New Monthly Net Income Record: $31,444.64

March 2, 2013 Posted by Tyler Cruz

It’s the beginning of a new month, which means that it’s time for me to give an update on how my affiliate marketing campaigns fared for the previous month.

Since my efforts have largely been focused on affiliate marketing over the past year, I hope to keep this new "series" a regular thing on the first of each month.

February 2013 was my best affiliate marketing month by far. In fact, I made more money last month than I ever did in my entire life (not counting site sales). I was setting new daily records left and right, with my most recent one being a whopping $7,097 ($2,835.78 net) in 1 day.

So, what were the overall numbers for the month?

February 2013 Affiliate Campaign Income:


Boom! February 2013 was my highest grossing month ever, managing to hit 6-figures, despite it being the shortest month of the year.

Unfortunately, that is gross and not net. Paid traffic isn’t cheap, and came out to:



It may sound like a scary number, but it’s not so scary when you look at it day by day. For the most part, I was billed on a daily basis, so the numbers were manageable. I wasn’t prepaying $20,000 media buys, for example. That would definitely have elevated my blood pressure.

Net Profit:


Woohoo! That’s a new monthly net profit record for me! My previous monthly record was $23,349.91 made just 1 month prior, in January 2013.

That new record works out to a monthly ROI of 43%.

It also average out to $1,123 net profit per day (more on that below).

My First 6-Digit Month

I’ve already blogged about this a couple times before, but remember how one of the main reasons I got into affiliate marketing in the first place was from seeing super affiliates at the time post screenshots of their affiliate marketing income? I saw guys making $100,000+ per month online through affiliate marketing and just couldn’t believe it. I was in awe.

I struggled for several years, trying affiliate marketing off and on, making a little bit of money here and there, but nothing real substantial. And now, in February 2013, I finally managed to generate my own $100,000 month, with a third of that being profit.

I know that I’ve been posting a lot about new personal affiliate marketing records lately, but you must admit that $100,000 is a real big milestone, which is why I’m so happy… and I’ll even say it… "proud".

The thing is, there is not really any other milestones within close range from here. There’s new personal bests, which are always great, but milestones? The next milestones would have to be $150,000 or $200,000 gross in a month, or $50,000 net in a month. Daily milestones would have to be $10,000 gross in a day… so you can see why I’m happy with the $100,000 in a month milestone – because it could be years before (if) I ever hit another one!

The Sad Truth About March

Okay, so February 2013 was awesome for me. I profited over $30,000 from my campaigns.

But February is over and we’re already into March. The thing is, the last week of February was actually really bad for me.

A couple offers got dropped, most of my main offers got pay cuts, and competition on one of my traffic sources increased. All of this happened at the same time, which has caused rather devastating results for my campaigns.

I was actually on pace to finish February at $36,000 net profit, but the last week punch-in-the-gut news shattered that.

So while February was great, things are looking rather dire for March.

For example, on February 28th, my net profit was only $390.79, and yesterday, on March 1st, my net profit was only $531.28 (at a rather low 30% ROI, too).

While those numbers may sound okay, remember that my monthly average in February was $1,123 net profit per day, and that includes the bad last week of the month as well.

At this pace, I’m looking to only net around $12,000 in March. Again, I shouldn’t complain about those kind of numbers, but the thing is that is a third of what I made in February. Imagine if it dropped by a third again in April – then I’m down to $4,000 a month…

We’ll have to wait and see what happens.

There’s Money Out There

There aren’t enough hours in the day.

While I could absolutely, positively be working more hours (I don’t work nearly as many hours as I should), I also need time to relax and have fun. After all – what’s the point of working and making money if you can’t enjoy it?

I just wish there were more hours in the day so that I could work, play, and then work some more! There’s so much money out there in the world of affiliate marketing to be made… I just need to work more and keep at it.

I’m seeing record-high CPM’s on Facebook (US: 0.4%) and record low CPC’s (US: $0.09), I have friends making what I make in a month in a single day, and there are tons of tactics and strategies I haven’t tried yet, not to mention niches and offers.

With a super strong work ethic and dedication, I’m sure I can set a new monthly record. The question really boils down to: how much do I want it and how hard am I willing to work?

Anyhow, that’s my monthly report for February. Wish me luck in March… I’m definitely going to need it!

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Posted: March 2nd, 2013 under Affiliate Marketing  

22 Responses to “New Monthly Net Income Record: $31,444.64”

  1. moh says:

    amazing… you broke my record.. i don’t do affiliated marketing.. only run content site

  2. JaneWy says:

    Hey Tyler,

    Thanks for sharing your monthly affiliate marketing report with us, is all of your success 100% come from working on Facebook as a traffic source?

    Thanks once again!

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      I use multiple traffic sources. Facebook is one of them.

      You shouldn’t really concern yourself too much about traffic sources though. While some traffic sources do just plain out suck, for the majority of sources, chances are there’s an affiliate profiting off of it.

  3. Hi Tyler,
    I lift my wine glass tonight in your honor for a great job, and very nice information you share.

  4. Nicky says:

    good job.
    this month you’ll update new record every day!

  5. Lucas Vera says:

    Mis felicitaciones Tyler!!!

  6. xster99 says:

    hi tyler, what type of offers are you running? i want to do am, but i think some of the offers are shady like payday loans.

  7. Hey Tyler! Congratulations on the income. It is very inspiring and motivating. Keep up the good work.

  8. Robinsh says:

    Another record breaking income report that is making me feel jealous of you because my first month of affiliate marketing is only $24.92 after spending $1.80 in a day and after that there is no commission at all.

    Loosing 100% money everyday 🙁

  9. Rajnish K. says:

    That’s huge amount man, you are making me greedy but you never told what you sell, please tell that so I might also can make some $$s.

  10. Paul B says:

    There’s got to be a lot of stress in pimping these here one minute, gone the next offers? Isn’t there anything a little less scammy, a little more long term out there to promote?

  11. Its really unbelievable,its like dream come true to one.Thousands of $ in one month with different online activities,really awesome.

  12. sadek says:

    I hardly made $2K last month.. and you earned $1K each day. Awesome man..

  13. JB says:

    Wow!! TylerCruz the great 😉

  14. Hey Tyler,

    That’s great mate..

    Have you ever tried organic traffic?

    Well, I’ve been into it and it can really provide qualified long term traffic once you get a grasp over it.

    BTW your numbers are great, I’m about to reach something similar in a month or so….

    Wishing luck to you. 🙂

  15. Brayo says:

    All you do is brag about the money you make but you never share your money-making methods.i dont see how your helping people who come to your site looking for ways to make some money too.
    Be open and share your methods openly dont be greedy.for one thing even if you hide your methods in hell,people will eventually learn about them…

  16. p90x workout says:

    Fantastic earnings this month Tyler. Very impressive numbers. I have made a little money off of PPC affiliate marketing in the past but I wouldn’t even dream of earning numbers that high. Thanks for sharing your earnings report with us.

    – Robert


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