Keeping Myself Busy

February 6, 2009 Posted by Tyler Cruz

I thought I’d make a quick post on what I’ve been up to the past few days.

Basically, I’ve been working a lot on trying to get PublisherChallenge up and running for the 7th. I’ve already delayed the launch once and don’t want to again. It will be extremely tight but I think I’m going to launch it even if it’s not 100% complete.

As long as all the major features work, the content is finished, and most bugs ironed out I’ll be launching it. Any small minor bugs that remain can be ironed out later. My team of programmers don’t work on Saturday or Sunday which means that this is the last day they have to work on the site before the launch.

What sucks is that I haven’t even started writing ANY of the content on the site, which is essential. I won’t launch the site until all the content is done so tomorrow is going to be one hell of a busy day for me.


Apart from working closely with the programmers on PublisherChallenge, I’ve been busy launching two other Affiliate Marketing Competitions (the MarketLeverage and AmpedMedia ones recently posted) and tending to my never-ending pile of e-mails.

I sold one of my Starcraft domains via Sedo for $400, but after Sedo’s insane $50 brokerage fee it came to $350.

Today, I discovered that became open for registration so I grabbed it 🙂

Soon I have to call my accountant to get my taxes done. This is always a massive pain for me as I have a ton of revenue sources and many have extremely poor accounting records. It will also be the first year I have both my personal and corporate taxes done. I think I remember when incorporating that my accountant said it costs like $1,000+ to do income tax accounting for a corporation, so I’m not looking forward to that either.

I’m also scared that I didn’t put enough money aside to pay my taxes. It’ll be a bit weird and convoluted, because my accountant will have to work out how best to pay my personal self (through dividends, etc.) and I actually already paid my 2008 taxes as I have to pay quarterly in advance, and they estimated my 2008 income based off my 2007 tax records. Since most of that filtered through my corporation for 2008 it will come out to a lot less meaning I should get a pretty huge refund but that will have to go towards my corporate income tax.

I just hope I saved enough to pay it, heh. God, I hate taxes.

Anyhow, I’ve been keeping very busy. Hopefully my programmers and I can get PublisherChallenge ready for launch for the 7th!

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Posted: February 6th, 2009 under My Websites  

26 Responses to “Keeping Myself Busy”

  1. Andrew says:

    Good luck with PublisherChallenge, hopefully it launches on time. How many networks do you have to start?

  2. IndoContest says:

    Good luck Tyler…. 🙂

  3. Mubin says:

    Quick question about the ampedmedia contest, I don’t see it on the sidebar with the number of earnings for different affiliates? Are you not going to have a leaderboard for that competition?

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      PublisherChallenge will be launching tomorrow at which point that section will be removed so I didn’t bother making a leaderboard for it.

      Why, are you competiting in it? 🙂

  4. Typhoon says:

    Yes, Best Of Luck Tyler..And Congrats on your new domain 🙂


  5. Zach says:

    you’ll get there Tyler. Congratulations on selling, and picking up a new domain. But isn’t $50 a huge fee? It seems absurd. Anyhow, good luck,

  6. Tyler, have you ever used NetFile through the Canada Revenue Agency website? I did for the first time last tax season and it took about 25 minutes… much easier than sorting through stacks of paper and doing it manually at H&R Block.

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      I’m happy with my real accountant. Does H&R even do corporate taxes?

      I’m happy to spend money on an accountant to do my year-end as I don’t want to make any mistakes or risk an audit.

      • Personally if your accountant is working for you, I would stick with him. I often don’t like the bigger companies like H&R doing my taxes. I feel the personal connection between me and my accountant is lost.

  7. Luke says:

    I agree that taxes are a huge pain and I hate them as well. Next year they’re going to be a huge pain for me and my affiliates who are gonna make $1,000,000 in 2009 😀

  8. Darren says:

    Tyler do not launch it if it is not developed right. You will be creating more problems than you have now. Trust me, as a programmer, get all the bugs out you can before you launch it.

  9. Dennis says:

    Will be awaiting the launch of!

  10. Hi Tyler, I am looking forward to seeing the project released, I imagine it wont be too long now 🙂

  11. Sorry to have to leave one more comment… But, Tyler which starcraft domain did you sell? I know you had a few starcraft domain names. Was it Or another.

    Personally I thought you could get alot more than $400 for the domain name, were you happy with the $400 sale tag, or were you expecting more?

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      Hah, yeah, I wouldn’t sell that for $400. I sold I still have a dozen, but sold 2-3 of them now.

      I won’t be selling or unless I get a real big offer.

      • Ahh okay, yeah that makes sense then :), thanks for clearing that up!

        And yes I would agree, a big offer is needed for the those 2 very valuable Starcraft domains 🙂

        One last question for this post, I promise, hehe…. Do you ever worry about getting a C&D letter from Blizzard in regards to the domain name? I often worry about that with some of my domain names. 🙁

        • Tyler Cruz says:

          Not from Blizzard I’m not. Blizzard is very community fan site friendly. In fact, they even link to and many WorldOfWarcraft fansites…

          Now, Valve and WWE are another story. That’s why I sold my and domains…

  12. Classifieds says:

    Wow having and are great domain names I’m sure you would make a lot off of them if you decided to sell them

  13. ethernet says:

    Ahhhh taxes….what a pain in the arse.

    Good luck with the new site(s).

  14. HTML Help says:

    Ugh… taxes…

    It’s amazing that in the U.S. we never had income taxes until 1913. It was attempted prior to that several times and each time was ruled unconstitutional.

    So, now we have income taxes and the bureaucrats in D.C. hand out boatloads of money to their friends with all their bailouts while the rest of us foot the bill, if we ever can. Our political representatives here in the U.S. have basically mortgaged our futures and those of our children, grandchildren, etc, etc.

    Difficult to smile during tax time, whether it be because of the accounting headaches, amount of tax owed or even simply the bad deal our government is giving us.


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