Shirts for everyone!
October 27, 2005 Posted by Tyler CruzAh.. forgot to mention:
The other day I bought nice PFO ( shirts for all my moderators on my poker forum. Just as a thank-you for helping moderate the site, and to keep them happy and working hard Happy workers = good thing.
Today I also hired the original skinner of the DF skin to revamp it. I paid him extra to do complete it at a faster date (by tomorrow). This revamp will do a lot for the site IMHO, and it will be 3.5.0 compatible as well
Posted: October 27th, 2005 under My Websites
Good idea with the t-shirts. Maybe you shouldn’t only give them to moderators though. It would be great to host some kind of contest or just give some to your more active members. That also keeps those people coming back to your forum. Plus its cheap advertising by people who can actually spread the word.