My ‘ToDo’ List Unveiled
June 10, 2007 Posted by Tyler CruzIt’s been a while since I last mentioned my ‘todo’ list. For those who don’t already know, I keep a work ‘todo’ list, which is a simple text file that lists a seemingly neverending list of work-related tasks.
Whenever I see something that needs to be fixed or improved, I’ll note it on the list. Likewise, I’ll often be working on something when I come up with an idea, which goes on the list as well. I’ll usually add new items to the bottom of the list, and when I work on my ‘todo’ list, I always start from the top down. For more important or time-sensitive matters, I add directly to the top.
I typically only work on my ‘todo’ list if I have completed all of the following:
- Responded to all my e-mails.
- Have a recent blog post up.
- Have no important or outstanding work that needs to be done (time sensitive matters for example).
Only then (and if I have adequate energy) will I open up my ‘todo’ list. Since I only work an average of 3-4 hours a day, I don’t get to my ‘todo’ list most of the time.
The last time I gave a glimpse of what my ‘todo’ list looks like was just over a year ago on my post: Movie Vault’s AdSense Mystery: Can You Solve It?.
However, I will now share my entire ‘todo’ list here. While I’ve censored a few lines, the file is virtually identical to the one I have on my computer. You will notice that most of the items on the list are very minor updates; again, the larger or more important undertakings are usually added to the top and done ASAP which is why you don’t see them. Nevertheless, these ‘minor’ tasks really do add up in the end, and help me maintain and grow my network of sites.
Anyhow, without further adieu, here is my ‘todo’ list.
lol… so many [CENSORED]
are you sure you wanna buy Youtube over?
Merch area on MMAFORUMS sounds good.
haha, lol
Is this an attempt to make up for the lameness of trying to weasel money out of blog readers to find out who your vbulletin skinner is? Give us a break…ugh.
Just to add, you may want to consider using Excel (or even MS Project) for keeping a simple to do list. Makes things much easier. Better yet, use Outlook 2003/7 and attach a time to them so you know to actually action on them with a reminder.
Tyler, I’d like to issue another challenge to you for a 40 hour workweek. And I’ll tell you exactly how to get there.
The secret lies in this snippet of the post above…
Let’s assume “Work on ToDo List” is item number 4 on the list as it stands now.
If you want to work 40 hours, flip the list almost completely and make the new list look like this…
* Critical tasks (time sensitive matters)
* ToDo list items
* Write blog post (or Publisher Spot review)
* Check and respond to email
Better yet, keep working 20 hours a week and pay someone to knock some of those things off of your todo list!
Why is *Tell PLite he’s cute* not on your ToDo List? {PLite pouts.}
My ‘ToDo’ list only has the names of various women on it.
TaskFreak rules for this kind of thing.
hmm.. thanks )