Jonathan Volk’s Free Affiliate Marketing Guide

March 8, 2010 Posted by Tyler Cruz

If you do any kind of affiliate marketing online then chances are you’ve heard of Jonathan Volk.

You may also recognize his name from when we competed against each other in a weight loss challenge last year. He’s also one of my blog link partners.

Jonathan Volk is a well known name in the affiliate marketing industry as he is a true super affiliate, regularly generating around $400,000 a month. Okay sure, that’s gross, but you could still assume around $150,000 net profit each month. That’s $35,000 profit a week!

Oh yeah, and he’s only 23.

For the first time ever, Jonathan Volk has written an e-book which is a comprehensive affiliate marketing guide. It covers everything including the absolute basics (such as defining what affiliate marketing is), demographic analysis, social media, PPV, PPC, media buying, etc.

Best of all, the guide is completely free. You simply need to give your name and e-mail and the guide is completely yours.


Download it now, for free.

Since Jonathan covers all the major aspects of affiliate marketing in this guide, this is the perfect opportunity for those of you who always wanted to get started in affiliate marketing but never wanted to pay for an online course.

What’s nice, too, is that since Jonathan just wrote this guide, that means it’s up-to-date. The affiliate marketing world evolves and transitions pretty fast, so having a recently written guide is paramount to avoiding saturated sources, marketing tactics, etc. More articles that are marketing guides can be found at

Below is a list of the guide’s sections:

  • Section 1. Introduction
  • Section 2. What Is Affiliate Marketing?
  • Section 3. What Is An Affiliate Network?
  • Section 4. Recommended Affiliate Networks
  • Section 5. How Does All This Come Together?
  • Section 6. The “Pregame”
  • Section 7. The “Pregame” Pt. 2 – Know Your Demographics
  • Section 8. The “Pregame” Pt. 3 – Setting Up Hosting / Domain Name
  • Section 9. Setting Up A Simple PHP Redirect
  • Section 10. The Landing Page
  • Section 11. Affiliate Marketing Methods (Basic Overview)
  • Section 12. Social Media Affiliate Marketing Guide
  • Section 13. Pay Per View Affiliate Marketing Guide
  • Section 14. Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing Guide
  • Section 15. Media Buying Affiliate Marketing Guide
  • Section 16. After Your Campaigns Are Ready To Launch
  • Section 17. Conclusion

Jonathan Volk is such a beast in the affiliate marketing industry that you should really hear what he has to say. The guide is free and Volk knows his stuff, so download it now and learn a thing or two 🙂

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Posted: March 8th, 2010 under Affiliate Marketing  

53 Responses to “Jonathan Volk’s Free Affiliate Marketing Guide”

  1. Have you signed up and read it Tyler? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the actual content?

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      I took a quick look through it (didn’t have the time to read it all) and thought it was a good overall explanation and introduction to affiliate marketing, showcasing all the popular marketing and traffic methods, etc. It’s catered more towards beginner/smaller affiliate marketers, but also has tidbits of information here and there that more experienced marketers can still benefit from. It also has a number of good sources to use… while they were obviously put in with referral links, there are still some good sources there.

      This guide won’t make you a super affiliate or unveil some type of top secret formula that will improve your CTRs 10-fold, but is simply a lot of good information packed into one source that is up to date, written by a true super affiliate, and best of all – is free 🙂

  2. USPiggyBank says:

    nothing bad personally about Volk, i think he has a nice blog but the ebook doesn’t help at all lol It’s info u can google. What makes it unique? or is it to build a email list?

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      Of course it’s to build an e-mail list, but the guide is still helpful. I learned a few things from it anyway…

    • If someone is looking for an overall introduction to AM in one place then this it. You could google all the info if you want, but he provides it all in one place making it much easier to learn.

    • JB says:

      Do what I do. I hate being on 1200 email lists. Use and you never have to worry about it again 😉

    • Helpfulness is subjective. The people who can benefit most from this kind of free ebook is obviously going to be new affiliate marketers. Still, pros can learn a bit too since there are so many different strategies you can use with affiliate marketing.

    • Boxing Bags says:

      You will find that a lot of info products that sell for big dollar amounts , that all the info in them can be found for free if you have enough time to search Google for 5 months or so

      Sometimes its not about the availability of that info but on how that info is put together and how the writer interprets that information and “speaks” to you

  3. Why is every affiliate marketer promoting his ebook?

  4. used tires says:

    Ever since I got into this, I’ve been a big fan of guys like Jon, Shane, etc. so am definitely looking forward to checking out this book. 🙂

    Till then,


  5. Sounds like someone’s sucking up to a super affiliate 😛

    Just playing… I think I’ll consider checking it out since it’s free. Of course, I’ll have to battle all that spam I’ll be getting afterward lol Just playing Jonathan!


  6. If there’s a free affiliate marketing book available, I always get it! There’s always someone out there who knows more than me, and even if I learn only one new thing, that might be the thing that puts me in the super money!

  7. USPiggyBank says:

    The first ebook i read that made me really take this serious was Chow’s free ebook. He charged nothing and it got allot of people to stay on his list.

    When will the veteran Affiliates talk about the real money? I mean 4 years of noob info ebooks and i still cannot make enough to pay for a boob job lol

    ok im just joking around now heheh

  8. PPC Icon says:

    Ooh free is my kind of price. I’ll be grabbing this, you never know when you see one little nugget of information that you can take and make money with!

  9. I like this guide, because you can use it for marketing and the good things it’s free. Thanks for sharing this..

  10. hotel says:

    Ever since I got into this, I’ve been a big fan of guys like Jon, Shane, etc. so am definitely looking forward to checking out this book.

    Thanks 🙂

  11. It’s funny that people are expecting a free ebook to have all the secrets they need to be successful. Obviously it’s not going to cover everything or else he would be charging money for it.

    Of course he is doing this to build his mailing list, but there is nothing wrong with that. That’s how a lot of big bloggers build huge mailing lists….by providing decent free advice.

    • Paul B says:

      I’ve never found any “IM” product, free or paid, that offered the actual advice that was promised. I’ve spent thousands upon thousands of dollars just to try stuff out and to be able to give an honest review – based on first hand experience. Most of what they push is hype and bullshit spun around and around by the same people in order to fondle each others “lists”. I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that list marketers are scum.

      • I have found some.. but not many. The only time I’ve gotten my money’s worth is when I’ve purchased something I NEEDED to learn RIGHT NOW. It’s what they call JUST IN TIME LEARNING as opposed to JUST IN CASE LEARNING. I learn much better and I get way more out of it since I’m putting it into action.

  12. I just read through most of it. Pretty good summary of affiliate marketing

  13. If you are unsure about the program or want something cheaper you can look into Rosalind Gardners The Super Affiliate Handbook. It’s not as in depth but you will get a gist on how affiliate marketing works.

  14. Jon is one of the guys that stands out as just being top of the game while really doing what he can to give back. He’s one of the few that when you seem him succeed you actually feel happy for him and think he deserves it…unlike my usual jealous rage and drinking binges after seeing big checks lol jk.

    Anyway, the guide is meant to be a primer to give noobs a solid foundation. He isn’t the only one that says that you just have to get out there and DO IT to really learn it.

    Sure, I’d love to see some specific examples and exact step-by-step how-to’s from someone like Jon but what can we really expect. He does some of that on his blog already.

    Definitely worth a look for anyone new and his blog is a great read for anyone in the industry or anyone looking for inspiration.

  15. Metin2 Hile says:

    Ooh free is my kind of price. I’ll be grabbing this, you never know when you see one little nugget of information that you can take and make money with!

    • That’s funny, because the free part is exactly why I haven’t checked out the guide yet. I don’t like wasting time reading a whole lot of unhelpful info at hopes of finding a gem.

      • If you’re a beginner then this is the perfect ebook for you. But once you’re advanced, it’s better to go with a paid product that you’ve heard real authentic reviews on and then go with that. You’ll be getting more advanced tactics and tips.

        • I agree that beginners might get a lot out of something like this. It would probably teach you the basics quite well. I don’t know if any paid products are any better. Personally I find there are plenty of ways to learn things online for free. You just have to know where to look and who to ask. The answers just usually aren’t in some free mass distributed ebook.

  16. Hi Tyler thanks for sharing this affiliate marketing guide which looks awesome for free! I’ll read this soon and I hope I can be successful one someday 🙂

  17. ’ll be grabbing this, you never know when you see one little nugget of information that you can take and make money with!

  18. orjin krem says:

    If you are unsure about the program or want something cheaper you can look into Rosalind Gardners The Super Affiliate Handbook. It’s not as in depth but you will get a gist on how affiliate marketing works. 🙂

  19. SEO Tricks says:

    Thanks for the stuff and i have read it and it is an awesome resource for all.

  20. Thanks for the article. I have to say that affiliate marketing is one of the best (if not best) business models out there. Little direct customer contact, no support needed for products, just about as hands off as you can get. 🙂

  21. Thanks for the free guide. Think it looks pretty good.

  22. You can’t get anywhere in this game without a lot of research and testing of results

  23. thanks for the guide…much appreciated.

  24. Rikzricci says:

    You have a very nice post here, and so informative for people who is still learning like me.

    Thank you for the info.

  25. Great stuff for a free ebook !!

  26. takı says:

    You have a very nice post here, and so informative for people who is still learning like me.

    Thank you for the info.

  27. Admirable blog! I’ll likely be referencing some of this facts in my next speech. I would appreciate it in case you visited my blog at

  28. So, this is aimed more at newbies I take it and just a general overview of how to setup a website and so on? I’ll probably still take a look at it. There’s always a few beginners guides that seem to still have some good material in them for reference or even help new ideas come to mind.

  29. Thanks for the free guide!

  30. I would love to sign up for this one!

  31. Free? I went over and downloaded it right away.

  32. I just read through most of it. Pretty good summary of affiliate marketing

  33. Wow, that’s a great ebook and it is free! What else could someone ask!
    Thanks for sharing this!

  34. […] Jonathan Volk’s Free Affiliate Marketing Guide | TylerCruz … – … affiliate marketing online then chances are you’ve heard of Jonathan Volk. … Since Jonathan covers all the major aspects of affiliate marketing in this guide, … […]


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