Project V Finally Revealed (And Other Updates)

November 16, 2015 Posted by Tyler Cruz

Wow, the past 12 days have absolutely flown by! It seems like it was just yesterday when I published my last update on Project V. I guess Fallout 4 will do that to you… 🙂

So, I’m sure you just want me to get straight to the subject matter of this post’s title, which is the revealing of what Project V is.

I feel that the development of the project has progressed far enough to where I can finally start revealing some information on it. So here’s a pretty big reveal. Ready? Drumroll please… Project V is…:


Get it? Project V? Votesy? You see, it’s because Votesy starts with the letter— nevermind.

So what exactly is Votesy? Well, I don’t want to reveal everything all at once, so I will continue to share more about the project in future posts. But you’re free to guess! There are plenty of clues in the logo and name for you to use.

Meanwhile, here are some updates on what’s occurred on the project over the past 12 days:

Design 100% Complete

The designer submitted the last of the design files a couple of days ago and so the design aspects of the site are now fully complete.

The design work ended up costing me a fair bit more than I was originally quoted for, but in the end it actually ended up being fairly close to my original budget since the initial quote from the designer was lower than I was expecting.

Programming Updates

The rate of progress on the site seems to have reduced over time, especially over the past week. I think this is more of an illusion though and due to two things:

Firstly, more of the finer details of the site have been starting to take place such as areas within the [hint]user control panel[/hint] as well as addressing some of the bugs that have popped up along the way.

Secondly, as more and more of the main features and aspects of the site get developed, the smaller stuff (which still take a lot of work) tend to not make as much of an impact in terms of overall progress. I think a good analogy would be observing the construction of a new house in your neighborhood. In the beginning it may look like progress is going very fast once the foundation is poured, the framing put up, the roofing done by the best roofing companies, and the drywall put up, but then it suddenly seems to take forever for the house to be completed after that.

That’s because the finer work, such as painting, putting in cabinets, electrical, etc. all have to be done but don’t appear to have been as productive as the bigger items simply because they’re not as “big”. The same thing goes with the development of a website – once a lot of the framework is done and the main features implemented, the smaller things (such as pagination or internal search options) don’t seem to have as much of an impact.

That being said, I do hope to see more of the site’s main features worked on soon, as having more of the “core” of the site done will make it easier for me to pitch to investors for a second round of investing, or even do an early soft launch of the site.

Completion Prediction

In my last update, I gave a rough prediction that “an early alpha version of the site that has basic overall functionality with bugs and missing advanced features of the website” might be ready in 7-10 days. Well, it’s been 12 days and we’re still a ways off that.

There is a live working version of the site up, but the main feature has a few critical bugs that needs fixing, and it’s also lacking the implementation of a critical feature as well as several important pages. Once those items are all done, then I will consider the site to be in an alpha development stage. My prediction for that is now another 7-10 days.

I consider the beta version of the site to be when all the main features of the site are completed and the site is only missing a few minor features and content-based pages and has a number of bugs still. My prediction for the beta version to be ready is in around 20 days from now, with perhaps 30 days being when the site is 100% complete.

Despite being a simple site, it is extremely expensive to develop, so I can’t let development drag on for too long – I need to get it launched so that it can (hopefully) start building some traffic and (eventually) some revenue.

As mentioned earlier, I will continue to unveil more information and details about Votesy in future post updates, so stay tuned!

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Posted: November 16th, 2015 under My Websites  

14 Responses to “Project V Finally Revealed (And Other Updates)”

  1. Robert says:

    Hey Tyler, thank you for the final revelation, my first guess is that it´s a site where you can customize polls like surveymonkey, but let´s see…

  2. Luke says:

    Exciting stuff! Looking forward to hearing more and checking out Votesy 🙂

  3. Tyler Cruz says:

    Robert & Paul B – You’re both close… Paul B is slightly closer.

  4. Blue Tiger says:

    WOW you talked so much about the domain, about finding the right logo and the design.

    What’s the big deal ? looks like a 5$ fiverr logo with a mediocre name at best. Good luck with that. Few thousands for this domain is a clear waste of resources. The investor must be a fool / have a lot of $$$.

  5. Catt Mutts says:

    I think I know what it is:

    It will be a head to head battle. Which one is better? This cat video vs this cat video. Let the public decide. You can integrate to Facebook, etc.

  6. ChrisBa says:

    Sounds neat, can’t wait!


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