This Offer Is Not Available In Your Country
March 7, 2013 Posted by Tyler CruzSo you’re in your favourite affiliate network looking for a new offer to run, when you visit the preview or affiliate link only to see the offer’s landing page redirect to a page with the message: “Sorry! This offer is not available in your country.”
Either that, or you are shown an offer that is completely unrelated to the one you’re actually trying to look at.
This is an extremely common occurrence due to certain offers being available to specific countries only, and then either the advertiser or network using their geo-location script to redirect all other countries to the network’s default landing page (usually a generic worldwide offer).
You will usually come across this issue when looking at offers that are for other countries, or if you you don’t live in the US, like me, then you will get it a lot of the time simply because the majority of offers are for the US only.
Whatever the case, I got tired of all the geo-redirection as it is imperative that I can visit the actual offer landing pages in order to do proper research and analysis, and so I use a proxy service called GeoEdge.
Now, GeoEdge is far more useful than simply being able to view all offer landing pages without being redirected. It is extremely useful, for example, for seeing if an offer has custom landing pages with the native language for different countries. This is vitally important to know so that you can make your own landing pages and ad copy and creative accordingly. You don’t want to be using English-based ads if the landing page is actually in Portuguese. The only way to know this would be to use a proxy service.
Below is a 15-minute screencast I made on GeoEdge, demonstrating its features and how it’s useful to an affiliate marketer. You may want to view it in 720 HD and full screen:
(Note: You may need to visit the post directly at if you’re reading this via e-mail or RSS in order to see it.)
One thing I forgot to include in the video above is that similar to the mobile emulator, GeoEdge also includes a browser and spider/bot emulator. This is a handy little feature when doing web development such as working on your landing pages so that you can make sure your site is loading properly in MSIE and Opera, for example. It’s also useful to make sure the advertiser offer’s landing page is loading fine in multiple browsers as well!
Another thing I didn’t mention in the video is how using a proxy service like GeoEdge is beneficial for things such as when you need a new IP or at least get ipv4 leasing. For example, a lot of PPV traffic sources limit pop-up’s/pop-under’s to display once per 24-hour period. This can be a hindrance if you’re wanting to check out some of your competition… but with a proxy service like GeoEdge, you can check out multiple pop-up iterations (if you want to view by a particular country, this will currently only work with the US since GeoEdge has multiple US-cities to choose from).
Another use is for affiliate marketers and ppc experts with multiple Facebook accounts…
As I mention in the screencast, GeoEdge is a service that I use frequently as an affiliate marketer, and it’s one of the tools that I can’t really live without when working on my campaigns.
They offer a free trial if you want to check them out.
I use WiTopia (, probably not quite as fully featured as GeoEdge, but significantly cheaper (about $60 a year), it’s an application that let’s you connect to proxy servers all around the world and surf through VPN.
I mostly use it for US netflix, but it seems like a service that would work well for this. 64 different proxy servers across 8 continents and 2 concurrent users come with the $60 a year.
Excellent review Tyler,
Here’s a question, will geoedge work for craigslist, yahoo, Google, too?
This could come in handy if you can log in there without using the same account.
Do you mean will it work for sessions and with cookies? If so, yes. I can log into Facebook with it, for example.
Yup, private proxy, and VPN. are very useful and handy some times, but I donot think I need a subscription of such.
Great review Tyler.
Just ran a trial and it works perfect! Highly recommended!
Yeah, I love how simple and quick it is to use. Time is money.
I’ve had the same problem, but I use vpntraffic and it works best for me.
its a nice tool but there are some cheaper alternatives like the other guys said here.
Thank you for sharing. GeoEdge does look like a useful tool. I may try it.
I hate it when I come across that, especially when you have been searching for a while and think you have finally found the right one.
I hate it when I come across that, especially when you have been searching for a while and think you have finally found the right one.
Remember, the law of the 3rd ensures that 1 / 3rd of the feasible results won’t occur.
This offer is not available [2054]
pls robux
The program is very beautiful
very beautiful
Ghsdrf f Synqnatb
I have to 44 the same 9hbbg