My Genesis with PayPerPost
June 8, 2007 Posted by Tyler CruzA few days ago I received an e-mail from a board member and investor of PayPerPost. He asked if I had heard of the recently-launched PPP Direct system, and if so, what I had thought of it. He had also asked why I was using ReviewMe, which pays out 50%, as opposed to PPP, which pays out 90%.
After a series of back-and-forth e-mails, I made the decision to switch from ReviewMe to PayPerPost… but not just switch. No, I decided to make the somewhat risky move to go all-out with PayPerPost.
I’ve decided that I’m going to try and start monetizing my blog. While you’ll see (hopefully) a lot more more paid reviews and the like, it will also serve a purpose other than me trying to make money. I’ll be starting a new post series documenting my run with PayPerPost, and hopefully it should help show what is possible with such a system. I don’t know if I’ll make money or not; it’s a risk I’m taking like I did with affiliate marketing.
However, I do know that I’m aiming high. On the Dashboard at PPP it lists the top earners, which can be viewed by All Time, Day, or Month. The #1 all-time spot is held by “Colleen 692” who has earned a total of $12,157.64. My goal is to beat Colleen and hit the #1 spot.
Yes, this is quite the goal, but I actually do think I have a shot of making it. I really do. I’m not saying that it’s guaranteed, far from that, but I think I do have a good shot.
Thus, after making this decision, I phoned my contact at PPP and we talked for over an hour. He has already mentioned me to the CEO, and we’re already working on a strong partnership together.
You’ll notice that I replaced the ReviewMe button on my blog with the PPP “badge”. Since PPP takes only 10% as opposed to 50% that ReviewMe does, I’m able to lower my cost to advertisers significantly from $100 to $60. I’d encourage anyone who wants to get their website, service, or brand out there to consider purchasing a review from me. If you’ve read my past reviews you’ll note that I produce very high-quality ones, and given my blog’s RSS readership and PR, I honestly think it’s a great deal.
I also updated my advertise page with new stats, as well as replaced ReviewMe with PPP there as well.
I’ll discuss my changed disposition towards PPP and more in my next post in this series.
Again, to those worried that my blog will turn into nothing but shameless advertisements, please remember that this is an experiment and that I’ll be providing readers with regular updates on how it is faring and exactly how much I am earning.
He mentioned you to the CEO? You’re special
You may want to mention him that the inline popup that appears when you click the ppp button does not work in safari.
Wow, that’s a pretty tall order. I would have imagined number one was someone like JohnChow. Colleen692? Doesn’t sound too impossible. She’s just got a headstart!
I’ll put 15euro on Tyler making less than $200– any takers?
As well, sounds like you’re pretty special Tyler– the CEO of PayPerPost?! Wow!!
$60 down, $140 to go.
Congrats Tyler — this should be fun to watch!
@wesley: can u describe the behavior/image you get with the PPP Direct widget in safari or just nothing?
I dont think you will beat that # 1 spot easily and fast. But good luck !
$12000 / $50 == 240 reviews
can’t wait!
Btw, VC Dan — it seems to work now, it musn’t have loaded completely previously.
As far as I know PPP Direct still doesn’t have a marketplace behind it like ReviewMe does (though I can’t speak to experience, as the PPP board doesn’t think I’m important enough to contact – apparently). So ReviewMe will expose you to a lot more potential Advertisers.
Besides, even if PPP Direct does have a marketplace, not every advertiser will be using it, so why not use both? You could always jack up your price on ReviewMe to compensate for the reduced share. Go all out and double it. $120 through ReviewMe may not get you any bites, or it may still bring some in and you’ll make the same amount of cash (or a little more I suppose).
It certainly can’t hurt to give it a shot.
Most of the “top earners” at PPP have multiple blogs all of which are almost entirely geared toward serving sponsored posts. You’re not going to make more than them without 1) starting multiple blogs or 2) posting a million paid posts here and losing your entire readerbase.
Good luck though
You got that right.
I have two blogs and don´t fall in that category though
Yes i totally agree….That means 240 posts. You are only testing this out to see if you can get there. By the time you reach her colleen’s amount someone else is going to blow both of you out of the water. Johnchow would have a great chance at doing that. Maybe a contest?
I wasn’t aware of any issues in safari. I just tested it on my mac and it works fine for me aside from a little shine through from the banner on the top.
Dingle = Certified Hater
Totally offtopic but PLEASE do something about that header image. It is such an eyesore to your site and I find that Rocky image quite creepy! You’ve hired folks to create banners for your commercial sites so please get one made for your blog!!
Yeah I am wondering the same thing about ReviewMe’s marketplace. It seems like using PPP’s direct system restricts your advertiser exposure to only blog readers. Whereas with ReviewMe, someone could find you independently.
I suppose if the CEO is try to get you sponsorships none of that matters, but it would make a difference to the small timers I bet.
I guess I don’t understand why you would use PPP direct at all without the marketplace. Just throw your own 200×200 box on there, saying “Get Reviewed by Me for $50”. You’ll get 100% that way.
The polite thing to do when talking about someone on your blog would be to link to that person. I’m just sayin’.
None of the top 10 lists on PPP were linked to anything…
Do you really think that makes it all right or is that just some lame excuse?
How much research would it have taken to do the right thing?
[…] actually signed up out of curiosity. There had been renewed buzz about PPP recently, so I wanted to see for myself what it was about. The “Review My Post” feature caught […]
Tyler, that’s a lame excuse. You call me out, but no link love? Don’t be a hater. It’s not that hard to find me online. You could have asked Ted in one of your long conversations with him via email or phone!
You’re late to the Payperpost news man
Big News at Payperpost
You do write great reviews! and basing on the PR Rank of your blog, you can achieve that goal of yours in no time at all!
From a Postie to a Postie, warmest welcome to PPP! Hope you enjoy your stay!