TylerReviews – Batch #8

April 19, 2007 Posted by Tyler Cruz

It’s time again for another batch of TylerCruz.com reviews! Here are 5 new reviews, making a total of 42 reviews of my blog so far.

The Reviews

Here they are:

ThePisstakers.com: Tyler Cruz.com review (Long, humerous review)
Selaplana.com: An Answer To Tyler’s Call Of Review-Me Challenge
UsefulIdiocy.com: Reviewed: TylerCruz.com
Asian girls (NSFW)
FibromyalgiaExperiment.com: Everybody has a story

*Note, if you reviewed my blog and don’t see your link up here yet, don’t fret! I currently have a surplus of reviews and am posting them in the order that I’ve received them and yours will be up soon.

The Results

As always, I absolutely love receiving e-mails from people stating that they’ve reviewed my blog. The more reviews, the more backlinks I get and the better Technorati ranking I get. As a result from the most recent reviews, I’ve dropped from 14,306 to 13,732 on Technorati. That’s another 574 blogs I’ve jumped! I can only hope that people will continue to send in reviews…

Review My Blog

I’ll link back to anyone who reviews my site, in an upcoming post. The review should be at least 200 words and can be positive, negative, or somewhere inbetween. You’ll get the benefit of a backlink in an upcoming post from my blog which is ranked 13,732 on Technorati, is PR5, has an average RSS readership of 500, and receives around 1000 unique visitors per day. E-mail me at tylercruz@gmail.com with your blog’s URL when you’re done.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment below, subscribing to my RSS feed, or following me on Twitter.
Posted: April 19th, 2007 under Blog Related  

4 Responses to “TylerReviews – Batch #8”

  1. PigsnieLite says:

    Fix Movie Vault please! Theres something wrong wid it! Its loading SOOooo SLooooW. [PLite pouts.] This place needs smilees.

  2. Ed says:

    Hey Tyler

    thanks for linking to the review, and the additional bit you wrote was a nice touch. About 50 visitors had a look at it so far. No idea how much of it they read, but thanks for the exposure.

    Just a thought, when you try to work out why the above campaign wasnt a resounding success, maybe be a bit more “harsh” assessing the parts you don’t think put people off. It is amazing how differently people see things, and maybe they were put off by certain elements you are happy with!!? cheers, Ed

  3. […] relevant to your blog’s theme. You can also write reviews to get backlinks just like what TylerCruz, EarnersBlog, and JohnChow […]

  4. […] relevant to your blog’s theme. You can also write reviews to get backlinks just like whatTylerCruz, EarnersBlog, […]


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