Never Underestimate a Good Break

February 15, 2010 Posted by Tyler Cruz

The past few days were a bit of a blur.

I have had pretty low energy lately which has made working difficult, and the other day I just did not feel like working at all so I decided to play some poker. After 3-4 hours of building my $200 up to nearly $800, I started to get bored of grinding it out and lost all of it shortly thereafter after moving up limits purely out of boredom. This is always what happens.

After that, I needed something to expend energy on, and since badminton just finished and wouldn’t be available for 4 days, I decided to reinstall good old Starcraft.

Starcraft has never failed to entertain me, and within minutes I was already immersed back into the 12-year-old best game of all time. I basically spent the past 3-4 days (how long it really was I can’t remember) playing Starcraft and sleeping. I did a fair bit of sleeping. In fact, just yesterday I slept for 10 hours, got up for 1-2 hours, then had a 2-hour nap! Then I went to bed only 8-9 hours later and slept for another 7-8 hours!

I did do a tiny bit of work during the past 3-4 days, but it was mainly just writing yesterday’s blog post, and since it was about buying a house it wasn’t too labour intensive to write.

A couple hours ago I uninstalled Starcraft (after losing several games in a row which frustrated me), watched a couple of episodes of Family Guy, and then went to my computer to get back to work.

I grabbed a Red Bull, worked on trimming down some of my unanswered e-mails, and am now writing this blog post.


It was probably the Red Bull, but as I started this blog post I felt real good. Reenergized.

Although to be honest, my eyes are starting to tire right now so I’m going to need to take a bit of a break after I finish this post.

Nevertheless, the effects of my little gaming marathon over the weekend are showing. I am once again interested and somewhat excited about working again. I have a new little project I’m going to be trying with affiliate marketing which I’m curious how it will turn out, and it will feel good to get caught up with the rest of my unanswered e-mails.

Even though I felt really lethargic and hazy over the past few days, I think that avoiding work for the most part was good for me. It was certainly needed.

For those of you who don’t do this for a living and work for yourself at home, you may not realize that this is usually a 7-day, 365-days-a-year job. I work every day, in some capacity. Even when I’m on a vacation I bring my laptop and my Blackberry.

After a while this can really accumulate and have an effect on you when you’re not getting those 2 full days off work that most people get by working a ‘real’ job.

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Posted: February 15th, 2010 under Miscellaneous  

43 Responses to “Never Underestimate a Good Break”

  1. Rob says:

    Tyler, your lifestyle is totally unhealthy.

  2. I have to agree with Rob. That really isn’t the kind of schedule you want to be keeping.

    I do agree with you on feeling stressed etc. When I don’t feel like working I take a break as I know I will get nothing productive done when I’m tired. Though I think you’re overall lifestyle needs a tune up.

    I would recommend going down the gym a few times a week. I train 6 times a week. Not only does it wake me up, it gets me out of the house and helps with my sleeping patterns too (which used to be bad years ago). You will feel less lethargic and more energised if you start looking after you and your body. Don’t start relying on red bull, which is incredibly bad for you, that’s a short term fix at best, and using it regularly long term can do some serious damage to your heart.

    I know you play badminton regularly, but if you can’t manage to do that, why not take up another sport or perhaps yoga for flexibility (which is very important if you work in any desk job due to numerous hours in a sitting position).


    • Tyler Cruz says:

      I plan on restarting my weight loss challenge in 2-3 weeks once the weather starts to improve. Doing the 14KM around the lake should do wonders for my sleep schedule and lethargy.

      I tend to hibernate during the winter. Byproduct of living in Canada…

      • Yeah I know what you mean. I think I have that SAD disease. I love Scotland but it’s so depressing in the Winter. It’s cold all the time and it gets dark about 4.30pm every night, it drives me nuts.

        I think the challenge is a good idea. It should motivate you to keep better habits. Though I personally find these challenges, and diets in general, don’t work. You need to change your whole lifestyle. Change soft drinks for water, change chocolates and crisps for fruit, stop fast food etc.

        When I was travelling years ago the weight started to creep up on me because I was eating crap and drinking most nights. What I found that changing your whole lifestyle at once doesn’t work. Do small changes and over time you you will stick to them, rather than completely change everything at once (which is another reason why most diets fail).

  3. Yaro Ebook says:

    Anatomy of a Red Bull Buzz/Crash Cycle (especially non-sugar-free version):

    Buzz: “It was probably the Red Bull, but as I started this blog post I felt real good. Reenergized.”

    Crash: “Although to be honest, my eyes are starting to tire right now so I’m going to need to take a bit of a break after I finish this post.”

  4. You sound like me, except you’ve been suffering from it longer than I have.

    The “it” I’m referring to is the general malaise that occurs after you’re able to make a full time income on websites even when the work you need to put in to maintain that income is considerably lower than 8 hours a day.

    I feel lazy all the time and it’s hard to get motivated if I’m earning more than enough money to get by without putting in an 8 hour day.

    Chris Gutrie

    • Maybe you need a REAL break from work online.. maybe 1 month in another country. That break from your regular life, in another part of the world, another culture, could do wonders for your motivation levels and drive – plus you’ll likely come back with 10x new ideas to fuel you.

  5. How’s your RobotWarz project coming along, Tyler?

  6. I agree. taking a break helps you relax so that when you work you are focused

  7. used tires says:

    Tyler, I used to go thru the same thing and I decide to schedule my week out. Basically, at the start of the week, I try and schedule everything I’m about to do during the week, from work to meetings if any, to social outings (not many!) to TV shows and so on. This way, you feel good about following a well-planned routine and are never caught off-guard with time shortages or deadlines either.

    Till then,


  8. Sounds a lot like my lifestyle only I have a part-time job and still work every day of the year (it seems). Starcraft rocks – new Starcraft 2 beta is here; yes!

  9. Program says:

    I agree. taking a break helps you relax so that when you work you are focused.

  10. I myself have been feeling tired lately. I took a long break from all the work. Planning on getting down to business tomorrow 🙂

  11. PPC Icon says:

    If nothing else, grab/make some fruit smoothies and do small walks. Every little builds up and creates good habits and starts positive momentum!

  12. Diabetis says:

    We really need to take a break every now and then.

  13. I used to get in lazy moods back when I was working on my websites full time. I think it is just inevitable when you put in a lot of long hours in front of the computer. You definitely need something to take your mind off your work occasionally. I don’t think a weekend long gaming marathon is really the best solution though. A couple hours of exercise each day would be much better.

  14. PPC Icon says:

    Dude we need an update on your RobotWarz project!

  15. CpaCashForum says:

    Yeah, sometimes I get so much work and everything that I don’t have time to stop. But it’s really important to catch a break now and them. Your mind need to be recharged ALL the time. That’s why we have to sleep every day.

  16. Chris says:

    Taking a break is vital for coming back fresh to your work with added vigour. I agree though, Red Bull is a killer once you crash after the high.

  17. wow, you still playing starcraft @_@
    we dont need break totally, just spent more time in real life to bringback our humanity

  18. AffiliateKing says:

    Your posts seem so repetitive. Always about poker, your movie site that seems to be a (very) lost cause, what you’re doing at the time, or some silly contest that nobody will participate in. Change it up, Tyler. Your blog used to be fun.

  19. Becky Marie says:

    If your slightly addicted to work (like me) then working 7 days a week feels better then working only 5 (even if you make no money ) . Also, if you like what you are doing, it doesn’t feel like work.

    Anyways, I have no empathy for you. Your the one who constantly says in this blog ” I ussually only work 3 – 4 hours a day “.

    And, where’s publisher challenge been? I don’t have anything to live for if I can’t throw money that I don’t have at campaigns that make no money for thrill of winning ( and consequently making you rich ) .

  20. nago says:

    The lifestyle is really unhealthy. I like red bull and drink it about twice a week, but your lifestyle is too much for your body.

  21. Metin2 Hile says:

    I agree. taking a break helps you relax so that when you work you are focused

  22. You sound like me, except you’ve been suffering from it longer than I have.

  23. Hi, thanks for sharing your day to day experience and I agree that everyone should take a break for tiring work. We have some things in common like in my case when I’m really depressed I play DOTA, then drink “COBRA” energy drink.

  24. Steve says:

    Hey Tyler,

    Just read your info links article, very interesting. You say infolinks is perhaps not the best as links when comparing their competition. Who would you suggest the main competition is and why?


  25. I like red bull and drink it about twice a week, but your lifestyle is too much for your body.

  26. SEO Tricks says:

    c’mon dude we all can get just one hour out of our wemaster’s everyday life to get some fresh air.

  27. Tom says:

    I love starcraft as well although havent played this year yet… what kind of games do you play there? ZC? whats your username? 😉

  28. I completely agree with you. Sometimes it is difficult to get the work done, especially when there are so many different distractions that can entertain you.

  29. This is indeed very true. I never realize that I actually work 365 days a year until I saw your statement.

    I think I have to plan sometime for me to rest and recharge myself every week as it will definitely improve the productivity of my business.

  30. Most certainly,a break once in a while is truly essential.Rejuvenates the mind,body & soul taking away all the tension & tiredness.

  31. we dont need break totally, just spent more time in real life to bringback our humanity :/


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