I’m Back, Baby!
July 23, 2017 Posted by Tyler CruzYes, it’s me. It’s been a long time.
After 1.5 years of suddenly disappearing from my blog, I’ve finally returned, and I’m going to be getting right back into the swing of things.
Here’s video proof that it’s really me, as well as an explanation of what will happen now. I plan on doing more YouTube posts in the future, so please subscribe if you’d like to stay updated with my blog:
(Note: You may need to visit the post directly at TylerCruz.com if you’re reading this via e-mail or RSS in order to see the video.)
Posted: July 23rd, 2017 under Miscellaneous
Hey tyler, let me just say. It’s good to see you back. I actually thought about you recently and over those 1.5 years wondered where you wandered off to.
With that being said. Why bother coming back?
Not in a negative personal way, but why bother coming back to blogging? Blogging is so 2009, even the big boys in our niche like john chow and shoemoney are hanging by a thread.
I hope you’re not coming back thinking you’re going to make any real money from blogging unless you’re looking to promote some guru course.
Long time ago when you owned pokerforums I told you about affiliate marketing and brushed it off. Eventually you picked up on it and it was good to see you have success with it. After having great success you hit a road block and then you kind of disappeared. I know how that feels.
The only reason I’m telling you this now is I hope you’re coming back and focusing on things that will actually benefit you. I’ve followed your blog for years and I noticed a pattern where you start the blog back up after you’re feeling motivated and you feel like you can do anything, you have some success and then you lose motivation and abandon the blog and this pattern repeats itself.
If you’re coming back to blogging to try and make money with it. I’ll tell you now that the ship has sailed. You missed that opportunity long ago when you actually had a group of followers to call your own, but now blogging is pretty dead, and getting the same kind of interest you had back then is going to be just as hard as starting a fresh new blog.
So if you are coming back to blog, just do it for your own personal reasons and not for money. You won’t find any in blogging. And I can tell you now you’re already going about this all wrong by setting yourself up for failure early with the 30 post thing. My moneys on you not even coming close to finishing those posts because you’ll be disheartened by how many people have simply moved on and don’t care about bloggers anymore.
You’ve should of created those posts already before announcing your come back. You wasted a perfectly good opportunity to capitalize on that initial push of traffic that will come flooding in to see you’re still alive and people wanting to know where you’ve been. But now instead of getting any answers to our questions, we have to wait for you to write 30 posts, which by your estimate will take about a month.
Nobody cares enough to wait that long tyler. If you really want to bring your dead blog back to life, how about you just do what you said you were going to do and just start publishing those posts every 3 days instead of holding them back.
It’s good to see you again, but I really hope you re-evaluate your plans here. What you’re doing is like trying to start a fire by lighting a match but you didn’t collect the tinder and sticks to actually get the fire started so it can grow. That little match you struck is starting to burn out… you need to add some fuel to grow the fire right now.
I was definitely on the fence on whether I should just write the 30 posts before making the announcement to returning or not, but decided to do so because I didn’t want to wait any longer before posting.
I don’t disagree that it may be hard to get my blog going again, but I’m going to give it a go and see what happens.
Tyler you’ve got 18 months worth of monthly affiliate updates to post! That was the only reason I kept coming back, to see your great progress on the Affiliate Marketing and hitting those big numbers.
How did you go with your menieres disease? Hopefully all is well with your health now. So many questions!!!
I’ll give you a bit of a preview – there will be no big numbers to report unfortunately. But I am trying my hardest to follow through on this 30-post promise. I’m currently at 4 and will try my hardest to get all 30 done as soon as possible.
Glad to see you’re back.
Hope these blog posts materialise, but I think you might be over-thinking it. Things have moved on from the ‘blogging’ heyday, and while the opportunities to be gained from blogging are a little less obvious now (it’s more about brand and audience building than ad-sales these days), there’s also less need to provide consistent content. Just write a piece when you have something to say, and link to it on Twitter. If it’s good content, it’ll go viral on Twitter and send people here.
In any case, I’m glad to see you blogging again. The posts that interest me have always been the honest day-to-day posts (i.e. what are you working on, how’s it going, what are you going to try next). You’re still on my radar as one of the people in the make-money-online space who hasn’t jumped whole-heartedly into the scam/snake-oil of MLM/pyramid schemes.
An entrepreneur’s focus should be *how can I provide value to people/businesses in a scalable way*, not *how can I get rich quick*. John Chow et al aren’t truly entrepreneurs, because they’re not truly building anything other than their own fortune on the backs of a lot of poor suckers.
Hope to see you pursue more opportunities on ‘the light side’.
The Internet definitely has changed, and it will take me a while to learn just exactly how, and adapt accordingly.
Someone just advised you “not to overthink”. For sure I am not going to “overthink” your welcome showing up again.
Welcome back, and in particular, tell us more about your health battles and your “brick and mortar” real estate investment business.
Welcome back.
You are one of the few people who should find some of my upcoming posts particularly interesting… you will see why soon enough
Where you have been from past 1 year. What will be your topic on youtube video?
Do we need to follow on youtube or videos will be posted here?
Best wishes
You can follow me on YouTube and check back here or subscribe to my newsletter (top right side) – as only about 15%-20% of my future posts will include videos.
Hey Tyler, Welcome back.Hope we will get some of your experiences of 18 months. Good luck. Never Stop good work
Just to let you know you have lots of spam comments with links on your previous posts. Not good with Google page ranking….
Yeah, I’ve been slowly cleaning them up.
Glad to see you back Tyler, long time follower.
Looking forward of things to come.
Welcome back buddy, glad to see you back!
Can’t wait to read your new posts!
Hey Tyler, Welcome back.Hope we will lean some thing new from you.
LOL @ the guy up top who said that blogging is dead. In the words of Conor McGregor, “Who the fook is that guy?” What a stupid thing to say.
I’m glad to see you back Tyler. I’m looking forward to reading about your health issues, income property and more.
I think that the 30 pre-written posts thing is a great idea – it will get people back into the swing of checking your blog, and when the three months is up, you’ll have some momentum going and an additional three months worth of things to talk about.
Yeah – my only mistake was that I probably should have waited until all 30 were done before announcing my return
Welcome back! Man, been reading your posts since the Sitepoint forum days when you moved out of your parents’ place. I seriously was starting to believe the rumor that Tyler committed suicide after Votesy.com failed to take off. LOL, glad that was a false rumor.
Ah, a true long time reader
My blog will be returning to the spirit of how it originally began. Thanks for reading.
I’ve been checking your site a few time per month and it is good to finally see a new update. Like the previous poster, I started following your journey many years ago back when you were on SitePoint Forums. I’m looking forward to finding out what you’ve been up to and how your income properties are doing. Like you, I was also very successful online for several years but then things slowed down. I’m back and working on revitalizing my main web site so we share similar stories in terms of our ups and down. Best of luck Tyler!
The Internet has changed so much and so us “old folks” really need to adapt! Those Sitepoint days were great…
Welcome back Tyler, looking forward to read your upcoming posts
Heh, been following you for over 10 years. Welcome back.
Some people posted that you had died, for some time I believed it but kept checking your social accounts from time to time looking for updates to the contrary. Glad that isn’t the case
My dad has menieres disease too, though his doesn’t flare up as much as it did initially. Though he’s 64 now.
Tyler, your posts have always been awesome, wishing you the best of luck with your new endevours!
I would say, the things that always made your posts awesome were you willingness to share reality, which was opposed to many of your contemporaries(non of whom were interesting to me), and very refreshing. So for me i’m very glad to see you back and i did check your blog many times in you absence, so you should know you were missed.
The web is changing, but that just then means it’s now your new job to keep up with the changes and adapt your strategy!
Hey Tyler, Welcome back man.Hope we will get some of your experiences of 18 months. Loved your video. Thanks
[…] returned on July 23rd, 2017, with an announcement that I was back. And in order to prove my return I wanted to guarantee regular and consistent blog posts by […]
Hey Tyler, Welcome back man.Hope we will get some of your experiences of 18 months. Loved your video. Thanks
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