New Affiliate Marketing Record: $5,800 in 1 Day!
January 27, 2013 Posted by Tyler CruzIf you read my blog post yesterday, you’ll know that I set a new personal record on my affiliate marketing campaigns by bringing in $4,120 in a single day.
At the end of the post, the very last paragraph finished with:
"Now the question is, when will I break that record? It took 7-months to break my previous one, but I’m hoping it won’t take that long to break this one. I’m thinking that I might break it within 2 months, but we’ll have to wait and see."
Well, it turns out that it only took 5 days, as yesterday I completely SMASHED my previous record by bringing in a total of:
$5,800 for the day!
The Nosebleed
Yesterday morning, my campaigns were doing well and I worked on them for a few hours before taking a gaming and TV break (I just started watching The Wire for the first time… currently on S01E06).
I was then ready for a nap, so I went to bed and had my 2-hour nap. When I woke up, as I started to get up, a giant clot of blood exploded out of my left nostril and right onto my nice brand new white duvet. I couldn’t believe how much blood came out.
I was pretty upset as the duvet was only a month old and was really helping me to sleep. Anyhow, I worked the stain and put it in the washer and went to my office to get back to work. The first thing I did was refresh my stats, and during the 2 hours that I had been napping, my campaigns had generated another $1,500.
Wow, what a shock!
Needless to say, I was then refreshing my stats even more often than usual in the hopes that I would set a new record.
I Made $10,000 During the Past 48 Hours
Over the past 2 days, my campaigns generated a total of $9,740, just shy of $10,000.
Over the past 8 days, they generated $28,780, which works out to an average of $3,597 per day.
Assuming that average remains the same during the next month, in February I will hit the 6-figure mark, bringing in $100,000 – and February only has 28 days!
3-4 years ago, when I used to read about super affiliates pushing $100,000 a month, I would look at those screenshots in envy and complete awe. It was always a dream to one day get to that level, even though it seemed impossible.
And now, I’m right on the cusp of getting there next month.
We’ll have to see what happens. As you well know by now, this industry is one long roller-coaster ride and my campaigns could all tank at any second, so I’m taking things one day at a time.
New Daily Net Profit Record!
Not only did I set a new daily gross record, but I also set a new daily net profit record!
My previous daily net profit record was $1,778.56, made 7 months ago back on June_8th, 2012.
My new daily net profit record, set yesterday, came out to:
$2,383.09 for the day!
That’s an increase of $600! Awesome.
The ROI worked out to 70%.
If I wanted to be completely unreasonable and jump the gun and assume I averaged that for an entire year, that would work out to $870,000 net profit per year.
But again, my campaigns could just as easily flop tomorrow
Inspirational Shifts
While I still have yet to hit $100,000 in a single month, I am close to getting there.
The interesting thing is, things have kind of shifted in terms of inspiration and motivation.
It used to be that the $100,000/month milestone was the carrot-on-a-stick for me, but now the big affiliates are taking that to another level and actually doing that per day. PER DAY. $100,000 per day.
I repeat, $100,000 per day. Even if "only" $20,000 of that is profit, we’re still talking about $600,000 a month profit here. 7.2 million a year.
As I reach the upper echelons of the 5-figure month and get ever nearer the 100K milestone, my new inspiration and motivation is to start pushing 5 figures per day.
I already have it in my sights to start pushing $10,000 per day.
If I work hard and with a bit of luck (a lot of luck would be even better), I think I can get there.
Now, with all that being said, watch all my campaigns die tomorrow and have me go broke
Congrats on the new profit record. $2k/day is pretty sweet.
Congratulations. I want to know how to do this. If it’s a good cost-benefit I would try it in a second. Any good sites that explain to a novice how to do this step by step?
I hope to start a beginner post series on how to get started in this industry very soon.
Look forward to reading this, incredible earnings! I’ve been lurking on your blog for ages and I’m really appreciating the regular updates!
Glad someone is – because it’s all time I could be working on my campaigns!
Definitely worth your time, you say you admired the super affilates you looked up to and could only dream of being like them. Well now you are becoming one think of how many people are in awe of you reading about your success through this site!
Are you mainly using Peerfly for campaigns?
Is this mainly from direct-linking offers from your traffic source?
Hey Tyler,
Congrats on the new record. I’ve read you blog via rss for some time and its an enjoyable read. It’s like a little part time birds eye view into your business.
With your marketing success I need to get you promoting my course for 50% reward!
Congratulations Tyler!
That’s awesome Tyler! Hard work = $$$
Congratz on your earnings! If anyone needs help earning a better online income visit our website for tons of articles and guides
-Kyle Therrien
Can I know the traffic type- POF, facebook, display, PPV???
$2,383.09 in just one day? I can’t assume it, this is more than my monthly earning. What kind of network are you using to earn such a vast amount of money.
Hey Tyler, That’s awesome news man…I’ve been workin with free traffic and I am currently at $200/day for the past few months….I guess It’s time to scale up this and move on to paid traffic.
Well done, Tyler.
$100k per day is a good goal to set. Keep testing and never get complacent. Your goal is definitely achievable with the right mindset and hard work.
Good luck.
You had a serious nosebleed and you are worried about the damn white duvet?!?! I hope your nosebleed was because you been making it snow, I mean rain.
Anyways, congrats on the new record and go get a physical!!!
I think it was due to dry air… I had my fan on in my bedroom during my nap…
hey Tyler,
How many campaigns you run to reach these numbers?
Currently running about 25 or so. Launch around 2 new ones per day on average, but most campaigns fail.
You are a great inspiration for anyone who wants to jump into this business
I love that you speak also of the negative aspects and not only the positive aspects unlike any eBook that promises easy money!