tasks such as housecleaning.

  16. LukePeerFly says:

    I’m going to register for one as a wedding gift I think. Seems like a cool device. Thanks for the video.

  17. Thats really cool. I had heard about the Roomba but hadn’t seen one in action. I actually thought they would not work all that well. I am surprised how neat.

  18. […] Cruz gets us back in the holiday spirit, if only for a moment, but showing off the Roomba he got for Christmas. This is a great little product that will automatically keep Tyler’s condo nice and clean […]

  19. Max says:

    The smart thing to do would be to sell your condo and rent until the housing bubble in Canada pops. They are likely to follow the path of the American housing bubble. The Seattle area is probably similar to BC, and prices there have fallen over 25%.

  20. Dan Lew says:

    This is great, I love the idea!

  21. Good one Tyler. Been Planning on buying one last Christmas but was too busy eating and partying…

  22. Wow, that is awesome! Really cool! 😉

  23. These are cool little robots! I might get one. Does navigate around obstacles ok?

  24. Aaaah. I want to use it. very nice. 🙂

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