My New Bed, my 2,000 RSS Gift

November 8, 2008 Posted by Tyler Cruz

As is tradition whenever I reach a new RSS goal, I treat myself to a little something. It all started at the 1,200 milestone when Lisa and I made rice Krispie treats to commemorate the occasion. At 1,400 RSS we made gingerbread cookies, and at 1,700 we bought an Oreo ice cream cake which was delicious (I ate the whole thing, minus one piece, lol).

A couple weeks ago I posted how I had hit a new milestone of 2,000 RSS and to stay tuned to see what I would treat myself for this special milestone. I always know what I’m going to do before I hit the milestone, so I was waiting for this one for quite some time. For my 2,000 milestones, I bought a new bed along with these bamboo sheet sets which are highly recommended by everyone not only to get the best sleeping experience but also for all their good values that stand out from the standard ones.

I can’t remember exactly how old my old bed was, but I believe I got it around grade 12 which would make it around 8 years old. It was a low futon bed and while the wooden frame was still fine, the futon had over the years developed quite a big depression in the middle in which you could actually feel the wooden underneath as it was only about an inch thick in some spots.

I ended up getting a Queen-sized bed. I was originally thinking of possibly getting a King, just for the ludicrously of it, but once I saw just how insanely massive they were at the store, I realized it would just be stupid to get one. In fact, it wouldn’t have fit in my bedroom properly.

Here are two videos. The first is of my old bed and the second is of my new one. Note how the rest of my bedroom is still badly in need of updating, especially my TV.

My Old Bed:


My New Bed:

My Old Bed:


My New Bed:


The first night sleeping on my bed was amazing. I really can’t describe how good it was. After sleeping two days on it with a perfect mattress similar to navien mate mattress, I was really feeling great for its comfortability. It’s awesome, but I’m more used to it and expect the comfort now, while the first few days were always a wonderful surprise. I was glad to have had taken the mattresses from an Eva Store.


I absolutely love my switch from a comforter to a duvet. If you haven’t slept with a duvet yet, I highly recommend trying one out sometime. They’re not that expensive ($50+ for a queen) and are simply awesome. I will never go back to a comforter now that I’ve experienced a duvet.


Bed Frame: $500
Bed & Mattress: $1,200
Sheets: $200
A Good Night’s Sleep: Priceless

My next milestone is set at 2,500 at which point I plan on buying a nice TV for my bedroom. After that, I’ll probably be changing my gifts in accordance to blog earning milestones instead of RSS milestones since it is more important. I’m thinking of buying a big screen plasma TV for my living room, probably at least 50-inches, for when I hit the $10,000 a month milestone.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment below, subscribing to my RSS feed, or following me on Twitter.
Posted: November 8th, 2008 under Personal  

41 Responses to “My New Bed, my 2,000 RSS Gift”

  1. shawal says:

    Congrats on the hits…

    Can’t wait to see your new TV’s….

  2. nice new bed! But I’m looking forward to seeing your new TV! hope you reach your new targets.

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      Yeah, the women can appreciate the bed but the guys want to see the TV… 😉

      Unfortuantely, it will be quite a wait, as the 2,500 and $10,000 milestones might take some time to reach…

  3. Tyler, I think it’s grest you are setting yourself goals like this, it gives you some tangiable to work towards.

    Now that you have hit 2000, I imagine that the next 500 will be much easier to achieve than the last. People tend to be influenced into subscribing when you have a higher count, just because you look to be more reputable.

    Keep up the great work.

  4. As of this speaking you can already celebrate 2100, and probably 2500 will happen faster than you can say Mississippirailroadtycoon.

  5. Melvin says:

    Wow nice one… The priceless thing reminds me of a credit card commercial on tv.. 🙂

  6. soares says:

    Nice change indeed best of luck with your bed and dont break it lol

  7. BusinessX says:

    Goal setting and delayed gratification, both concepts most believe in, few do. I am in the majority who believe but don’t do it. But once again I am inspired and will set goals w/ rewards today.

  8. browie says:

    Good looking bed. I suggest Samsung 40″ for your TV. I’ve got two of them and LOVE THEM. I have a 27″ Samsung for my office (video gaming).

  9. Enkay Blog says:

    Its good to see that progress pays off. The bed looks great although that TV was hilarious. I usually “gift” myself a little something I make a deal with a company and I think that the bed was a good gift for you. The TV should definitely be next though. Congrats!

  10. Graeme says:

    Maybe you should put the RSS feed in a more noticeable place? I didn’t notice it right away and had to actively look for it – lot of casual visitors probably wouldn’t bother doing that. Even just a link in the nav bar at the top would help. Anyway, 1 more sub 🙂

  11. Sohail says:

    Bed looks nice. I can feel the comfort 😉

  12. Queue says:

    Aw, the fact that it’s not a Tempur-Pedic kills it for me. I have one; it’s ludicrously comfortable. About as comfortable as expensive, though… I got the GrandBed, and it’s price tag could probably power all of Africa for an entire year. 🙁

  13. Mike Huang says:

    I’m gonna buy my wife a new mattress soon and you definitely have to care about these sort of things. When you get older, you could have back pains if you don’t change the bed 🙂


  14. Hi Tyler, Congratulations on your new bed. Nice picture of your bed and bedding. BTW you sure do have a very neat bedroom. Wish I could say the same. Or did you throw everything in the closet?lol Good Luck with your new T.V.

  15. Patel says:

    Awesome to see you are progressing Tyler!…I remember the one big thing I bought myself after achievement and success with an online venture was a Ferrari. and I can definitely say it was worth the wait!

  16. Congrats on a new RSS level Tyler, and especially on the new bed. When I bought a good bed a few years back, it was absolutely the best investment I made in a really long time.

    I can’t believe what a difference in quality of life a good bed makes. Good choice to get a nice bed before getting a TV. 🙂

    I really need to start rewarding myself for new RSS levels. Hmmm….

    – Paul

  17. zolar says:

    It is just a nice way to buy something from your blog income..
    I hope for this 2 months I can get more income from my blog..
    I want to buy bed too. And a laptop

  18. Insurance says:

    You’re right…..that TV is scary! Congrats on the 2k milestone.

  19. Fajja says:

    Love it, hopefully soon i’ll be able to join you in the new bed buying club! lol

  20. Tyler, are you going to be taking that bed back to the store? Your RSS counter is standing at 1999 readers.

    I wouldn’t worry too much about a drop in subscribers, it happens all of the time. I was actually just reading an article about this when I realised yours had dropped also.

  21. Darren says:

    You always do cool stuff Tyler, congrats man.

  22. Jack says:

    I can’t agree with the endboard – they are the bane of my 6’6″ existence – but congrats none the less.

  23. I’ll be looking forward to the 40″ Plasma Screen TV. And maybe an XBox 360 to go with it, eh?

  24. Sam says:

    Whats wrong with the tv you have now? It pretty nice lol.

  25. MLRebecca says:

    Congrats on hitting 2,000 subscribers and your present to yourself. Will your new TV play only MLTV? 🙂

  26. $200 for sheets?! Dude, Wal-Mart is your friend. I always buy sheets there that are just as comfy and good as, say, Bed Bath & Beyond, and a fraction of the cost.

    I do love your selection of bed though, very nice. I’m wishing it were time to upgrade our bed now, that dark cherry finish is looking nicer than our regular oak.

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      I actually bought them at Wal-Mart…

      Duvet = $50
      Duvet Cover = $50
      Standard Queen Sized Sheets = $50
      Bed Skirt = $50

      I can understand the price of the duvet (I’d pay up to $500 for that thing, it’s so good OMG), but the bed skirt and duvet cover are rip off’s…

      • Whateverebay says:

        Some suede or Micro Fiber accents pillows with really be great on your bed. You have most of the Elements there. If you do not mind the soothing sounds of water, get a night stand and a table top Fountain. If you like the idea email me and I will send you one 🙂 ….. Laura

  27. Wow for shizzle… a bedskirt should be like $15 tops. But I admire your resolve to make sure the whole set matches.

  28. Whateverebay says:

    You seem more relaxed. Could it be the bedroom
    Great choice, a Modern Mission style bed. Once you have reached your next goal, and introduce your new TV make sure to Save the other. Its so Retro. Retro is the new Modern. 🙂

  29. Nice bed :). I think its a great idea to reward yourself for these accomplishments

  30. […] is the photo of the old TV I was using when I made the post back in November showing off my new bed. As you can see, the TV was ancient and even used a cable […]


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