Contest Update
October 9, 2007 Posted by Tyler Cruz
Prizes Update
It’s only been a few days since I decided to run a contest for PublisherForums and to try to get sponsored prizes, however things have been going great thus far.
I currently have $710 worth of confirmed prizes, and close to $1,000 of unconfirmed prizes. I say unconfirmed because I’m still working out the details with the various sponsors, and some of them are waiting on site revamps and relaunches.
I know some of you are probably interested in a sneak peak of what some of the prizes are, so here’s some of what’s on the plate so far (including unconfirmed prizes):
- Choice of Custom WordPress Theme or vBulletin Skin
- Free Subscriptions
- One-Year Free Hosting Package & Domain Name
- Featured Review
- Coding Services
- Content Services
- Cash
How does that sound so far? Enough to sway you to participate in the contest?
Sponsor the Contest
The contest will run between 4-6 weeks, and your product/service will be listed on the contest’s page with a link to your site as well.
If you could donate a prize or two for the contest, it would be much appreciated, and hopefully you would gain some nice exposure and possibly conversions as a result as well.
For obvious reasons, we are not interested in giving out “coupons” such as discounts or two-for-one offers; they should be completely free prizes with no strings attached.
If you’re interested in sponsoring’s upcoming contest, please get back to me at or through my contact form.
Also, if you know of any companies, freelancers, or websites that might be interested in sponsoring the contest, please let them know about the contest or contact me and I’ll contact them myself
As part of the prizes, I was thinking about donating some stuff of my own as well. However, I am unsure as to how you guys will view it. Please let me know what you think about this – no need to spare my feelings, I can take it!
I was thinking of adding 5 prizes, which would each be a 1-hour phone conference with me [I’d pay the long distance costs of course ;)]. You could talk about anything you wished (sex-chat costs extra though) and I’d try to help you as best I can.
Now, I don’t claim to be a guru – never have, but I’ve had people phone me in the past to ask for advice and tips, and they seemed to learn a lot from the conversation so I thought that it might be helpful to some people.
I would value each prize (1 hour) at $100 because that is what I consider an hour’s of my time to be worth.
What do you guys think? Is this a lame, pathetic prize, or do you think it’s something you’d enjoy winning?
In addition, I was also thinking of putting up some prizes which would be ad spots on some of my sites. I was thinking of things such as:
- Free “Paid” Review ($82.50 Value [$75 + 10%])
- Sitewide 125×125 ad on my blog for 6-months ($200 value)
- Sitewide 120×600 on for 3-months ($400 value)
Please speak up on what you think of these “Tyler Prizes”.
Don’t be Lazy!
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read on various webmaster blogs and forums of cases where a young entrepreneur or somebody new to the industry whines or complains about how they never have any money to spend on their site. I didn’t mean for that to sound mean or rude, but more often than not, a lot of these same people pass on contests such as this one.
Somebody has to win the prizes – the odds of winning a prize are actually very favourable depending on how much effort you put in. It’s not like playing the lottery and thinking you don’t have a chance, because this is not a draw – it rewards effort. And web publishing is all about effort.
In fact, in my last two contests, it was mainly two members who won most of the prizes, and between them they ended up giving winning $900 cash, and they really didn’t not have to do much to win it either other than just post on the forum!
Anyhow, enough about that…
I’ll try to continue to gather up more sponsors for the contest, and if things go well maybe I’ll grab some more prizes for you guys
Stay tuned….
I would take any one of those prizes, the phone call, paid review or the ads. They all should like excellent prizes.
I like the telephone number. Can’t get that kind of number over here in the U.K.
I am just waiting for the contest to start. Some of those prizes look awesome and I want to win some.
You will have to wait some more because I’ve been getting a lot of responses from various companies interested in sponsoring the contest!
The Discovery Channel contacted me last night and will be giving away a very nice prize as well
Stay tuned!
“The Discovery Channel contacted me.” That’s when you know your blog is getting noticed!
This contest sounds awesome. I want to win some face, or rather, ear time with Tyler, to talk about my new blog.
The Discovery CHunnel did not contact you! Are you pulling my shapely
limb? WHy would they do that? Maybe they think you dissect hippos. LOLL.
I think all the “tyler prizes” would definitely be a nice addition. Maybe even throw in some “novelty” type prizes (tyler will spend an hour playing/teaching you poker or maybe starcraft lol).
Be sure to hit up Chow for some prizes as he will probably want to promote his new network and publisherspot would be prime target audience for that
You should also try to talk Sergio/ into sponsoring with a blog redesign prize. I know I would love to win that heheh.
id kill for blog redesign by them lol!
Tyler Cruz telling us in capital letters “don’t be lazy”, for some reason that one gave me a chuckle.
Lol do you really have an 800 number?
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