Win Free Hosting For a Year

February 25, 2008 Posted by Tyler Cruz

The following is a paid review and is completely of my own opinion and is not influenced by being paid. If you’re interested in having me review your site or product, please view my advertising page.

My RSS contest may have just ended, but here’s another one for you!

Nick Sullivan is holding an RSS contest on his blog, and is giving away a total of 5 years of paid web hosting. The hosting packages are all courtesy of sponsors.


There are a total of 6 hosting packages up for grabs, totalling a value of $514.25:

  • 1st Place: ICDSoft Business package for 1 year + free domain.
  • 2nd Place: ICDSoft Universal package for 1 year.
  • 3rd Place: ICDSoft Universal package for 1 year.
  • 4th Place: WireNine Personal Hosting Plan for 1 year.
  • 5th Place: BudgetHost Webmaster hosting for 6 months.
  • 6th Place: BudgetHost Standard hosting for 6 months.

More information on the sponsors and hosting packages can be found below:

Sponsor 1 –


ICDSoft have offered a generous 3 years of free hosting.

Prize(s) from ICDSoft

  • 1 Year – Business Package + Free domain ($125 total value) (Full Details)
  • 1 Year – Universal Package ($75 total value) (Full Details)
  • 1 Year – Universal Package ($75 total value) (Full Details)

Sponsor 2 –


WireNine is giving 1 year of free hosting.

Prize(s) from WireNine

  • 1 Year – Personal Hosting Plan ($69.95 total value) (Full Details)

Sponsor 3 –


BudgetHost is giving out two 6-month packages, totalling 1-year of free hosting.

Prize(s) from BudgetHost

How to Enter

To enter, all you have to do is subscribe to Nick’s blog RSS feed via email, which you can do by clicking here.

Contest Deadline

The deadline for Nick’s contest is February 28th which is only 3 days away, so be sure to subscribe before then.

He will be announcing the winners the next day on February 29th.

Probability of Winning

The poker player in me can’t help but think of the great odds you’re getting in this contest.

As I write this, Nick’s blog currently has 172 RSS readers. If we assume that he has a 15% distribution of e-mail RSS subscribers, which is a high estimate, that works out to only 25 RSS e-mail subscribers.

Since you have 6 chances to win a prize, your odds are 6/25, which is 24%! That is, of course, if nobody else signs up after reading this post, but man… a 24% chance of winning free hosting?

Even if Nick signs up another 75 e-mail RSS subscribers as a result of my review, that’s still a 6% of winning, which is really not that bad when all you have to do is subscribe by e-mail.


Let’s Help Nick Win a 5-way RSS Competition

Nick is obviously running this contest to boost his RSS numbers, but there’s actually another reason behind it.

He is currently in a competition with 4 other bloggers (Ian Fernando, Slyvisions, Thomas Sinfield and The University Kid) to see who can gain the most subscribers in 1 month. More information about that 5-way competition can be found here.


It appears that Nick has been going all out to try to win the competition: he’s purchased paid reviews from John Cow and my blog which isn’t exactly cheap (that’s already over $300), and of course came up with a great but simple RSS contest. He’s also the underdog of the competition, starting with the lowest RSS count.

Because of his strong effort to win the competition, and his willingness to spend money in order to do so and gain RSS subscribers, I’m personally rooting for him to win!

I personally think he really needs to offer a “Subscribe by E-mail” form on his blog, much like what I have on mine, as it really does help bring in new subscribers. Especially when he’s not holding a contest, as there is no method or link to subscribe by e-mail.

Anyhow, let’s help Nick Sullivan win the 5-way competition since he purchased this paid review! I gained 167 subscribers from my first RSS contest, and 88 from the second one that just ended, so hopefully we can give Nick a big boost in the contest.

Don’t forget, you have a great chance to win free hosting as well.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment below, subscribing to my RSS feed, or following me on Twitter.
Posted: February 25th, 2008 under Paid Reviews  

23 Responses to “Win Free Hosting For a Year”

  1. Jason says:

    Baah, boring hosting or cold hard cash? I know what I’d choose… 😛

    Cheers for the link mate 🙂

  2. Chris says:

    That’s pretty fucking ballsy of him to purchase a review from the cow when his site is a complete rip off with a crappy design, right down to the html/css.

    People these days have no shame.

  3. Wow. Wish I had the money to splash out on a review like this! I hope it pulls in the feed numbers!

  4. […] – my buddy Internet Babel is coming close though, especially as he’s splurging the cash on paid reviews. Those of you that want to engage in RSS contests of your own may find such a situation […]

  5. Tom Beaton says:

    Well I signed up. As Tyler mentioned the odds are good, signing up is easy so nothing to lose really.

    Would definitely help if you had a mini announcement on the right hand column and a subscribe box. That way people who saw your blog and knew nothing about the competition would immediately know about it.

    Best of luck!

  6. […] out there won’t take me seriously. However, I totally give my respect to Tyler Cruz from I know he is a pretty well-known and uprising blogger. He is the only person replied my email with […]

  7. […] competition has just reinforced how effective competitions are in gaining […]

  8. taquila says:

    What happened to your RSS subscribers?

    1300… still think its a hiccup?

  9. Looks like an awesome blog. Thanks for the heads-up Tyler!

  10. Hey Tyler, thanks for keeping this review #1 post for so long 😀

    By the way, about having an email subscription. Yeah, I always had one originally, right from the get go. I think it’s so convenient, I love the option.

    Only reason I haven’t of late is because of the switch to the Cow’s theme. I used to have a different one. Which basically is just because I’m lazy and still haven’t bothered to paste the form in lmao.

    Also, I find it funny the few people ‘having a go’ at me for having Cow’s theme… and ironic. Considering John COW is a rip off blog himself!

    I didn’t rip it off anyway, I BOUGHT it, Cow sold it publicly. If he didn’t want other people to use it I can’t imagine him selling it. These people are silly billies, should know what they’re talking about first.

  11. Ron Ripple says:

    You rip off!!!

    JK.. I like my john cow theme! Works well with me. The people that I’m reaching to.. don’t know john cow from jerry mouse.

    I’m going for Nascar Fans, NOT money maker bloggers.

    Keep up the good work Nick!

  12. PigsnieLite says:

    A NEW NUT THE FLUCK please! You never pay attention to on on MoVa anymore! [PLite pouts.]

  13. Good luck to Nick. Shame the expensive John Cow review was such a cop out – he just repeated the information instead of actually reviewing it.

  14. Hussein says:

    I won this contest. Thank you. This will not happen to me if I were now subscribed to your feedburner.

  15. Too bad im signed up with Hostgator for 2 years 🙁

  16. […] contest runs through until March 31, so you still have plenty of time to participate. The last blog contest I posted about that somebody else was holding was won by one of my readers who won free web hosting […]


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