So I Was on National Radio Today
January 5, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzI never, ever, used to listen to the radio, but started listening about a year-and-a-half ago while I cleaned my apartment. Now I listen to it every day, and only one station: CBC. The CBC, for those who aren’t familiar with Canada, is the largest Canadian broadcasting company for both radio and television. It’s similar in size and scope to the BBC of the U.K.
Earlier this afternoon I was picking up a burger for lunch and to take a break from the computer when I heard on the radio (CBC, of course) that they were about to discuss blogging, and in particular, B.C bloggers.
While the CBC is nationwide, as is common with radio, some programs are location specific. I live in the province British Columbia, and the program running at that time was called B.C Almanac. The fact that they were doing a piece on B.C. bloggers really had me interested, as I had expected to hear John Chow mentioned, and possibly maybe even myself.

I sped back home (why, oh why, did I have to choose the fast food restaurant that was a 20-minute drive away?) and turned the radio back on in my condo. I found out that they were accepting calls for comments and questions, and so, even though I’m quite shy, I decided to phone in. The chance to plug my blog to a provincial radio station, and be available to all of Canada and the rest of the world in their online podcasts, was just too good to pass up.
I spoke to the producer who screened me with some questions. She also asked me for my blog’s URL which I was more than happy to give, as I thought it meant I stood a good chance at getting it plugged on air. After finishing the screening process, I was told that I was selected to go on air and would be on soon.
I’ve never phoned into a radio station before, but I had assumed that even if I did get selected to go in queue, that the chances of me making it on were 50-50 at best. So, imagine my surprise when after only a few seconds I was put on air! I was just going over in my head what I should say and how I should say it when they said I was put on, so I had to think fast.
While I was listening to the beginning of the program on my drive home from the fast food joint, the guest correspondent, CBC National Technology Columnist Tod Maffin (blog), was explaining how AdSense was a great way to monetize a blog. He then mentioned how he made a few cents per click and that he got a cheque each month, but that it was very small. My idea, when phoning in, was to expand on the monetization opportunities available in blogging, and to let listeners know that bloggers can make a lot more than just a few bucks.
Anyhow, I was live on air, and really nervous, which came out in the rapid speed of which I spoke, but I managed to get my idea across. The host, Mark Forsythe, and Tod Maffin spoke back and forth briefly, and I was waiting to get asked a follow-up question, but one never came. I wanted to plug my blog and John Chow’s and discuss monetization and blogs further, but it appears that they were done with me.
What really frustrated me was that Forsythe’s next question to Maffin was “What are some other popular sites (blogs)…” and I was just waiting for Maffin to answer back with John Chow.. after all he IS in the top 50 on Technorati, and a BC blogger, but Maffin didn’t really know of any.
I tried to gently interrupt, but it appeared as though I was on mute. I then hung up since it appears I was indeed done.
I love CBC radio, but I must admit that they could work on their research before covering some stories. Even with their CBC National Technology correspondent, they had no clue about the blog world. The theme of the show was supposed to be B.C. bloggers and top B.C. bloggers, but Maffin only seemed to know of smalltime B.C. blogs. He proclaimed as “one of the most popular and well-respected blogs”, which has an Alexa of over 300,000 and Technorati as 25,692. Another blog be plugged was
I understand that not everyone blogs about making money online, and it’s really nice that there are blogs out there that aren’t worried about making a buck. And I understand that the show wasn’t about the top earning blogs, but even so, I’m sure that there are a lot more popular blogs than two two examples above.
In the end, I’m just jealous that I didn’t get my blog plugged ๐ I could have done so myself, but I didn’t want to seem shady as I really hate it when other people plug their stuff without being asked… I was waiting to be asked.
I ended up only going on air for about 30-seconds, with no follow-up questions. I’ve listened to the show many times before, and most guests get quite a lot of airtime with follow up questions. I think the reason why I was cut short was because I had called near the end of the show; I believe it ended only 6 or 7 minutes after I was on. If I had called in the beginning, I’m sure I would have been on longer. I would have called in earlier, but I was out buying grub!
Since I didn’t plug my blog (I’m going to regret that for a while…), I missed out on getting a backlink on their website, too.
Listen to the Podcast
Unfortunately, the podcast of the show is only available in RealPlayer format, so you’ll have to download RealPlayer (free) if you want to listen to it. But again, I’m only on for about 30-seconds, so it’s not worth it.
The quality of my voice wasn’t too great either since I was calling from my Blackberry… it must be so nice being able to speak in the studio with all their high-quality voice equipment.
CBC’s BC Almanac Podcast (I’m in at the 44:00 mark)
Learn from my Mistakes/Misfortune
If you ever call into a radio program to talk about your site, learn from my mistakes and keep the following things in mind:
- Try to phone in as early as possible. Not only will you improve your chances of getting on air, but you’ll most likely be given greater airtime since the host has more time to play with.
- Without trying to sound too spammy, get your site’s address out there as soon as possible. Not only will you get it in before you are cut off, but the host will often ask you the address again before you leave, to give the listeners another chance to write it down.
Whatยดs the deal giving props to JC? Why is there so many people obsessed with him?
Haven’t you read this guy’s post? He seems to be in love with that chow guy and kisses his ass every single day
This is the dumbiest blog comment i’ve ever read.
If your a “tyler hater” at least give us your name ๐
And what are you? A Tyler lover? Or are you just in a pathetic attempt to get a backlink to your crummy blog, mister nobody?
Atleast you got a chance to talk on radio to promote your blog and probably worth it.
Oddly enough I was on the radio two days ago, and will be posting it up soon, as soon as I get hold of the recording.
You sounded calm enough on the radio anyway, good job.
Bummer there Tyler that you didn’t get to plug your blog. I can’t believe this guy couldn’t come up with any more popular blogs, like duh, John Chow.
You shouldn’t worry about radio exposure Tyler, I’ve been in newspapers, magazines, on several Vancouver radio stations and on National TV but none of those mainstream outlets really attribute to higher traffic on a blog… as you pointed out ๐
At least you came close to it and I’m sure if you even got to plug your blog (not sure if you did even the slightest) then it should’ve paid off big time. Just keep listening for future references to the blogs or even call in whenever they are talking about something else and bring it up. I’m sure you’ll get some kind of traffic if you call back in and explain everything.
WOW! That really just sucks big donkey balls!
If only they had such radio stations here in Los Angeles…unless I don’t know about them LOL
That’s so easy to beat the so called “the most popular and well-respected blogs”. As a BC blogger, my blog ( has Alexa Rank:138,441 and Technorati rank:16,030.
But that’s too bad he didn’t know the biggest(I believe) blogs, and
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It would have been a great opportunity to mention your blog, you could have definitely started with something similar to “running has helped me learn quite a few things about blog monetization”, but it is an experience from which I am convinced you can learn.
Alan Johnson
That would have been the perfect chance to get some extra exposure! But at least you got the opportunity to get on the radio.
Sly from
They aren’t live links so I wouldn’t bother about it.
I’ve not listened to it yet, but i will later so until then I can ask the question: did you plug your blog on it at all?
Sure, we aren’t talking about live links, but the benefits as far as branding is concerned should definitely not be overlooked.
Alan Johnson
Hey Tyler. I feel for ya man. Totally understand BUT don’t give up. I’ve been on BC Almanac before myself (in studio, not on the telephone) and have been invited back to chat (about VoIP) and found everyone very accommodating. They’re looking for experts and commentators on topics. If you’re in their roledex on a specific topic and that topic becomes hot for whatever reason, you WILL get a call. You’ll end up getting far more than your allotted “5 minutes of fame”.
Miss604 has earned her stripes in Vancouver and Maffin has his favourites (after all, it IS a small community). Technorati isn’t always the be all determiner of value.
The best of luck in your pursuits in the new year. I’ll keep an eye now on your feed. ๐
I just took a quick listen (if there is such a thing) through your CBC show. You have a great voice – I’d never be invited to do something like that because I do not have a voice built for radio, and I’m not the most articulate speaker, so that’s fine with me.
And I can’t expect Tod Maffin to know absolutely everything about every technological subject, and overally he did pretty well about informing the public more on blogging – much better than I could ever have done. But it’s just the fact that they had kind of stressed the “Top BC blogs” several times when advertising the show, that I felt it was somewhat misleading. But again, I understand that the demographic listening aren’t too interested in hearing only about blogs that have the most traffic or are making the most income.
I have a question for you Robert, out of pure curiosity – did they pay you to do that segment on CBC?
wow now that would definitely get me fired up. Its true that they should have done the research but you should of started your sentence with “as the owner of” I ….. and kept it rolling from there. Now regret will burn you for a week or so and im sure you wont make that same mistake again.
Hey Tyler,
Sorry to hear about your bad experience on BC Almanac. Now that I know the CBC did a show about BC bloggers, I am also shocked that I did not make it on there. After all, AdAge lists as a Top 30 Canadian Business & Marketing Blog. I am only kidding about being shocked by the way. ๐
Robert is right. You should contact them and pitch to be a guest on future shows. I think you will bring tons to their listeners and get some publicity out of the deal. You should consider it.
And as for your suggestion “Without trying to sound too spammy, get your siteโs address out there as soon as possible.” I agree 100% Tyler. That is definitely good advice from a publicity perspective.
Well I think not many people now about blog. So to make money with blog is out of the question for a lot of people. I think I came across a video news during some Blog convention last year and there is a guy who interview people on the street. and guess what 9 out 10 just don’t know what blog is. Even if you go to forum not many people know what blog is.
Blogs are gaining quite a lot of popularity, with some great journalists choosing this option as well, and I am convinced that in the future things will become even better.
Basically, at this point, blogs can help you generate some more than worthwhile profits, whatever the niche you are passionate about may be.
Alan Johnson
Haha, finally get to hear your voice!
Wow, now thats a story! It really is cool being on National Radio, especially CBC. Its like #1 in throughout Canada.