TylerCruz’s Affiliate Marketing Challenge!
June 11, 2008 Posted by Tyler CruzIt’s been a while since I ran a contest. In fact, I believe I’ve only run 2 in the past. I don’t run many contests because I like to come up with unique and fun ideas for when I do run them. I also want to make them bigger and better each time.
Here then, is my latest contest. I’ve partnered up with my good friends from MarketLeverage to be able to launch this contest, and I hope it goes well so that I can run more in the future. There are absolutely fantastic prizes up for grabs, and to be honest I’m quite jealous of you guys as I want to participate myself!
I’m proud to present my Affiliate Marketing Challenge!

The Tyler Cruz Affiliate Marketing Challenge runs from June 11th to July 11th (midnight Pacific, 3:00am Eastern time) and you are welcome to register anytime inbetween. However the earlier you register, the more time you have to start making some dough, so the sooner the better!
The process of the challenge is simple: publishers register to MarketLeverage under my referral link and then start to make as much money as they can. When the challenge ends on July 11th, the top 4 earners will each receive a corresponding prize.
The challenge only tracks participant’s income during the contest timeline, so nobody has a head start.
How to Participate
- Sign up to MarketLeverage by clicking here. It is important that you register under my referral link so that I can track your commissions. If you’ve already registered there previously, you are not eligible unfortunately as I cannot track you.
- Earn as much as you can!
- That’s it! At the end of the challenge, if you generated one of the top-4 amounts in commission, you win one of the four prizes!
1st Place: 8GB iPod Touch

Talk about a classy first place prize. Win the Affiliate Marketing Challenge and it’s yours. More details can be found on Apple’s iPod Touch page.
2nd Place: Mino Flip Video Camera

I am truly jealous of this prize. The Mino Flip is the latest line of Flip Video cameras. It is smaller, better, and simply overall sexier than both the original Flip and the Ultra.
In addition to being smaller and having new features such as pause/fast forward/rewind buttons, it also sports a rechargeable lithium ion battery (compared to the double AA batteries the original Flip and Flip Ultra use). More details can be found on TheFlip’s website.
3rd Place: $200 Market Leverage Rewards Amex Card
Let’s be honest: cold, hard, cash is one of the best prizes you could ask for. This American Express/Market Leverage Rewards card is prepaid with $200 and can be used just like any other credit card, only it is prepaid and can be thrown away when emptied.
So, what will you spend your $200 on? I suggest spending some of it on a nice dinner out to celebrate your 3rd place finish!
4th Place: 2.0GB USB Pen
MarketLeverage was kind enough to send me one of these pens. Act out your favourite spy character from your favourite spy movie with this high-tech pen. It’s a fully-functioning pen, which, when unscrewed, unveils the USB connector from inside.
With a storage capacity of 2.0 gigabytes, this pen can hold a huge amount of data on it for quick and easy data transfers.
More Information
I will be making regular posts (and/or keep an updated list on the right column of my blog) updating the current rankings and revenue earned so that you can check your ranking and see how you’re doing in comparison to others.
Don’t worry, your name will never be used on the site. I don’t even have access to it if I wanted to (MarketLeverage can still ship the winner’s prizes as they have access to it).
I strongly urge everyone to participate in this challenge. A lot of people may see this challenge and think to themselves “Too much effort” or “I don’t make very much… I won’t win”. Well, not with that attitude you won’t.
Look at this way: there are absolutely no minimum earning restrictions in order to be eligible for a prize. If the top earning participant earns $14.50, 2nd place, $11.23, and 3rd place $6.42, you might have only made $1.62 but would still win 4th place!
And, of course, you’ll keep all your profits you generated from MarketLeverage.
I look forward to seeing how this challenge progresses and hope to see a lot of you participate.
Good Luck!

I’ve registered in hopes of some better luck with MarketLeverage for Affiliate Marketing.
Are you planning on giving any tips over the next month as to how to convert a first sale? I have had AM accounts and yet to convert a first sale myself 🙁
I’m a complete PPC affiliate marketing newbie myself, so any tips or advice I do give should have that taken into consideration.
However, being a complete newbie is allowing me to learn a ton of things that I will be able to share and hopefully help other newbies.
Stay tuned for some affiliate marketing posts by me soon.
I already signed up with them last month. 🙁
I signed up, Tyler. I am interested to see what sponsors they have. Still waiting to be accepted, though. Do they call us? Or do they usually contact us via e-mail?
They should be calling you later today and will just introduce themselves and ask if you have any questions 🙂
They did call, even I am international. And the lady was very nice to speak with. 🙂
Ok, I think we must try it.
Anyway, my congrads with your programm to you, man!
Hm, I am surprised. I see 1617 RSS readers, but I thought there were for about 1200 or smth like this readers not so long ago. Am I wrong or you really did such a fantastic jump?
Hey Tyler,
There seems to be a problem with the link in the “How to participate” section. The ‘here’ link (http://www.marketleverage.com/go/marketleverage) points to a “404 Not Found” error page.
Just thought you’d want to correct that!
Thanks Crazykinux, I’ve fixed it now.
I actually received your message on my Blackberry while in bed and jumped out to fix it. That is the ONE link I didn’t want to mess up…
When I enter my name in the signature part of the agreement it says “Signature does not match Affiliate Name”
I’m entering my name correctly though. 🙁
– Carl
Glad to be of help!
(Oops! Hope I didn’t wake him up.)
Looks like fun and a smart way to get sign ups bro. I will join up later today and giver as I want the flip!
This blows! We already signed up last month, as did every serious affiliate marketer out there.. Considering ML is part of this contest, you’d think they’d be able to track our earnings if you just gave them our e-mail addresses.
Just completed my registration, now time to wait for an acceptance or approval, then its off to the races. The prizes offered a pretty sweet, nice way to attract new signups!
Yeah I agree with Zander – it’s a bit annoying how this challenge is only available to people who havn’t signed up yet. I’ve signed up, but havn’t been confirmed yet (I need to ring them), so I’ll try and get put under your affiliate link.
Hello Everybody,
I’m Mike Kelly, a Publisher Manager with MarketLeverage. It’s great to see so many publishers wanting to participate, whether you are a new to MarketLeverage or have already registered with our network. I would like to express our gratitude, and I am working on offering a second contest for TylerCruz readers already using MarketLeverage. Thank you for your interest and candid feedback.
[…] thing is, Tyler Cruz dot com is giving away the same stuff but has built those prises into a month long contest where […]
I see Ipod nano in that picture but you’re giving away touch?
Pedantic I know but you can’t be jealous of the prize.
Envious yes jealous no 😉
[…] advertising for MarketLeverage and was planning on checking them out. Late last night, I noticed Tyler Cruz is holding a new blogging contest trying to get users to register for MarketLeverage. I have never […]
Another person here that gets left out because I already registered with them in the past. Can’t be that many affiliates left that haven’t signed up with them with all the pimping they have been doing the last couple months lol.
Although you, Tyler, will probably make more this way because of the referral commissions with the new signups, Market Leverage won’t get as much participation from those that are already with them and may have a bit more traffic pulling power.
I would say, choose the one that you think, you have a better chance of winning the prizes for.
Dang it…why must you and John bust out these contests 🙂 Who to choose from!?!
No reason why you can’t participate in both. JonathanVolk.com is holding one too!
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Nice contest! Too bad for us that have already registered with ML.
Damnit, I’ve already registered myself at ML last month 🙁
All you guys that said that you have already registered for Market leverage need to read the one comment left by a market leverage official, he said “I would like to express our gratitude, and I am working on offering a second contest for TylerCruz readers already using MarketLeverage. Thank you for your interest and candid feedback.”
I guess you’re not reading all the comments 😉
That would be great! 😀
I would enter, but they rejected my application.
[…] by Tyler Cruz Paid Advertisement Before I begin, I’d like to remind everyone of the Affiliate Marketing Challenge I launched two days ago. There is an 8GB iPod Touch, Mino Flip Video Camera, $200 Market Leverage […]
Hello tyler i´ve registred in market leverage by your link and im waiting contact….
hope they work with portuguese blogs!
[…] If you have been following some of the more popular bloggers such as John Chow, Ian Fernando, and Tyler Cruz, you will have noticed that they all launched contests on the same day with the same prizes […]
Just signed up, didn’t get a call though, they wanted me to call them and I got an answering machine? What’s going on there…
They are in Eastern time, so they were not in the office when you phone. You should be getting a phone call tomorrow when they are in the office.
Look i´ve registed the time before you and i got an email to contact since that during the day im working as a seller of menswear and only at night im in the computer .
I´ve sent an email saying that and asking a contact from them between 13-14 pm lets see
Chec out my post to this contest:
Market Leverage is fashion Portuguese
Market Leverage is fashion English
What are the advantages of this program over the others?
[…] TylerCruz.com – This contest actually takes a bit of work. You have to actually earn some money via MarketLeverage. The prizes are the same as mine: $200, iPod, Camera, and USB Pen. […]
[…] II: Day 10 June 15, 2008 Posted by Tyler Cruz Paid Advertisement First, an update on the Affiliate Marketing Challenge. I’d like to encourage everyone who hasn’t entered yet and is eligible (hasn’t […]
[…] others that are having contests include – Zac Johnson, Ian Fernando, Tyler Cruz and some others. I have to make a disclaimer that I don’t get points in the contest for quite […]
[…] Tyler Cruz – to join this contest you must be his affiliate. The affiliates that earn the most wins some great prizes. An Ipod Nano, Flip Mino, $200 cash and a USB pen is up for grabs […]
[…] Posted by Tyler Cruz Paid Advertisement As usual, I’ll begin with an update on the Affiliate Marketing Challenge. I’d like to encourage everyone who hasn’t entered yet and is eligible (hasn’t signed up to […]
[…] Tyler Cruz – He’s holding an “Affiliate Marketing Challenge” for those who sign up through his referral link. His prizes are similar to those of my contest, but instead, he’s giving away an iPod Touch instead of a Nano. […]
[…] Tyler Cruz – to join this contest you must be his affiliate. The affiliates that earn the most wins some great prizes. An Ipod Nano, Flip Mino, $200 cash and a USB pen is up for grabs […]
Damn. I registered under Zach Johnson a month ago 🙁
[…] Tyler Cruz – to join this contest you must be his affiliate. The affiliates that earn the most wins some great prizes. An Ipod Nano, Flip Mino, $200 cash and a USB pen is up for grabs […]
Its hard to start now and win it when top place already has 9xx
[…] 17. Tyler Cruz […]
[…] 2008 Posted by Tyler Cruz Paid Advertisement It’s time for another update on the Affiliate Marketing Challenge. I’d like to encourage everyone who hasn’t entered yet and is eligible (hasn’t signed up to […]
[…] 25, 2008 Posted by Tyler Cruz Paid Advertisement It’s time for another update on the Affiliate Marketing Challenge. I’d like to encourage everyone who hasn’t entered yet and is eligible (hasn’t signed up to […]
[…] Tyler Cruz Paid Advertisement As usual, I’ll begin by giving another update on the Affiliate Marketing Challenge. I’d like to encourage everyone who hasn’t entered yet and is eligible (hasn’t signed up to […]
[…] would buy more if there were any more available. They also sponsor contests on my blog such as the Affiliate Marketing Challenge. In addition to that, I can’t leave out the fantastic gift package they sent me. I can even […]
[…] 3, 2008 Posted by Tyler Cruz Paid Advertisement There is just over one week left until my Affiliate Marketing Challenge will come to and […]
[…] For those who are not sure what my Affiliate Marketing Challenge was all about, check out my original post. […]
[…] Tyler Cruz […]
[…] For those who are not sure what my Affiliate Marketing Challenge was all about, check out my original post. […]
[…] the 6th Affiliate Marketing Challenge. It sure has come a long way in terms of prizes since the first challenge back in June. And we have MarketLeverage to thank for […]
[…] Tyler Cruz – to join this contest you must be his affiliate. The affiliates that earn the most wins some great prizes. An Ipod Nano, Flip Mino, $200 cash and a USB pen is up for grabs Related Posts:Market Leverage Summer Blogging Contest Win Tons Of PrizesUpdate To Market Leverage Summer Blogging ContestB-Line Revenue ContestMoneyBites Contest $800 In PrizesSquishy Cash Posted by Nick Throlson on Jun 17, 2008 This post was made under Contests […]