I’m Giving Away a 2010 Honda Acura TSX!

June 27, 2009 Posted by Tyler Cruz

Now, you’ll need to generate $500,000 within 62 days to win it, but you weren’t expecting me to give away a brand new car to a random blog reader were you? 😉

While $500,000 in 2 months is certainly a lot, broken down that works out to an average of $8,000 a day so it’s certainly not unachievable. In fact, I know a number of people who could easily do that.

June was a really good month for PublisherChallenge, and site members have generated $129,754.16 so far. That puts the site on pace to hit and exceed the one million dollar mark ($1,000,000) next month in July! Once that milestone gets hit, my next one will be for $10,000,000.

We have 2 new competitions that start in a few days and the prizes are absolutely awesome.

The first is being run on PeerFly, which is their 4th competition on PublisherChallenge in a row, and the other is by CPARev, which is their 2nd in a row.

PeerFly’s Summer Challenge

PeerFly is back with their 4th competition in a row, proving that they’re here for the long run and that by signing up with then you can expect them to run future competitions as well. They have already given away over $13,000 in prizes to PublisherChallenge winners.

In my last PublisherChallenge update, a commenter named Sebastian told me that he was a larger affiliate who could push big numbers but that the VIP prizes weren’t quite big enough to really excite him to compete for them. After a couple exchanges back and forth, we came up with the idea to run the competition for a longer period of time so that we could give out better prizes.

I’m always open to constructive criticism, and so we’re running PeerFly’s Summer Competition for 2 months from July 1st, 2009 to August 31st, 2009, and are literally doubling up all the prizes.

You can find out more information about PeerFly’s Huge Giveaway here.

Here is a quick rundown of the prizes:


Main Prize Category

  • 1st Place – Samsung 52-Inch 1080p 240Hz LCD HDTV
  • 2nd Place – 2.53GHz 13-Inch MacBook Pro
  • 3rd Place – 2.13GHz White 13-inch MacBook
  • 4th Place – PlayStation 3 Rock Band 2 Package
  • 5th Place – Canon Rebel XS 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera

New Signup Prize Category

  • 1st Place – 16GB iPod Touch
  • 2nd Place – $100 Cash

VIP Prizes

  • $50,000.00 – $99,999.99 VIP Tier – 17-inch 2.8GHz Macbook Pro Package
  • $100,000.00 – $99,999.99 VIP Tier – VIP Vegas Trip for Two for 4 Nights
  • $200,000.00 – $299,999.99 VIP Tier – ZERO-G Weightless Experience
  • $300,000.00 – $399,999.99 VIP Tier – Epic VIP Vegas Trip for Two for a Full Week
  • $400,000.00 – $499,999.99 VIP Tier – 2009 Honda Accord Coupe
  • $500,000.00+ VIP Tier – 2010 Honda Acura TSX

PeerFly has continued to offer the best VIP prizes. I really want somebody to win one of the bigger VIP tiers as it’d be awesome to send somebody to experience weightlessness or give them a true VIP Las Vegas trip.

It’s also the first time PublisherChallenge has ever offered cars as prizes. While a Porche is out of the budget, a 2010 Honda Acura TSX is nothing to scoff at.

PeerFly takes really tight margins on their offers so chances are they can meet or beat whatever payout you’re getting anywhere else.

CPARev’s July Challenge

CPARev has returned to PublisherChallenge with a bang by putting up an even larger prize pool than their first contest. There is now $4,000 worth of prizes for the Main Prize category, and as usual, there is no minimum prerequisite required.

While PeerFly may have the better VIP Prizes, CPARev has the better Main Category prizes.

You can find out more information about CPARev’s Affiliate Challenge here.

Here is a quick rundown of the prizes:


Main Prize Category

  • 1st Place – Upgraded 13-Inch MacBook Pro
  • 2nd Place – 2.13 GHz White 13-inch MacBook
  • 3rd Place – Sony PlayStation 3 80 GB
  • 4th Place – Canon Rebel XS 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera
  • 5th Place – Amazon Kindle 2

New Signup Prize Category

  • 1st Place – $125 Cash
  • 2nd Place – $75 Cash

VIP Prizes

  • $50,000.00 – $74,999.99 Tier – MacBook Air and Canon Office Printer
  • $75,000.00 – $99,999.99 Tier – 2.8GHz 17-inch MacBook Pro
  • $100,000.00 – $199,999.99 Tier – Sony Bravia 52-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV
  • $200,000.00 – $399,999.99 Tier – VIP Vegas Trip for Two for 4 nights
  • $400,000.00+ VIP Tier – ZERO-G Weightless Experience

Your chances of winning a great prize are actually really good and I’m not just saying that. For example, in the current CPARev contest, and with only 4 days left, 4th place is currently only at $379.15 and 5th place at $144.00. If things fare the same in July, that means if you generate an average of $5 a day you could win an Amazon Kindle 2 ($359 value).

Good Luck!

Anyhow, check out these two competitions and I hope to see you on the leaderboards soon!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment below, subscribing to my RSS feed, or following me on Twitter.
Posted: June 27th, 2009 under Contests  

30 Responses to “I’m Giving Away a 2010 Honda Acura TSX!”

  1. Where did you get your blog layout from? I’d like to get one like it for my blog.

  2. Online TV says:

    WOW! Great prizes! I’ll try to generate a few bucks for you. Thanks for sharing your revenues with your blog readers.

  3. I am going to give it a try

  4. Greg Ellison says:

    Good luck to everyone that enters these contests. Those are some nice prizes. Greg Ellison

  5. Cooper Mor says:

    Do I have to wait til the contests officially launches to signup for Peerfly, or if I signup now, can I be entered in their 4th contest?

  6. aio-holic says:

    Wow.. Your prize are so cool.. Am I will try to join it? 🙂

  7. gurtey says:

    great prizes…man i want them..not all..atleast 1!

  8. Since my account JUST got approved a couple of days ago, would I qualify for the new sign-ups prizes or no? I know it doesn’t officially start until July 1st but since there’s only two days left in June, I was just wondering…


  9. BTW, CPARev doesn’t even seem to be a good company with good reps. My application got denied and they never stated a reason, I e-mailed them back like 2 weeks ago and never heard back.

    They may have good prizes but it seems as though their reps are really repping for their company.


    • Tyler Cruz says:

      The #1 reason people get declined is because they never answered the phone or phoned them to complete the signing-up process…

      E-mail me your details and I can get them to try making contact with you again…

      • That’s the weird part. I’m pretty sure I didn’t get a call from them. If I did, they didn’t leave a message.

        But eh, I’ll pass on them for now even though they have good prizes. I rather work with people that would want to work with me… and give a response. 😀


  10. Sorry for keep leaving comments but is it just me or did all the prizes just change? I got the e-mail for your RSS Feeds and it’s pretty different from the post… now.


  11. Man, those are some great prizes too bad I suck at affiliate marketing. Good luck to everybody, I will do my best to win one of those prizes.

  12. Luke says:

    This month’s contests have been a lot of fun for me. While I am not a big fan of the offer selection at CPARev and did not see a very good ratio on the campaigns I did run, I am somehow holding on to 10th for the Flip so far 😛

    I have done a lot better with PeerFly. They seem to be a very solid network and I hope I can hang on to my 4th place position or move up to 3rd. I’ve had a couple of the offers I was running with them go down this month and that slowed me down somewhat, but they still have a couple that are converting well for me.

    Next month I will probably move all my traffic to PeerFly 🙂

  13. Gerri says:

    This seems like something that is well worth it.

  14. That’ s a pretty fly prize right there. When I saw the post, I Knew there was a huge catch. Having to make 500,000 is certainly a huge task. Those are some really amazing prizes though, the macbook pro package looks nice.


  15. Brad says:

    WOW, a car?!? – damn sweet

  16. Great post.I’ll for sure come back to your post,tyler

  17. Sweet prizes Tyler. I wouldn’t mind a brand new TSX. I couldn’t pull those kind of numbers though. Maybe in a few years.

  18. The prizes are very nice and it really pumps a person up, but what are with these contests? Basically the prizes are awesome, but to achieve/win the prize is VERY VERY difficult.

    The marketer may be able to buy a few cars if he chooses a different company or one that gives more in return.


  19. Ruddo says:

    There’s no way im reaching that tier, maybe in a few years though

  20. Make Lots says:

    8,000 a day is quite a chunk of change there. I wonder did anyone even come close? I am guessing you didn’t have to give the car away.


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