Tyler’s SPCA Fundraiser Results
January 17, 2009 Posted by Tyler CruzLast week I visited the Nanaimo SPCA to meet some of the staff, volunteers, and residents and took some photos and video for my Tyler’s SPCA Fundraiser – Save the Animals! post.
I had the idea of the fundraiser in mind for over a year so it was great to finally get it done. My goal was to raise a total of $1,000 for the Nanaimo SPCA, of which $500 would be donated by my corporation Merendi Networks Inc.
Even though the fundraiser was delayed because of a lot of snowfall here which prevented me from running it before Christmas, and even though the economy is in poor shape, close to a dozen readers were kind enough to donate to the Nanaimo SPCA and help the animals. To learn about other fundraising events you can support, take a look at https://norgesbriketten.no/dugnad-russ/.
The Results
So, did we meet my goal of $1,000? Yes! The end total came to $1,115 which is pretty good considering the economic situation and the fact that this was the first fundraiser I’ve ever fun on my blog.
Below is a list of those who donated with a link to their site or blog and the name of the dog or cat they sponsored (if any). Please check out their sites since they were kind enough to donate. It really speaks a lot for their character.
Donator | Site/Blog | Dog/Cat Sponsored | Donation |
Tyler | Merendi Networks Inc. | Olive Oil | $500 |
Market Leverage | MarketLeverage | Sam, Jinny, Mini | $120 |
John | JohnChow.ca | Barkley, Princess | $100 |
John | Claims4Free.co.uk | — | $100 |
Zac | ZacJohnson.com | Popeye | $50 |
Lisa | Lisaopolis.wordpress.com | Misty | $50 |
Dina | MarketLeverage (personal) | Loralei | $40 |
Paul | InspiredMoneyMaker.com | Chief | $40 |
Collin | CollinLaHay.com | Chimo | $40 |
Missy | GroovyVegetarian.com | Mr.Sleepyhead | $40 |
Becky | BeckyMarie.com | — | $25 |
Mike | Upstarty.com | — | $10 |
$1,115 |
I’m pleased to announce that each of the dogs and cats listed in my original post ended up getting sponsored. I’d also like to give special shoutout’s to Dina, John Chow, and Mike for helping spreading the word of the fundraiser in addition to donating.
And since I required all donators send me a copy of their e-mail receipt to prove their donation, I thought it’d be only be fair for me to do the same:
PayPal in the Works
When I visited the Nanaimo SPCA this afternoon to drop of my cheque and tell Bonnie the results of the fundraiser (which she was very happy with and grateful for, BTW), she told me that she had spoken to some of the “higher-up’s” in the chain of command about adding PayPal as one of the available payments for donating online.
They are now looking into it. Apparently they had just never really considered it or understood how valuable it would be and how many people use it.
Hopefully, when I run another fundraiser for the Nanaimo SPCA a year from now, they’ll have PayPal all set up
Thank You!
I’d like to once again thank everyone who donated for doing so. If you haven’t donated yet and would still like to, there’s nothing stopping you just because my personal fundraiser is over. The Nanaimo SPCA can of course always use donations, not just once a year. Donation instructions to the Nanaimo SPCA can be found in my original post.
I hope to double the amount raised next year and set a goal of $2,000! Thanks again everyone!
Awesome job reaching your goal.
Congratulations for reaching your goal. Glad to have been part of it.
Congratulations Tyler!
Looks like you have exceed your target by $112 there. Well done! It gives us motivation to do something noble like this. I might be doing something like that for independent orphans house soon.
Glad I could help! Wish I could adopt them all personally, but we’ve got a full house at the moment. Hope Lorelei and all the others are doing well, and thanks for supporting a great cause!
[…] for the Digital Photography School newsletter from 40 per week to over 350! The secret… Tyler’s SPCA Fundraiser Results – tylercruz.com 01/17/2009 Paid Advertisement Last week I visited the Nanaimo SPCA to meet some of […]
Congrats on the SPCA fundraiser. The only reason I couldn’t donate was because PayPal was not an option. I will be sure to donate when it becomes available.
That’s pretty awesome. Congrats on your first successful fundraiser
Awesome Tyler,
Dog biscuits and cat nip all around!
Awesomely awesome. So glad to hear you reached the goal. Yippee!!!
Thats great Tyler!
Good job, that is very generous of you. It is also nice to see other bloggers donating money too
Congrats Tyler on raising over $500 from your fellow viewers
It seems like there are more animal lovers out there!
All the donaters have done a great job in helping these dogs..Keep it up
Congrats on reaching your goal! It’s nice and heartwarming seeing some of the top webmasters making fundraisers for causes.
You are an esperiance and hardworking internet marketer,i wish to be You…
[…] it’s karma for being one of the donators in my SPCA Fundraiser I hope you can put it to good use during your dog […]
congratulations tyler , happy for you,may you get more success in your work (y)