My Goals for 2009
December 27, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzAs promised, here are my work-related goals I hope to achieve in 2009. They will require a lot of work and perseverance on my part but at the same time are definitely doable.
When I made my Revisit of My Goals for 2008 post a few days ago, I was surprised to discover that I had actually made less than 2007. I’m determined to not allow that to happen again, and hope to completely smash my record year of 2007 in 2009.
2009 will be an interesting year as my blog has grown a fair bit during the span of the past twelve months. If it continues to grow its current, steady rate, then my blog should see a great new year. I’ll need to work hard to revitalize my other projects, including my PPC affiliate marketing efforts, and we’ll see how my new project I’m working on goes when it launches. It will either do well or fail, which is a risk I’m more than willing to take.
Anyhow, without further adieu, here are my goals I hope to achieve in 2009:
1. Reach 4,000+ RSS Readers on my Blog
Last year I had just over 1,100 RSS readers when I made my target goal for the next year to be 3,000. While it was certainly an obtainable goal, I didn’t make it.
Now that I am at 2,000 RSS readers, my goal for 2009 is to double that and hit 4,000. When you consider that last month my RSS reader-to-dollar amount came to over $3 per reader ($6,600+ with 2,000 RSS readers), a goal of 4,000 RSS is definitely something good to aim for.
If we assume that the $3 per reader value stayed in effect, 4,000 readers would simply result in double my blog’s income. While a year is certainly a long time, the “make money online” and “internet entrepreneur” niche is only so big. When you consider that the top blogs in this niche (Problogger, Shoemoney, etc.) are at 30,000-50,000 RSS, you realize that there is a certain ceiling in this arena.
I don’t like to limit myself to those numbers and know that those numbers could certainly be exceeded, but I also know that the average reader in this niche is worth far more than in almost any other niche online.
I think the best and easiest way for me to increase my RSS count and traffic is simply to make more money online, which is naturally the other goals listed here.
2. Hit $100+/day Profit from PPC Affiliate Marketing
This is a good number to aim for, I believe. $100 profit per day with PPC affiliate marketing is challenging in that it effectively states “success”, as it proves that you can effectively work the arbitrage system of PPC marketing.
At the same time, $100 per day profit is more than obtainable. In fact, many super affiliates went from making peanuts to becoming millionaires within just the span of a year. $100 per day works out to $3,000 per month profit, and again I’m aiming for this goal not so much for the monetary value but the symbolic value of understanding the system.
I consider this to be my hardest goal for 2009 and will be absolutely ecstatic if I can meet it.
3. Hit $10,000+/month Profit from my New Project
This is a little unfair to you guys since I haven’t revealed what my new project is I’ve been working on, but you’ll find out soon enough.
My goal is for it to generate $10,000+ profit per month. That may seem an ambitious goal for a brand new start-up (especially within it’s first year), but I actually consider this to be one of the easier goals in this list.
That is how much confidence and zeal I have for this project and why I am putting in around $8,000 into it’s initial development. However, this is one of those types of projects that will usually either completely fail or else do very well. It’s a risk I’m more than willing to take.
4. Earn $150,000+ in 2009
Finally, my last goal is to make $150,000+ in 2009. Normally, my goal is to simply make more than the previous year, but I ended up making less in 2008 than in 2007 so that wouldn’t make sense. I was therefore considering of making my goal to be to beat the $100K I ended up making in 2007, but that wouldn’t be aiming high.
Some of you will not like my $150,000 goal and think that is aiming low, but I also like to be realistic and set goals for things I think I can realistically obtain. $150,000 would be 50% more than I’ve ever made in the span of a year before so I’ll be happy if I can make this goal.
$150,000+ works out to $12,500 a month or $410 per day, so it’s certainly achievable. Wish me luck!
I have a very good feeling that 2009 will be a very good year for you Mr. Cruz. You are already starting the year off on a great note with your contest sponsored by XY7. I look forward to your contest everytime that you have them because I absolutely love competition and I don’t like to lose. One of my goals for 2009 is to win won of the contest that you have.
Good list, nice challenges you’ve set yourself. I don’t make a list of things to achieve, but this year I’m going to as I’ve seen how you’ve done it and it has inspired me
Making money online in South Africa is so different and it’s so hard to reach the figures all you guys are doing, I’m racing towards $1000 this month, which will be my new record, and I’m one of the highest earning bloggers in South Africa, so that’ll give you an idea of what we deal with!
Good luck Tyler!
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You got this Tyler. You’ll reach those goals.
Hey Tyler,
Good luck with your goals and time for me to set some goals too.
Personal Development Blogger
Good luck tyler, I’m sure you’ll be able to meet most of your goals, they seem quite reasonable.
Your goals seem quite reasonable, unlike some people which sit unrealistic goals and then get disappointed when they fail.
Best of luck to you.
4k rss is too less.
I am sure you will break 10k readers.
Best wishes.
good luck with your goals for this upcoming year, Tyler. I think you can do it and cant wait to see your progress.
Keeping tabs on a regular basis would one stay on track of yearly goals. But like al of us, once March or April comes, new year’s resolution fade until the next year. Still, your PPC and new project goal should be able to keep you on track for $150K.
Good Luck in 2009. I have posted my goals for 2009. Greg Ellison
Your goals seem ambitious and yet realistic and attainable.
Best of luck for reaching your 09 goals!
I wish you to reach your desire heights in the year 2009. We hope that the upcoming year brings our dreams true.
I Wish a very happy new year 2009 to everyone.
nice goal settings, $400 a day is certainly achievable.
good luck,
[…] “My Goals for 2009” at “Ryan McLean’s Goals for 2009” at “Balkhi’s New Year’s Resolutions” at […]
Good Luck Tyler!
Your goal inspired me to do much better for this 2009
Nothing about losing that huge gut this year? Hmmm
Oh I forgot to mention, my resolution for 2009 is to be less of a jerk
Wishing you the best of luck in 2009 also hope you get to the 150k goal!
Hey Tyler, just wanted to let you know that you have inspired me to start my own Blog. You can find me at! Good luck to us both in ’09!
The most important thing is to set goals, so i loved the post! You would be surprised as to how many people do not set goals! They are wandering around aimlessly.
You mentioned that you work with several different companies. So your goal this year is to make around 150k+….what are some other areas that make you mula?
[…] Example Blog Post – My Goals for 2009 – TylerCruz […]
The most important thing is to set goals, so i loved the post! You would be surprised as to how many people do not set goals! They are wandering around aimlessly.