PeerFly Launches 4 New Awesome Features

July 28, 2010 Posted by Tyler Cruz

I haven’t done any affiliate marketing in a couple months because I’ve been focusing on and, but I still try a few things here and there.

Over the past month, I noticed that PeerFly has been busy adding a lot of new features to their affiliate network.

One of the distinguishing characteristics about PeerFly is that they have always been built upon 100% custom code; they have never used software or services from 3rd party companies such as DirectTrack, HasOffers, or HitPath. This allows them to offer features and services that other networks can’t or won’t.

Here are 4 great new features PeerFly have added to their site during the past month:

Emergency and Early Payments

While not everyone may want to admit it, a lot of us live very close to the margin and can get ourselves into situations where we occasionally need money fast.

Especially when it comes to affiliate marketing, there are times when waiting for Net-30 just won’t do and you need money right away to pay off a credit card or other bill. Or perhaps you ran into the perfect opportunity to acquire a site but need fast and can’t wait 2-4 weeks to get paid.

Whatever the reason, PeerFly now offers an emergency (within 8 hours) and early (3 days) payment request feature. Whether your request will be granted or not will depend on your traffic quality and general history with PeerFly (as well as $50 minimum), but as long as your account is in good standing you’ll more than likely be granted your request.


Now, there is a caveat. Requesting a payment within 8 hours will incur a 22% penalty fee, and requesting a payment within 3 days will incur a 17% penalty fee. Most of you can probably understand and expect a small fee for this service, but may be surprised at how high these fees are.

The reason behind this is risk. PeerFly, and all other networks for that matter, are paid by the advertisers usually on a Net-15 or Net-30 basis, after the leads and/or sales are processed and confirmed. If PeerFly pays its publishers before they get paid by the advertiser, they are taking a risk that the traffic may turn out to be fraudulent, of low quality, or that the advertiser themselves go under or simply don’t pay them.

I know of a publisher I referred to MarketLeverage who sent them quality traffic, but one day the advertiser refused to pay MarketLeverage. MarketLeverage had already paid the publisher for the month, which was around $120,000 or so, and so you can see just how much of a risk an affiliate network takes when paying out their publishers early. Fortunately, in this example, MarketLeverage did the right thing and worked out a deal with the publisher (I think they ended up agreeing that the publisher would give MarketLeverage back 50% of the $120,000).

However, while I understand the risk factor, the fees still do seem quite high, especially if someone needs an early payment request of a larger figure. For example, 22% of $18,000 works out to just shy of $4K in lost money to the publisher.

It would be nice to see if PeerFly could lower these fees a bit, and/or make the system more sophisticated so that users with older accounts and a consistent quality traffic history can get lower fees.

In any case though, this is still a nice feature for when you need money in a pinch. I know of a case where one guy requested money using the “within 8 hours” option, and got paid within 8-minutes instead. Now that’s fast!

Tiered Payment Schedule

PeerFly now has a tiered payment schedule system whereby you are eligible for faster payment turnaround times based upon how much revenue you generate each month.

For example, if you generate under $1,000 a month with PeerFly, you will be paid on a Net-30 basis. However, if you generate over $1,000 a month you will be paid once every 2 weeks.

Likewise, there are other tiers such as if you consistently generate $5,000+ a week you will be paid weekly.


PeerFly already gave faster payouts to larger affiliates previously, but now it is all clearly laid out when you log in and is implemented right into your account as opposed to being done manually.

PeerFly Stats Firefox Plugin

Luke, the guy who is pretty much everyone’s affiliate manager at PeerFly, recently developed a free plugin for Firefox that displays your current day’s total as well as unpaid balance in the bottom right corner of your Firefox browser.

I installed the plugin this morning and I really like it.


The plugin is very simple and easy to use and is a great timesaver for people like me who are addicted to constantly checking their stats.


Programmers and developers will really like this feature. PeerFly has now made available to all members, RSS and XML feeds of their system data. This is actually how Luke created the Firefox plugin above.

You can use there feeds to get the following information:

  • All Offers
  • Popular Offers
  • Paused Offers
  • Account Info
  • Daily Earnings


Here is some more information as stated from the PeerFly blog:

“There is a lot that can be done with this information from a developer standpoint.  We are actually using these feeds ourselves at PeerFly to develop some new features.  For example, when an offer goes down you will be automatically notified if you’ve run any traffic to it in the past 2 weeks.  So, if you have any creatives ideas and would like to attempt to develop something based off of our feeds please feel free to give it a try.  If you have any questions or need any assistance you can comment below or contact us.”

I Don’t Just Talk the Talk, I Walk the Walk

I really love PeerFly. They’re just an awesome affiliate network. I only wish that all companies were like them. In fact, I wish PeerFly would launch a sister-site for CPM ads and become a CPM ad network as well.

Anyway, last year I made over $33,000 with PeerFly, and no – those aren’t all referral commissions – I run all of my affiliate offers with them as well.


As you can probably tell by now, I highly recommend PeerFly and encourage you to sign up with them if you haven’t already!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment below, subscribing to my RSS feed, or following me on Twitter.
Posted: July 28th, 2010 under Affiliate Marketing  

52 Responses to “PeerFly Launches 4 New Awesome Features”

  1. LukePeerFly says:

    Great post Tyler! 🙂

  2. I don’t currently work with PeerFly but those features are impressive. Especially the quick payment. That’s a big deal with players getting into the big spend area working with limited revolving credit. They look to be moving the line in a good direction.

  3. You can only get on weekly wires with a $5k/week commission? That’s ridiculous

    • James says:

      Each network has +’s and -‘s this is a big –

      some networks have thresholds as low as $500 a week for weekly wires

    • Chad says:

      You can get net15 weekly wires if you earn $1k/week. It’s the exact same thing as a regular weekly wire except the earnings are from 15 days ago vs. the previous week.

  4. wtf says:

    22% fee? that is insane! I know theres a risk but its not everyday that a advertiser decides not to pay the network. For most people it would probably hurt them even more to take that 22% fee hit because most people run off slim margins.

    Its nice to see something like this in the industry but those fees have got to be reworked. 5% would be more than enough Id say.

    • Chad says:

      22% fee is actually not insane when someone who would ordinarily have to wait 30 days after the end of the month to get paid, they can now get paid within 8 hours, even if they’ve been a publisher for 1 day. Not every affiliate marketer has tight margins. Those who don’t and are strapped for cash seem to actually love this program. We’re not the first to offer this and I’m sure you’ll start seeing more and more networks catching on and doing this exact same thing.

    • Paulymath says:

      Any number when seen by itself is easy to judge, but consider this…

      At one point in my Affiliate Career I was making well above 22% profit margin on my campaigns but I kept running into cashflow issues so my traffic kept getting paused.

      Meaning, if I ran out of budget on Wednesday but my payment didn’t come in until the following Monday, I would be making $0 on Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun and half of Monday.

      At that time if I got paid right away, on Wednesday, I could have re-started my traffic and made WAY more than my 22% back.

      It all just depends on your profit margins etc. For some people this can make total sense, while for others it might not.

  5. browie says:

    I love me some PeerFly too.

  6. LukePeerFly says:

    lol, how did this get approved Tyler?

  7. Tim says:

    I have been using Peerfly for months and have 0 complaints. I have used a few other competitors and gravitate towards Peerfly because of their clear offer listings and on time payments.

  8. Nail Yener says:

    Emergency cash is a great feature, I am a member of Peerfly but haven’t started promoting their offers yet.

  9. Sally Grant says:

    Sweet I just applied waiting for the verification email 🙂

  10. Peter Fry says:

    I’m new to PeerFly and look forward to using it — great name

  11. Great Stuff Tyler – I always enjoy reading your tips and recommendations on affiliate marketing

  12. I’ve been using PeerFly for a while now too. Can’t speak highly enough of them.

  13. I am already signed up with and was wandering if you guys think they are trustworthy and reliable?

  14. Besides that, some offers especially email submits have very high pay if compared to Maxbounty.

  15. Bidet says:

    Great post, being able to get paid fast is a great tool for those who need the money for emergencies, and the fact that you get paid quicker for the more money you make is good too. These features are really useful.

  16. Julius says:

    Good introduction to PeerFly. I’ll be checking it out now. Thanks

  17. Ben Pate says:

    Hi, I just signed up for PeerFly yesterday and am awaiting approval. Glad to see you give them your recommendation. Thanks for the update on new the features.

  18. Miroslav says:

    I work with Peerfly from this year, and their program is perfect (all options, data, tracking, offers, payments on time) and Luke is great AM, always there to help you!

  19. Paul says:

    You definitely are loyal to Peerfly

  20. Thanks for the info on Peerfly. I just signed on but they ask for some real personal information like a copy of my drivers license. Is that necessary to authenticate someone?

    • LukePeerFly says:

      We require an ID to verify that the information you are providing us is correct. You’re always welcome to contact me or Corey if you have any concerns about the information you are providing and we can discuss a possible bypass.

  21. Really awesome blog buddy and such informative post too. I am a web application developer by myself so this article was very interesting for me to read. Moreover those tips are really useful and I will definitely use them in website development process in the future. Awaiting for your next one.

  22. robert ewald says:

    Is this a practical joke or what-17% & 22% for an advance of your own money. Anybody who thinks this is acceptable is not a business person and does not us mathematics. No mention of bank loan-line of credit-credit cards or family & friends. Tyler u have very poor & inadequate information here. I am researching Peerfly for a friend-i find this no information rip off attitude quite disturbing. BBB at this time has no known complaints of this company made public.


    • Chad says:


      The early cash out program is only for affiliates who need the money in an emergency situation and/or can’t wait their normal payment schedule. We take an inherent risk whenever we pay someone their entire balance (up to the very second they press submit) without even invoicing or reconciling reports with the client. We do have quality spot checks on early cash outs but not even checks on quality can determine whether we’re going to get paid for the leads/sales by the client.

      Publishers who use the early cash out option are essentially giving up a percentage of their earnings to get paid their entire balance within a short period of time… sometimes within 10 minutes of their request (on the 8 hours or less option).

      You should also notice that we have plenty of other schedules and ways to get your money faster without it costing you anything.

      I hope this eases your concerns.

    • Sean says:

      You can’t discredit a company for offering a service that most companies like this don’t offer at all.

      22% may be high, but it’s not like you are forced to do it. Most people won’t even have to use it.

      You can’t expect an affiliate network NOT to have complaints, many people get mad that they can’t make money in this business, they will blame it on the network. Or if they complain that they “weren’t paid” they probably didn’t hit the payment threshold, or were using blackhat methods and got caught.

      I may not have made that much with PeerFly but I like them more and more everyday and am considering moving most if not all of my campaigns to their network.

  23. Womens forum says:

    Ive never try peerfly before,looking you make me want to try some,thanks

  24. Lin says:

    I decided against signing up with PeerFly. In my opinion, they ask for too much personal information. SSN/EIN & government issued photo id (which usually has your birthdate on it).

    Does anyone else seem to have a problem with this??? Duuuhhhhh…giving out this info leaves you wide open for identity theft!

    • Chad says:


      I can understand your privacy concerns and believe me, you aren’t the only affiliate who has been concerned over the information we ask for during sign up. Because the internet marketing industry is such an easy target for fraud, we require your ID to be uploaded if you’re from certain countries. However, we can easily bypass this process for you if you feel it’s too personal. Although, we may request a phone interview or some other compliance/quality assurance process to obtain enough information to approve your application if we do bypass the ID upload.

      Your SSN/EIN number is required by law for US citizens because we have to report your earnings to the government every year for tax reasons.

  25. Ed says:

    I have accounts at several CPA networks, but it appears Peerfly is forward thinking in several areas. I signed up and am waiting on approval. Plan to run Mobile marketing campaigns here and expect great things.

    Looking for approval…so please do so and we can move on.

  26. Emergency cash is a great feature. Very soon gonna be the member of such nice site. This is a really excellent read for me. Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw. Thanks for posting this useful article.

  27. Dan Lew says:

    Which sites do you make money from with peerfly? Is it best on forums? Kindly awaiting reply!

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      Well, affiliate networks work best for the ‘act’ of affiliate marketing – a form of arbitrage of making more from the commissions than you do from buying traffic. Therefore, I personally run most of PeerFly’s stuff on sites that are built around the individual offers… instead of putting the offers on my existing sites. Although, I do from time to time… for example, PeerFly just added a Netflix offer, and so I am doing a bit of promoting of that on my site.

  28. I just made my first sale through peerfly, after 2 months, hope i get the next one faster than that

  29. Sweet I just applied waiting for the verification email 😉

  30. Interesting, I didn’t know about them. Thanks for the info.

  31. Mamba King says:


    What is interesting Plumber Sydney?The fact that you commented earlier about them and commenting again claiming you didn’t know them to drop a link?!

    I find that INTERESTING!

  32. You definitely are loyal to Peerfly ;))

  33. Sfaith says:

    How much traffic does your site have to get in order to be approved?

    If you get denied, how long do you have to wait before you can reapply?

  34. There may be another way to do it.

  35. Bond says:

    Tyler, you are my idol. and i follow you to be success.

  36. I love me some PeerFly too. 😉

  37. Natasha Maas says:

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  38. adam says:

    When it comes to monetization, I’ve tried it all.
    I started with Adsense… but was let down by the low CPCs.
    Then I promoted affiliate products… but I couldn’t get the traffic to convert.
    Then I tried CPA marketing… and quickly realized that it was THE best way to monetize.
    (In fact, CPA helped one of my sites go from 0 to $10k/month in record time), so as a blogger I suggest to join (maxbounty-mostCPA-peerfly) and choose YOUR niche, suitable offers and then start write some blogs about those offers. I guarantee that you reach out your money goals.


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