Video Review of John Chow’s Book “Make Money Online”

July 3, 2010 Posted by Tyler Cruz

I received my copy of John Chow’s book Make Money Online: Roadmap of a Dot Com Mogul which he co-authored with Michael Kwan, around a month ago. I find it hard to sit down and read books these days, but managed to finally finish the book a few hours ago.

“Make Money Online” is really a misnomer and should be titled “Make Money Blogging”, as the book strictly focuses on blogging and monetizing a blog, but this is actually a good thing as a book about making money online in general would be far too generic.

While I did have one criticism of the book, overall I was thoroughly impressed with it, especially with the price.

Below is a video review I just finished recording and should be helpful in helping you decide whether to buy it or not.


Make Money Online: Roadmap of a Dot Com Mogul can be purchased at for only $10.85 plus S&H. I applaud John Chow and Michael Kwan for pricing the book extremely reasonably; there is no reason for people to charge $35-$50 for such things.

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Posted: July 3rd, 2010 under Videos  

42 Responses to “Video Review of John Chow’s Book “Make Money Online””

  1. David says:

    Great review! Yeah, I agree with you on the needing of an editor though, anything you get as a hardcopy you don’t really want it having grammatical errors and the likes… when it’s something online people aren’t as fussed as much though.

  2. Great review , thanks Tyler – I visit Johns blog a fair bit – I think I might have to hit up Barnes and Noble Sunday and pick up a copy of his book thanks for the heads up

  3. Michael Kwan says:

    Thanks for the review, Tyler. We actually hired an editor (via the publisher), but I guess they missed a few spots.

  4. Thanks for the great review tyler. I think I will buy the ebook. Just need a $25 total to get free shipping though

  5. Bidet says:

    Great review, the book looks like a good read. Ill be sure to check it out.

  6. Do they have it on a iBook version

  7. Julius says:

    Interesting thoughts on the book Tyler. I’ll check it out soon.

  8. Lee Ka Hoong says:

    No doubt, that’s a cool book! With that price, worth it! I think I’ll grab a copy as well… 🙂

  9. used tires says:

    Great review of the book Tyler, I definitely agree with your suggestion about adding a CD to the back, that could be a really good selling point for the book too.

    Till then,


  10. aggelies says:

    Indeed great review… Is there only a hardcopy available?

  11. Tyler i expect dancing girls on stripper poles in the background of all future video reviews. Thats how I imagine an internet mogul like yourself lives his every day life… 🙂

  12. As cheap as it sounds, I won’t be spending any money on John Chow’s book. When a blogger writes a book, too often it is the same basic material that they feature on their blog, for free. I find that Chow is best for motivation, but lacking in actual meaningful advice.

    • Might be worth considering that it could have been re written in a manner that was different from the blog and might provide a few different case studies \ examples etc.

      I stil lthink it would be worth picking up.

  13. I have bought the book a few weeks back from Amazon. For me, I find the book pretty useful and informative.

  14. Jason Webb says:

    This is a really creative post, Nowadays, consumers know what they want and what they need so it’s in our best interest to give it to them in the simplest form possible.

  15. Unfortunately, I no longer use credit cards – just paypal. How much will the shipping cost be to Tagaytay City, Philippines?

  16. Property says:

    This is nice book. A have read this.

  17. I definitely agree with your suggestion about adding a CD to the back

  18. Alan Mater says:

    Hi Tyler.

    Great review. Yes I also think it’s nice of John to price it so low so that more people can buy it. It’s also a good idea to have it in a physical book for a change instead of the usual ebook which we see everyday.

  19. Chris says:

    I agree its a great book. nice review btw

  20. One thing is that I want to make money online without spending any cents. If I had bought that book, I guess chapter 10 will also be my favorite because I am trying to make money as much as possible with Google Adsense.

  21. I wonder how long it will be until all the info in the book is outdated, all it will take would be changes to adwords rules. Surprised there is not an accompanying website and subscription model lol

    • Tyler Cruz says:

      A lot of the information is pretty timeless, but some information will certainly be out of date such as WordPress plugin information and setup as well as the affiliate networks/AdSense…

    • Probably a fair bit would be outdated – but the point is if you read the book and combine it with the up to date info found on the net you will be armed with the latest and best information.

    • If much of it does get outdated I’m sure he will just release another book. And yes he does have a subscription type model for this too. It’s called Blog Profit Camp. All of the big affiliates are quick trying to cover their bases by having their own products to fall back on.

  22. ianmalone says:

    thanks for sharing your review about that book.. it’s good to know that there are people who share their secret of earning..

  23. email lookup says:

    Thanks for the review. I also want to know about the ebook version of this book.

  24. GerryVs Web says:

    Great post. There are one million ways to make money, everyone should read and give this one a try.

  25. Yo Tyler

    I took a look at his book sometime back and I said it will be an good book to add to my collection. Yes I know mostly everything about blogging, but I still want to support John book.

    This will definitively be an good read for my readers of my blog, so I best get an whole of it and offer it to them also

    Keep the great content coming Tyler.

    “TrafficColeman “Signing Off”

  26. Interesting thoughts on the book Tyler. 😉

  27. Great review, this all helps when making those important decisions.

  28. Very helpful, keep up the good work Tyler


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